Guan Tiantian smacked her lips after finishing her meal and looked at the empty prawn plate, with only the phoenix flying in the clouds left.

"there is none left..."Guan Tiantian frowned, feeling a little aggrieved.

There were obviously twenty prawns, but she only ate one, and she still hadn't eaten enough!

Yang Anan was also unsatisfied. How come the taste was gone just after she tasted it?

Yaoyao also wanted to say that she hadn't eaten enough, but the lady's behavior told her that she couldn't do that.

Liu Youyou ate slowly, and there was still half a prawn left in the bowl, but she would never share it with others!

Looking at her daughter staring at the person who was eating the second prawn, she probably had some doubts in her heart.

They are the children, why don't these uncles and aunts let them eat more?

If it were normal, Teacher Huang and Teacher He would definitely take care of the four children and let them eat more.

But this plate of prawns is so delicious, how can they care about others?

If they react a little slower, they can't eat one, let alone two!

Therefore, the four little cuties who eat slower can only feel wronged and only eat one.

The adults were celebrating that they were fast enough to eat one more, when Ye Fang smiled and patted Guan Tiantian's aggrieved face.

"If you like it, Dad will make it for you often."

"good~~"Guan Tiantian thought about it and it was true!

These delicious dishes were made by her father. Would she be afraid that she would not be able to eat them in the future?

Thinking about the fact that these uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters might be eating them for the first and last time, Guan Tiantian's soft face showed pity. She looked at others with pity and shook her head slightly.

"I won't be able to eat it again."

Hearing this, Chen Yixun's expression paused, and he felt sad and lost.

This would be the last time he would eat such delicious food. Thinking about it, he suddenly felt sad. He was so pitiful.

As a top singer, he had no shortage of money or popularity, but he didn't even have the right to eat a meal as much as a five-year-old child.

I won't say anything more. I was very reluctant and slowed down the speed of eating prawns. I had to taste every bite carefully and savor it endlessly to deserve this last meal of prawns!

This taste will be engraved in my mind for the rest of my life, because I won't be able to eat it anymore!

Teacher Huang almost spit out a mouthful of water. I really don't know if Guan Tiantian is smart or cute.

How heartbreaking!

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"From now on, Tiantian will be called Guan Xiaodao!"

"I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha!"

"Guan Xiaodao is here, who dares to act rashly?"

"This knife stabbed everyone's heart!"

"I'm dying of laughter, Tiantian is so cute!"

"I guess Tiantian herself doesn’t even know that she has hurt so many people’s hearts!"

"Suddenly I envy Tiantian so much! I also want to eat the meals cooked by Mr. Ye every day!!!!"

"I burst into tears!".......

Guan Tong'er suddenly felt very envious of her cousin.

Mr. Ye was her biological father, so wouldn't she be able to eat Mr. Ye's delicious food every day?

She could never forget the deliciousness of a prawn, and this would be her cousin's daily life.

So sour!.....

I used to feel that my cousin didn’t feel her father’s love, and I felt sorry for her....

Now it seems that I should be envious and jealous!

This father's love is simply ten times, a hundred times to make up for it, much happier than other children!

Recalling his childhood, Guan Tong'er wanted to cry.

He is the most pitiful one!

From childhood to adulthood, he has been flying around, busying around for filming, and has never had a normal childhood.

Woo woo woo, Tiantian, sister wants to change her life with you, do you think it's okay?

If Guan Tiantian could hear her cousin's heart, she would definitely put her hands on her waist and shout angrily that she couldn't!

And Teacher He's mind is no longer on food at this moment.

At the reminder of Director Lao Wang just now, he clicked on the last hot search #叶方故事#

This is a long article, which was sent by a Weibo account without any certification.

Originally, Teacher He thought it was a smear post made by a black fan.

With the revelation that Ye Fang is an anonymous god, and the exposure of the father of the musical prodigy Guan Tiantian on the show, his popularity is very hot. He has been on the hot search since last night, and now many of the hot searches are about Ye Fang.

The reason for the explosion of popularity is that many keyboard warriors and black fans appeared on the Internet, deliberately smearing Ye Fang.

Although I don’t know who is deliberately dealing with these bad black fan comments.

But the comments are getting more and more, overwhelming, and it’s impossible to control them.

But after reading the content clearly, his eyes gradually changed.

The opening of the long article is written like this

"I am a student of the 14th class of Peking Opera. I am fortunate to be Mr. Ye’s junior sister. I have seen his style.、"

"At that time, Senior Brother Ye was already a dazzling figure in the school, and more than half of the girls in the school had dreamed of becoming his girlfriend!"

"But unfortunately, when Senior Brother Ye just entered the school, he announced his girlfriend, Lan Yuge, the school beauty from the Performance Department!"

"The love of this fairy couple has always been envied by everyone in the school."

"But then something happened that broke this beautiful...."

"I will tell you from my perspective as a passerby."

"But recently, Mr. Ye appeared in the Xiangwang live broadcast room, and his popularity increased greatly. At the same time, many people who didn't know Brother Ye at all, randomly slandered him online."

"This makes me particularly unhappy. This post is not intended to attract attention!"

"I just hope that more people will like Brother Ye and that those who say unpleasant things will understand Brother Ye’s story."

"Don't blacken him for no reason!".....

When Teacher He saw this, his face���He was touched. Although he had only known Ye Fang for one day, he believed that he knew him better than the keyboard warriors on the Internet.

But there are some people in the world who can only see the falsehood and darkness of the world, and think that others' good character is pretended, and that their beautiful life is for others to see.

As a host in the entertainment industry, Mr. He has seen it all with decades of experience.

There are many newcomers who have just emerged, but they are eventually tortured to quit the entertainment industry because of the black fans on the Internet.

The little things of the stars will be infinitely magnified by the keyboard warriors....

Fortunately, a junior from his alma mater who knew Ye Fang's character was able to clarify things for him.

He continued to look down and read carefully.

"Many years ago, when Brother Ye entered the school, he showed amazing talent and became the pride of Peking Opera."

"His graduation work, a movie with an investment of less than one million yuan, became a box office hit after its premiere and topped the box office charts at the time!"

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