The phoenix eyes stared at his work, and slowly, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Others also looked over with excitement....

The audience in the live broadcast room, Mr. Huang, Mr. He and others, as well as the princess, Chen Yixun and his fellow apprentices, all looked over with great anticipation.

Then, they all looked confused.

What the hell is this?

Who can understand it?

The white paper was covered with crooked words written in ballpoint pen.

It was completely a mess, and not a single word could be seen clearly. The radicals and strokes were completely separated, and the separation was terrible.

The smile on Mr. Huang's face froze. He looked up, glanced at Ye Fang, who looked satisfied, and then looked at the mess.

"Wow, the medical records written by doctors are even more incomprehensible than when I went to see a doctor!"

As we all know, doctors are good at writing in a way that only they can understand, and few people can understand their own medical records.

But what Ye Fang wrote is more free and easy, more leap-forward, and more unique than what doctors wrote!

"Actually, Mr. Ye is an alien, right?" Chen Yixun asked drunkenly. He was confused.

"Is this an alien language that I can't understand?"

Guan Tiantian thought it was because of her poor eyesight, so she rubbed her eyes and looked again, and it was still the same strange font.

Wen Yaoyao's young face was full of worry, and she held her forehead:"Dad is really drunk."

When Dad was usually calm, she couldn't understand his thoughts.

But when Dad was drunk, he was completely different from usual....

Especially the confidence and complacency on his face, which gave Wen Yaoyao a headache.

The princess lowered her head, leaned closer, and looked carefully, trying hard to recognize the work of Ye Fang that she had worked so hard to obtain, but no matter how she improved her ability to discern, she could not recognize it. She could not recognize a single word.....

The princess felt very bitter. She thought she had chosen the right time.

But Mr. Ye was drunk and couldn't even hold the pen. How could he write a song?

What a mistake!!!!

The princess and Chen Yixun were already impatient. Now the work was right in front of them and they couldn't understand it at all.

They were anxious and had a headache.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"Oh my god, what is this!"

"I don't understand it at all, can anyone tell me what it is?"

"My goodness, if Mr. Ye was a doctor, he would definitely be a professor!"

"This is a good piece of work! There are unique emotions between the lines, and it is very well written. This song....Forget it, I can’t continue, I can’t understand it at all!"

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! The queen is having a headache, she originally wanted to take this opportunity to get a collaboration, but ended up making a mistake!"

"Mr. Ye looks so cute when he’s drunk!"

"Yaoyao feels a headache for her dad, haha!".......

"Mr. Ye, we don't understand..."Redina reminded embarrassedly, expressing everyone's thoughts.

Ye Fang was stunned, looked down, and then smiled:"Hahaha, my hand slipped."

This smile was a bit drunken, and a bit innocent, just like an arrow of Cupid, hitting Redina's heart.

Redina covered her mouth, her heart had melted into a pool of spring water.

Mr. Ye, so cute!

Redina was shouting in her heart.

Zhang Zifeng was also touched, her cheeks were slightly pink, and her rosy eyes were shining.

Mr. Ye looks really different when he is drunk.

Inexplicably cute

"Wait a minute."Ye Fang left a word and walked towards the tool room neatly.

Teacher He followed immediately. Mr. Ye was very different when he was drunk. He was afraid that something might happen to him, so he had to follow him at all times.

Teacher He was also very flustered today. There were all kinds of situations beyond his expectations!

Director Lao Wang immediately arranged for people to help.

At Ye Fang's request, after a while, an electronic keyboard and Dahua's guitar were moved out.

Even the microphones and speakers for daily entertainment were taken out.

The princess was in a very depressed mood, but she became excited again when she saw this scene.

Chen Yixun was still a little unresponsive and looked at him with puzzled eyes.

After a while, everything was ready. Ye Fang lowered his head, adjusted it, looked up, and looked at the princess and Chen Yixun.

"You two, this song is for you."

At this moment, Ye Fang's temperament changed again. When his fingers were placed on the guitar strings, he had a sense of sadness.

Zhang Zifeng seemed to see again the back of Mr. Ye playing the piano when he first met him.

So sad, so lonely.

At this moment, he seemed to be immersed in the song before he started singing.

As the queen's princess, she felt the change in Ye Fang's temperament and her body tensed up. She knew that Mr. Ye was starting to get serious.

The writing just now was just a small episode. Now, it has just begun!

Director Lao Wang felt that the explosion point was about to come, so he asked the cameramen to give all the shots to Mr. Ye. The cameramen immediately adjusted the angles and showed Ye Fang in the camera with 360 degrees without dead ends.

Chen Yixun felt something different, looked at Ye Fang seriously, and became energetic.

"Looking forward to your song、"The princess said with a smile.

Ye Fang nodded slightly, lowered his head, lowered his eyes, and gently plucked the strings of the piano, and the prelude of the music sounded.

The quiet and sad melody immediately pulled everyone's emotions over.

Chen Yixun suddenly shuddered, and the drunkenness dissipated a little. His eyes also regained their brightness, and the drunkenness dissipated a lot.

Teacher Huang couldn't help but close his eyes and pretended to listen.

Before Ye Fang started singing, Teacher He's mood was already touched....

Zhang Zifeng quietly supported her cheek with her hands and listened attentively.

Redina slowly closed her eyes, feeling the vibration of the strings every time Ye Fang plucked them.

This song was very popular in Ye Fang's memory of his past life.

The lyrics also touched Ye Fang now. He thought that no song was more suitable for this moment than other songs.

He opened his mouth and sang slowly in a low, warm voice.

"Give you a CD from the past to listen to our love at that time. Sometimes I suddenly forget that

I still love you. I can no longer sing such songs.

I will blush and hide when I hear them. Although I often forget,

I still love you.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's drunkenness completely dissipated, and the whole person was immersed in the mood of the song.

Everyone has experienced love, so songs describing love can always sing to the hearts of most people.

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