The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited:

"Oh my god, Chen Yixun is here too!"

"I am not wrong, right????"

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect Chen Yixun to come too"

"Why does this picture feel so unreal?"

"Mr. Ye is so awesome, these two big shots are here!"

"I'm happy!"

"Hahahahaha, Chen Yixun pushed his senior sister away!!"

"I also particularly like Chen Yixun’s songs, I didn’t expect he would be here too!"

"Oh my goodness, the smell of gunpowder is so strong!"

"It’s over, it’s over, the queen is going to be angry!"......

The words that Mr. Huang was about to say got stuck in his throat. When he saw Chen Yixun push his senior sister away just to say hello to Ye Fang, his eyes widened.

This is the queen of pop! She is also your senior sister!

In your eyes, she is not as important as Mr. Ye?

Mr. He's right eyelid began to twitch, and he had a bad feeling.

If the two of you came to the Mushroom House talking and laughing, it would definitely be a great honor!

But in this conversation, the attitude is not right, it is obviously directed at Ye Fang!!!

Peng Peng's eyes almost fell out of his sockets.

It was over, and his third idol also showed up, and he was smiling with his senior sister....

This scene was unreal and confusing to the fans.

What was going on?

The princess was straightforward by nature. She was very angry at her junior brother and stepped forward to hold Ye Fang's other hand.

"Mr. Ye, I like your songs too, you know that!"

Ye Fang had a wry smile on his face. He could only thank the two for their appreciation, but he also had to endure the secret competition between them.

"Mr. Ye, I liked your song five years ago!" Chen Yixun said hurriedly

"Me too! I covered the first song before!"The princess gritted her teeth and laughed.

Both of them were smiling, but why did they feel a slight electric current in the air making a crackling sound?

Ye Fang felt that the force in his hand was getting heavier and heavier, and the atmosphere between the senior sister and the brother was getting worse and worse. He quickly pulled his hand away and said with a smile:

"Both of you are quite strong."

Chen Yixun then realized that he had just competed with his senior sister and accidentally increased his strength.

Looking at the faint red mark on Ye Fang's hand, he apologized:"Sorry, I didn't notice it."

"Sorry."The princess also apologized embarrassedly, but in the blink of an eye, the two senior sisters and brothers looked at each other fiercely, and lightning and fire crackled.

Teacher Huang slapped his head, his head was big.

Don't do this!

Teacher He was also nervous. He thought the atmosphere was eased, and in the blink of an eye, the two started again.

Just when he thought the two were going to do something, there was a"gurgle" sound.

Chen Yixun glanced at his abdomen, his old face flushed, and his momentum weakened instantly.

The princess put away her sharp momentum and glanced at him lightly:"There are rice noodles over there."

"That's great!"Chen Yixun was very hungry, in a similar situation to the princess. Seeing the rice noodles and side dishes on the table, she asked Teacher Huang for a bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

"Well! Not bad, not bad, worthy of Mr. Huang’s cooking skills!"

"This dish is delicious!"

"I heard that Mr. Ye is a good cook. I wonder if I can enjoy the meal today?".....

Chen Yixun became a chatterbox, muttering while eating, and expressing his desire to taste Ye Fang's cooking.

The princess wanted to taste it too! Ye Fang was her favorite singer-songwriter.

But his junior brother was more outgoing than him, and he would say whatever he thought directly, which made the princess angry again and again.

She could only lower her head with a slightly unhappy expression and continue to eat the unfinished rice noodles. She also secretly competed with her junior brother at the dinner table.

You want to eat this dish? Sorry! I like it too, I'll take it away right away!

Anyway, they just don't like each other.

Teacher Huang looked at the pair of siblings at the table, swallowed his saliva, and felt that she couldn't eat this rice noodle anymore....

My heart was like a roller coaster. I didn't dare to interrupt or say too much, for fear of upsetting the two of them.....

Only Ye Fang sat back and continued to eat rice noodles, helping the four little girls pick up dishes and wipe their mouths. This breakfast is destined to be tasteless and uneasy!

Zhang Zifeng was secretly surprised.

The relationship between the two has always been good because they have the same agent and have collaborated on music many times.

But because of Mr. Ye, they no longer put on a show in front of the audience.

Guan Tong'er didn't have much appetite either, and she was full just by eating.

After dinner, Zhang Zifeng immediately got up to wash the dishes. The pressure from the two was really unbearable.

She was just an eighteen-year-old child!

Guan Tong'er also stood up immediately and said she would help.

After all, Redina was older than them, and seemed much calmer, and even her gossipy heart was burning.

If she said that, she would like to watch this kind of secret competition. I wonder if she will be beaten up by Sister Mi.

The princess took a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth, smiled slightly, and her eyes were sharp:"Isn't my junior brother abroad?"

"Yes! After hearing the news about Mr. Ye, I bought an overnight flight and flew here."

"Senior sister, you must be very busy recently. How can you have time to go to such a far place?"

Chen Yixun looked innocent and not panicked at all.

"What a coincidence, I came here for tourism." The princess threw the tissue into the trash can with a cold tone.

"Is that so? But I just seemed to hear Senior Sister say that she wanted to cooperate with Mr. Ye?"

Chen Yixun picked his ears, squinted his eyes and smiled:"It seems that my ears are not good, but I came here for cooperation, Senior Sister should not compete with me, right?"

Senior sister and brother looked at each other, both with smiling faces, but Teacher Huang seemed to smell a burnt smell.

These words made the princess' eyes cold.

She knew that Junior Brother had long hoped to have the opportunity to cooperate with the anonymous singer-songwriter, and she was not the only one who had sent a private message to Mr. Ye.

But she���I thought I got the news the fastest since I was in China.

But my junior brother flew back from abroad overnight, and I don’t know if it was Jiaying who revealed it to him.

Jiaying is really biased! Jiaying

, the agent who was thousands of miles away, sneezed violently.

I looked at my watch and said,"Feifei should have arrived by now, right? I wonder if Yifen has arrived. Feifei will be mad at me if she knows.""

"Oh, we are all family, we will definitely understand each other!"Jiaying shook her head and smiled, not knowing that the senior sister and brother were about to become enemies.......

"It depends on your ability!"The princess stared at her junior brother straight in the eyes, and finally said five words softly:

"Well, no matter who Mr. Ye is willing to cooperate with, we can't make things difficult for Mr. Ye."

Chen Yixun reached a consensus and said seriously.

Ye Fang, who was sitting on the side, seemed not to hear it, with a bitter smile on his face.

Can you two discuss it in private? I'm still here!

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