Teacher Huang selectively blocked out what he had just heard.

Regardless of whether what the children said was true or not, if it was true, it was not in line with common sense!

In addition to Youyou and Tiantian, the two little guys who were confirmed geniuses, what were the other two children talking about?

Black system? Own group? ?

Teacher Huang still wanted to rest and recuperate in the Mushroom House. Suddenly, I felt that cooking was very simple, very simple.....

Well, let's make breakfast for the kids.

Teacher Huang suddenly enjoyed the leisure time while cooking and gave up the idea of eavesdropping.

At this time, the phone in the mushroom house rang.

Hearing the phone ringing, Teacher Huang was busy and couldn't get away. The others hadn't woken up yet, so she smiled at the four little ones:

"Children, can you do me a favor? Go answer the phone. If it's a guest, ask them what they want to eat."

""Okay!" Guan Tiantian raised her hand obediently, stood up, and ran into the house with her two short legs.

The three little ones followed curiously. This was the first guest of the mushroom house!

Children are very curious.

Guan Tiantian's chubby little hand grasped the handle of the phone, which seemed a bit big, put it to her ear, and asked in a baby voice:

"Hello, this is the Mushroom House, who are you?"

An equally childish voice came from the other side.

"Hello, I am the guest coming to the Mushroom House today~"

Yaoyao saw that Guan Tiantian, the silly little girl, actually answered the phone herself. Didn’t she know that they wanted to listen too? She immediately turned on the hands-free call and heard the other party’s voice.

Yang Anan’s face was full of confusion:"Why is there a little kid coming too?"

Liu Youyou understood:"Maybe it’s the guest’s child!"

But after a few seconds, Guan Tiantian, who was responsible for answering the phone, said nothing and did not open her mouth to answer the other party.

Yaoyao looked at Guan Tiantian strangely. What’s wrong with her?

I don’t know what this silly little girl is thinking! Just help her answer the phone.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" Yaoyao asked in a clear voice.

This was the task assigned to them by Teacher Huang.

If Teacher He answered the phone, she would guess the other party's identity, but Yaoyao was not interested and just thought the other party was a child.

The childish voice on the other end sounded again:"Let me think about it.~"

"Then let's have...Pork in Pot, Big Plate Chicken, Curry Spare Ribs..."

I thought the other party would only order one or two dishes. When I heard the names of the dishes and was about to say,"Okay, no problem," a series of names of dishes followed, which seemed to be endless. Yaoyao was stunned on the spot.

Who can remember this?

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked:

"Oh my god, are you serious about this many dishes??"

"This voice sounds like a child but it doesn't sound like a real child."

"This kid really loves to eat!"

"Wow, this kid is so awesome!"

"I can’t even remember it, how can Yaoyao remember it?"


"This is probably going to be a full banquet!"

"Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is out?"

"Awoooooooooo!!! Are you announcing the names of the dishes?".......

Yang Anan and Liu Youyou were also stunned. After hearing the names of the dishes, they suddenly felt very hungry and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

They were hungry after listening to them, but this little sister was too greedy!

"Even more than me!" As a foodie, Yang Anan smacked his lips and shook his head. He waited until the other person's mouth was dry before he moistened his throat and said with a relaxed smile:"No problem?"

The other person was obviously proud in his heart. I said so many names of dishes, can you remember them?

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought that Yaoyao couldn't remember them, Yaoyao opened her mouth and said

"Are you sure you want to eat, sweet and sour pork, big plate chicken, curry spareribs....So many?"

"I'm afraid Uncle Huang can't do it."

Yaoyao said the names of the dishes without missing a single one, with a calm expression and without taking a breath, asking the other party politely.

This time the other party was silent.

Yaoyao's mouth curled up a faint smile.

She has been able to read ten lines at a glance since she was a child and has almost a photographic memory. Her memory is very strong.

In addition, after she took over part of the family business at the age of five, her memory has been well trained.

Remembering the names of dishes is nothing to her.

But the audience in the live broadcast room was not calm:

"??? Is this just a blind guess or can you really remember it?"

"Did I hear it right? How can you remember this?"

"Is that human being!!!!"

"This is amazing!"

"Oh my god!!!!"

"So strong!"

"What kind of deity is Yaoyao?! Is this possible?"

"The other party was confused. He was teased on purpose but ended up being shocked?"

"Are these four little ones all gods descended to earth? Are they the Child-like Ladies of Tianshan? Do they actually have souls that are several dozen years old?"

"Oh my god, if it wasn’t the 21st century, I would have suspected that the four kids were just time travelers!!"......

This is really shocking.

But it is not difficult to accept. After all, there are programs like The Brain that prove that there are children with overdeveloped brains in the world.

But compared with ordinary people, Yaoyao's memory is really strong!

But Yang Anan and the other two seemed very calm. This is their daily life, nothing to be surprised about!

"Hello, are you still there?"Yaoyao saw that the other party didn't speak, so she asked again

"Ah, okay, let's order the first two dishes!" The other party seemed to have just come to his senses and said in an awkward tone.

After hanging up the phone, Yaoyao prepared to tell Teacher Huang the dishes the other party had ordered.


Tears fell on the table, and Guan Tiantian started crying.

Even fear appeared on her cute face.

"What's wrong, Tiantian, why are you crying suddenly?"Youyou noticed this and asked in confusion.

Guan Tiantian has well-developed tear glands and usually cries a lot, but she felt something was wrong when she heard the voice on the other end of the phone just now. She didn't say a word, but now she suddenly cried, which made the three little ones worried.

Although the four little ones usually quarrel with each other, their sisterhood is still there.

"I...I'm so scared." Guan Tiantian said in a tearful voice.

Yaoyao could sense the key point, and tilted her ear to Guan Tiantian,"What situation did you whisper to me about?"

"The person who just called is my sister Guan Tong'er...."Guan Tiantian sobbed and whispered in Yaoyao's ear

"Is it your sister?"Yaoyao's delicate face showed a hint of surprise.

No wonder Tiantian was crying. Her sister came suddenly, most likely to take her back.

After all, they may not be as lucky as An'an to get the support of their mother.

Now, Yaoyao, who has always been the most opinionated, didn't know what to do.

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