Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

Director Lao Wang's face instantly turned red and he closed his eyes. He would never watch or eat this time.

But the damn aroma was floating between his nostrils.

Lao Huang was such a wicked guy!

He secretly swore in his heart that he would make him pay for his mistakes in the future!

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"Hahahaha! I love watching Mr. Huang and the director battle wits and courage!"

"Sure enough, this is what happens when you offend an old fox!"

"Is it really that delicious? Director Lao Wang is almost drooling at the sight of it."

"Oh, I'm hungry."

"It’s over, it’s over, Director Lao Wang is holding a grudge against me!"

"Teacher Huang is also very brave! The rules that Director Lao Wang just gave him were not enough to scare him."

"Ouch, my stomach hurts from laughing"

"I was so hungry, so I ordered a takeaway for myself right away."......

During the meal, Teacher Huang and Teacher He talked about the past. Everyone was talking and laughing and having fun.

Guan Tiantian quickly ate her fill in order to eat first. She leaned back in her chair and felt a little regretful.

She was also a beauty-loving child. She didn't know if she would gain weight by eating so much all of a sudden.

Redina and Zhang Zifeng took the initiative to take on the task of cleaning up the dishes.

The two washed the dishes and felt the night breeze of Manyuan Village.

"I found that Mr. Ye's yard is really beautiful!"Teacher He looked into the distance and noticed the quiet and mysterious Ye's yard under the moonlight.

"If you are interested, you can come to my yard and sit for a while. I happened to have brewed a few jars of wine and buried them in the yard."

"You can have a taste."

They invited me to be their guest in the Mushroom House. As a courtesy, Ye Fang naturally wanted to invite them back.

He calculated the years and found that the jars of wine buried in the yard were just about ready to be opened.

‘There is also wine?"Teacher Huang's eyes lit up, and he became interested when wine was mentioned.

Although he is not an alcoholic, it is not strange for him to like drinking at this age.

It is said that wine can relieve all worries. After living for most of his life, he occasionally needs wine to dispel the boredom in his heart.

Besides, with Mr. Ye's elegant temperament, the wine he brews must be good! Thinking of this, Teacher Huang couldn't wait to stand up, smiling brightly.

"I just finished my meal, so I might as well take a walk."

"We certainly can't refuse Mr. Ye's invitation, right?"

Looking back at Teacher He and the others, Teacher He smiled and nodded;"Yes, I haven't really appreciated Mr. Ye's small courtyard yet."

"I want to go!" Guan Tiantian immediately raised her hand and answered. She wanted to take a closer look at the place where her father had lived for five years.

Liu Youyou also stood up immediately:"I want to go too."

She didn't have a chance to see it. It turned out that her father lived nearby!

Zhang Zifeng was secretly looking forward to it. She still had time to take a closer look at the beautiful little courtyard!

Redina was very curious about what Mr. Ye's courtyard looked like?

Most people were not interested in the wine brewed by Ye Fang alone.

Except for the fine wine brewed by professional winemakers, the wine brewed by ordinary people just out of interest would not be very delicious.

After all, wine is something that requires time to study carefully before you can learn the real thing.

However, even if the wine brewed by Mr. Ye is so-so, on the basis of his good cooking skills, he can also make simple wine, which is already a plus.

"Okay, let's go together after they finish washing the dishes."Ye Fang smiled and nodded, very welcoming.

Hearing this, Zhang Zifeng's speed of washing dishes increased visibly, and he began to look forward to it.

Redina was in charge of cleaning the dishes, and she could hardly keep up with Zhang Zifeng's speed.

"Zifeng is indeed a little expert in washing dishes, he is very skilled at it!"

Redina said with a smile, which made Zhang Zifeng's cheeks blush slightly. He glanced at Redina cautiously, afraid that she would misunderstand him. He said in a panic:"Yes, yes, I can't help much, I can only wash the dishes."

"I see." Redina smiled and nodded, as if she didn't see anything.

Zhang Zifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but was careful not to show it too obviously.

After washing the dishes, everyone took off their aprons and followed Ye Fang's steps to the sunflower yard.

On the road, the street lights were swaying, the light breeze was blowing, and the fragrance from the fruit fields drifted over.

The air was sweet and fragrant.

Redina took a deep breath of the sweet air and stretched.

Zhang Zifeng was as quiet as usual, silently following behind the elders.

Soon they came to the fence of the small yard. Liu Youyou curiously tiptoed to look inside. Seeing the exquisite and beautiful yard, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Daddy's little yard is so beautiful!"

Ye Fang smiled and rubbed Liu Youyou's long black hair, opened the fence and invited everyone in.

Stepping into the yard, the faint fragrance of flowers drifted into the nose, and the exquisite pavilion and flowing water looked quiet and comfortable under the moonlight. The sunflowers that faced the sun during the day now drooped their heads, adding a bit of sadness.

There was a swing with vines in the yard. Liu Youyou ran over in surprise and sat on the swing.

Ye Fang asked Teacher Huang and others whether they wanted to enjoy the cool in the yard or stay in the house.

"This courtyard is so beautiful, we must take a good look at it!"

"I won't go in, I don't have any shoes to change into, I'm afraid I'll dirty the wooden board."

The most important thing is that he came for the wine, other things are not important.

""Okay." Ye Fang smiled and nodded without forcing it, and walked into the house.

Everyone sat down in the small pavilion, looking at the quaint little pavilion, and there were a few koi swaying happily in the artificial lake.

The mood involuntarily calmed down.

Several people had just left the city and came to the remote countryside, and they had not yet switched.

But as soon as they stepped into Ye Fang's small yard, they couldn't help but quiet down.

The four little ones walked around in the small yard excitedly, and they were already thinking about the happy rural life they would live here in the future.

Redina looked around with her beautiful eyes, and had to sigh that Mr. Ye had a good taste.

Such a man is really good.

No wonder Sister Mi and those goddess girlfriends fell in love with him at first sight. His genes were chosen.

Such a man is not only talented, but also has a great quality of life.

Even if he lives in a remote and backward mountain village, he can live a life that she envies.

Zhang Zifeng carefully observed every place, and was amazed at the exquisiteness of Mr. Ye, a big man.

If she were given such a place, she would definitely not be able to take care of it well!

Guan Tiantian came to the piano, and her chubby white fingers touched the black and white piano keys.

This is the piano that Dad played!

A sense of excitement emerged in her bones, her heart moved at will, and her ten little fingers tapped the piano keys.

A melodious piano sound rang out, attracting everyone who was resting in the pavilion.

It also attracted Ye Fang who came out with a small shovel.

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