"I'm self-taught and haven't taken any tests." Ye Fang smiled modestly, his tone indifferent.

He had no intention of showing off his skills. He learned how to cook prawns from a recipe of a top master on the Internet.

He also learned carving based on the tutorial of a food carving master on the Internet.

It's just that Ye Fang is good at painting and has a higher control of beauty than ordinary people. Naturally, the works he carved can match the dishes with a high-level artistic conception.

The level is far higher than the tutorials and recipes he learned on the Internet.

Aesthetics is something that is innate and cannot be replaced.

"Self-study..."Teacher Huang fell silent.

In order to improve his cooking skills, he had learned from several masters and studied hard for decades.

But so far, his level is only good in the entertainment industry, but compared with Ye Fang's professional cooking skills, he is ashamed.

But Ye Fang was self-taught, without the guidance of an expert, he could reach such a level.

Teacher Huang didn't know what to say for a while, but he was deeply envious.

This is talent! It can't be replaced or surpassed by years of study.

Talent can make him get twice the result with half the effort, learn amazingly, and even far surpass the top chefs.

Chen Yixun was also speechless. He just wanted to ask Ye Fang if he had learned from any top chefs, but it turned out that he was self-taught. He learned by himself, and he couldn't even afford to eat!

The princess suddenly had an idea and asked with a smile:"Mr. Ye, are you interested in opening a private kitchen restaurant? I can invest."

The princess could already imagine the hot scene when investing in Ye Fang's private kitchen restaurant.

With Ye Fang's cooking skills, it would be absolutely no problem to define it as a high-end private kitchen restaurant.

Moreover, with Ye Fang's other identity as a music god, his popularity is definitely not bad.

Of course, the princess is definitely not doing this for money, but...As a shareholder of a private chef restaurant, doesn’t that mean she can eat whatever she wants?

After all, she is just a guest of the Mushroom House and has the opportunity to taste Mr. Ye’s cooking.

Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, just watching Ye Fang cook is a kind of enjoyment!

After that, it will be difficult to eat it!

Teacher Huang’s eyes lit up when he heard it:"This is a good suggestion. With Ye Fang’s cooking skills, his business will surely prosper in the future!"

Many celebrities want to make money after they become famous. What they like to do most is to invest in catering and clothing.

Food is the first necessity of the people, and three meals a day are a necessity.

And now the wealthy in China also pursue quality of life and have a high pursuit of food.

If Ye Fang’s cooking skills are shown out, no one can find fault with it!

This is not food! It’s a work of art!!

Everyone became interested and started discussing it, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also very lively.

"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Ye is opening a private chef restaurant, I will go to support him!"

"Damn, the person upstairs is really rich. Do you know how expensive a private chef restaurant is?"

"Yes! Private chef restaurants are expensive and require reservations. Mr. Ye’s dishes are so exquisite. They must not be cheap!"

"Maybe we can start a chain in the future!"

"Are you looking for an apprentice? I want to learn cooking!"

"No matter what, I'm going to go and have a try even if I have to spend all my money!"

"I want to eat it so much!"

"Even the queen wants to invest, it seems that Mr. Ye’s cooking skills are really good!"......

Ye Fang didn't expect that the princess would want to invest in him to open a restaurant.

No one knew that Ye Fang was an invisible rich man, worth hundreds of billions, and had many things of inestimable value.

If he was interested, it would only take a few minutes to open a chain of restaurants across the country.

But cooking was just his hobby, something he would do when he missed Yu Ge. He didn't want these things to be tainted with money, and he didn't care about this way of making money.

In other words, he was not short of money, but he learned to cook purely for Yu Ge.

He had never cooked for others before, but in the future...

Ye Fang looked at the princess and smiled and declined,"Thank you for your kindness, but I have no plans to leave Manyuan Village.、"

"In the past, I wanted to cook for the people I like. In the future, I will only cook for the people I like."

While speaking, he looked at the four little ones who were drooling over the dishes, his eyes full of love.

The people who liked to eat before were Yu Ge.

Redina guessed it instantly in her heart. For some reason, she felt a little sour. Seeing the different emotions flashing in Ye Fang's calm and gentle eyes, she knew that he would feel very uncomfortable when he mentioned his deceased girlfriend. She couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

This was the first time Redina had this feeling since she knew Ye Fang for two days.

And the people who will like to eat in the future are naturally his four daughters who are present.

The four little ones are connected to him by blood, and they are the only blood relatives in the world.

They are also several well-behaved, cute, and extremely soft daughters. How can he not spoil them well?

Unexpectedly, she was rejected, but the princess was not angry. She just saw Ye Fang looking at her... The look in her daughter's eyes revealed an understanding smile.

Yes, Mr. Ye doesn't care about the admiration of the music industry.

Would he still want to make money with something he is interested in?

The only definition of many people's hard work is to make money.

But the princess discovered that Mr. Ye is different from the young people of today.

He owns a house and a courtyard in Manyuan Village. He is very satisfied with his current life and is willing to immerse himself in this backward mountain village.

Perhaps for local young people who go out to school, work, and try to go out.

Manyuan Village is the place they want to leave, full of poverty.

But for Mr. Ye, this place is natural, warm, comfortable and leisurely.

Because in some songs that Ye Fang has published, he has expressed his habit and love for Manyuan Village.

Mr. Ye is always different.

"Let's eat!" Teacher Huang felt that the atmosphere was a bit cold, so she brought out the dishes and greeted Peng Peng and the other children to put the dishes on the table.

Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng couldn't wait to get into the kitchen, serve the dishes, set the table, and everyone came forward to help. Soon, a table full of rich food was on the table.

The highlight was the prawns made by Ye Fang, which were naturally placed in the middle of the table. There were also several dishes made by Ye Fang, and the whole table looked high-end when paired together. It felt like eating in a five-star hotel.

""Great!" Teacher He praised, and couldn't help taking a few photos with his mobile phone. He would post them on WeChat Moments later to make his friends envious!

While taking photos, Teacher He found a new message from the director.

He curiously clicked it and took a look.

He was stunned.

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