Originally, it was thought that she was pregnant before marriage and her boyfriend died, which was still reasonable.

After all, no one can stop natural disasters and man-made disasters, and it is at most not a decent thing.

But now it is known that Guan Youlan used artificial insemination to give birth to a child just to escape marriage!

If outsiders knew about it, it would be a big scandal.

Where would the reputation of the Guan family be?

Old Master Guan was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. He could never have imagined that his youngest daughter, who looked like a lady from a noble family, would do such an extraordinary thing.

Fortunately, Guan Tiantian's identity has not been announced to the public.

The follow-up of the matter can still be controlled, and the specific location of Guan Tiantian is also known.

"Youlan, you are just fooling around! How could you do such an outrageous thing!"

Guan Youlan's brother was so angry that he shook his head again and again. Looking at his old father who was so angry, he was also in a headache.

But things have developed to this extent, and blaming him is of little use.

He can only continue to pay attention to Xiangwang's live broadcast room, hoping that it will not get worse.

Guan Youlan dared not speak, looking at her angry father, her helpless elder brother, and looking at her daughter on the screen with a wronged look.

Your mother has been really screwed by you!.......

Yang Mier looked at the live broadcast room with a mixed feeling of joy and worry.

She could never have imagined that her sensible and obedient daughter would join other children to go to such a far place as Manyuan Village.

The purpose was to find her father?

This reminded Yang Mier of her daughter's first day in kindergarten. When she returned home, she hugged her arms and asked:

""Mom, why do other children have dads but I don't?"

Yang Mier thought that the other party only provided a seed, and her daughter grew up with her own care and company.

Even if there is no so-called father, it is dispensable.

Yang Mier explained with a gentle smile:"Because An An was born by mom alone, she is different from other children, but mom can give An An all the love!"

"No, no, An An wants a daddy too!"

That day, the obedient daughter kept making a fuss. After that, she never asked for a daddy again.

Yang Mier thought the matter was over, but she didn't expect....

Thinking about it carefully, the daughter just hid her feelings for her father, and hid it very well.

But through her powerful hacking ability, she found information about her father.....

Finally, together with the other children, they made sufficient preparations and secretly left home.

Yang Mier stared at the screen, her daughter An An's tender and eager eyes, for a long time.

Then, she called someone

"Xiaodi, there is something I need your help with...."

"Well, I'll leave it to you then."

After explaining the situation to the other party, Yang Mier hung up the phone and slowly exhaled. Her beautiful face was filled with guilt.

Dear An An.

It was mom who had always ignored the point that you needed a father.

Everything is mom's fault.

If you want to see your father, mom won't stop you.

But if that person doesn't recognize you or treats you badly, I will take you back to mom.

The sigh echoed in the spacious office, slowly calming down.......


Manyuan Village.

A group of people carrying cameras and broadcasting live followed the footsteps of the three little girls.

Their appearance attracted the attention of Manyuan Village.

Yaoyao took a deep breath of the fruity air and said with a smile:"Is this where Dad has always lived? I like it very much."

Then she turned her little face to the side and looked at the tablet in Yang Anan's hand with a clear and moist gaze.

"Are we going to get there? An'an,"

Yang An'an held a tablet in her white jade-like hands, and the interface of the tablet was made up of countless complex characters, like a map.

It looked obscure and difficult to understand, even Teacher Huang and Teacher He couldn't quite understand it.

Peng Peng, the middle school boy, only thought it was like the interface commonly used by hackers in novels, which was a bit powerful.

But after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head and said to himself with a smile.

"How is it possible? It is too unreasonable for a five-year-old to be a hacker."

But he didn't know that Yang Anan was actually a hacker, and he was one of the top ten hackers in the world.

Teacher Huang smiled awkwardly and said,"Nowadays, children are playing with high-tech, I don't understand it!"

"Yeah, I don't understand it either." Teacher He smiled helplessly.

They said they were helping the children find their father, but in fact they were just following the children.

It was so complicated that he had forgotten the way he came.

"Uncle, I don’t understand it either. Only An An can understand it. Follow it and you can find your daddy!"

Guan Tiantian, who is innocent and naive, said in a baby voice, full of joy and excitement.

The comments in the live broadcast room:

"What interface is this? I've never seen it before."

"Wow, this isn't a hacker interface, is it?"

"The above, are you sure? A five-year-old is a hacker?"

"Looking at his son playing with plasticine beside him, he kicked him away."

"The interface looks really complicated"

"This age...If you are a hacker, that would be awesome!".......

No one could understand the interface, but Yang Anan could see it clearly. Soon, she stopped and stood in front of a farmyard.

She raised her head excitedly and said to the people behind her,"We're here!"

"Have we arrived yet?"

Teacher Huang looked up at the farmer in front of him, and was amazed by the scenery in front of him.

The fence of the farmyard was only half a person's height, and the scenery in the yard could be seen.

The quaint courtyard was full of bright yellow sunflowers, large patches of them, all facing the sun.

There were also some unknown flowers of various colors in full bloom.

Butterflies and bees were picking nectar from the flowers.

The quiet, elegant, and exquisite courtyard showed the careful care of the owner, which made it so clean and beautiful.

"What a beautiful yard...."Zhang Zifeng was stunned for a moment, and his clear eyes were full of yearning.

Compared with the mushroom house, the courtyard in front of him was more elegant.

In the pavilion in the yard, tea sets were placed, and it was obvious that the owner was a tea lover.

Teacher Huang envied:"If this is our mushroom house, I will stay in the kitchen every day and not go out. I will be willing to die of heat!"

Teacher He said with a smile:"Do you still want to continue cooking?" Teacher

Huang was about to speak when he heard the sound of a piano quietly ringing.

Pleasant and pleasing to the ear....

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