The audience in the live broadcast room now understands why the queen came to Xiangwang

"Did the Queen approach Mr. Ye before to collaborate?"

"Mr. Ye is really awesome. He doesn't even care about the invitation from the queen."

"I guess there are too many singers seeking collaboration, and Mr. Ye can't see them all."

"I don't know what to say, I can only shout at the top of my lungs"

"Could it be that Tian Hou came to Xiangwang because he wanted to continue cooperating with Mr. Ye?"

"The Queen came to Xiangwang for Mr. Ye!"

"I said the princess never participated in variety shows, why did she come to such a far place? Now I know."

"Mr. Ye is so awesome!"

"Wow! This is my idol, I'm so proud!".......

Everyone has guessed why the princess came to Xiangwang.

But no one expected that the princess was a queen, and many creators had tailored songs for her, but none of them were favored by her.

But the princess took the initiative to find Ye Fang for cooperation, and the other party didn't even read the private message.

Not only that, the news that Ye Fang was the anonymous creator just broke out yesterday, and the princess flew over early this morning.

This sincerity can be seen how strong it is.

If it were any other creator, it would probably be incomparably excited and grateful.

But Ye Fang still had a faint expression and no special reaction, as if the person standing in front of him was not a queen of high status, but an ordinary person like anyone else.

The princess also felt Ye Fang's attitude towards her, which was very plain.

This made the princess, who enjoyed various preferential treatments and respected, look at Ye Fang differently.

However, no matter what Ye Fang's attitude towards her was, she came to Manyuan Village this time for only one purpose.

To buy Ye Fang's songs.

After hearing Ye Fang's explanation, the princess looked relieved and smiled lazily, as if she was slightly relieved.

"So this is ah"

"Then I feel relieved. I was afraid that Mr. Ye disliked me so much that he deliberately didn’t reply!"

"It's because there are too many private messages and she didn't see them, that's great."

These words made Peng Peng want to give Mr. Ye a thumbs up.

He is worthy of being my idol! Not reading the Queen's private messages can make the other party not angry at all.

Not only was the princess not angry, she was also worried that Ye Fang didn't like her. When she found out that it was not the case, her mood became much brighter, and a smile appeared on her face.

Who is the Queen Princess?

No matter what the occasion, unless there is something particularly happy, she doesn't need to be polite to anyone.

If she wants to laugh, it means she is really in a good mood, and she is never deliberately laughing to cater to the occasion.

She is very real, free and easy, but her smile at this moment surprised Peng Peng.

Mr. Ye is very important in the heart of the Queen Princess!

The barrage in the live broadcast room broke out:

"Am I seeing right? The princess smiled?"

"Oh my god! The Queen is not only not angry but also very happy. She is also afraid that Mr. Ye will be disgusted...."

"Tell a joke...The queen is afraid that others will dislike her!"

"I rarely see the queen smile, and this time I was shocked!"

"Awesome! Mr. Ye is really awesome!"


"My idol smiled, smiled!!!"

"The queen never makes fake expressions, this smile is really happy..."

"I didn't know what to say for a moment.....".......

The three of them approached the mushroom house. From a distance, everyone in the shed had already stretched their necks.

When they saw the elegant woman with a lazy temperament and a smiling face walking beside Ye Fang, they were all stunned.

Guan Tonger rubbed his eyes and said blankly:"Am I seeing things? This is the Queen of Heaven and the Princess..."

She grew up listening to Wang Fei's songs! How many people born in the 1990s don't know her?

Although she is not everyone's idol, her status, mystery, and unique personality are all admired by Guan Tong'er, who is also a female star.

Wang Fei hasn't appeared in the public eye for several years.

She actually came to Xiangwang!!! And she came alone.

Isn't this incredible?

Teacher He smiled in surprise:"I didn't expect it to be the queen, so I didn't believe my guess."

The voice of the queen Wang Fei is recognizable, how could he not recognize her?

But compared with the previous guests of Xiangwang, Wang Fei is unlikely to come to Xiangwang.

If they want to come, they can be notified before the show starts, and then prepare in advance, after all, they have to pay attention to it.

But now nothing has been prepared, just a table of cross-bridge rice noodles and side dishes.

It looks like a full table, but I always feel that it is still a little short of welcoming the queen.

Teacher Huang glanced at Director Lao Wang, who also stretched his neck to look at it, and there seemed to be no surprise on his face.

Since they were not informed in advance that the Queen was coming, the old king was not too surprised.

Teacher Huang's shrewd calculations quickly began to think.

Then he looked at the princess's usually silent face, which was now full of smiles. From time to time, she looked at Ye Fang and took the initiative to talk to him....

The princess, she should be here for Mr. Ye!

Teacher Huang guessed in his heart, not knowing that what he guessed was the truth.

But others have not thought about it to this level.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhang Zifeng's chubby face, and he blinked his eyes in disbelief.

Redina seemed a little calmer, but although she was a top female star, she was still a long way from the queen. She had respect and awe for the princess in her heart.

But she was very surprised to notice the attitude of the queen princess towards Mr. Ye.

Isn't Mr. Ye an outsider? Why did the queen smile at him?

The four little ones were not very familiar with the queen princess. Only Guan Tiantian had heard a lot of the princess's songs and was relatively influenced by her.

But seeing that the adults were so surprised, they were also curious about each other's identity.

After all, when the princess became the queen, they were not born yet!

The three of them walked into the mushroom house, and Teacher Huang, Teacher He and others stepped forward to greet them.

""Teacher Huang, Teacher He, hello, sorry to bother you." The princess smiled generously and shook hands with the two.

Teacher Huang was a little surprised to see the princess in person, and smiled politely:"I thought I was seeing things, but I didn't expect the queen to come!"

Teacher He also smiled and said:"I haven't seen you for several years."

The princess lowered her eyes and smiled:"I came too suddenly, I should have greeted the two teachers in advance"

"But I decided to come yesterday. Only the director knew about it. I didn’t have time to tell the two teachers. I’m so sorry!"

Sure enough! Only Lao Wang knew about it!

Teacher Huang turned around and glared at Director Lao Wang fiercely.

Director Lao Wang was very proud. He prepared many surprises for you today.

Surprised or not?

Director Lao Wang laughed wildly at the side, making Teacher Huang angry.

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