"I want a song that expresses the regrets of love and youth, and I hope the lyrics can rhyme."

The princess didn't know what she remembered, and said to Ye Fang seriously:"I have a fan who received a letter from her. She told me about her regrets about campus love. I want to sing a new song with this as the theme. Is that okay?"

"The regret of campus love..."Okay." Ye Fang nodded with a drunken smile.

Ye Fang was very drunk at the moment, and the princess and Chen Yixun were also drunk. They had long hoped to get a chance to cooperate with Ye Fang.

Now that the opportunity had come, the princess did not want to be polite. Mr. Ye asked her what song she wanted, and she asked. The song"Because of Love" just now amazed the princess, and she thought that the second song written by Mr. Ye would definitely not disappoint her.

It's really one who dares to ask, and the other dares to give!

Teacher He smiled helplessly, thinking that every good song must go through a long period of polishing before it can be written.

In short, Ye Fang's singing and songwriting ability is very strong, but he just wrote one, and he has to write another one?

Why does it feel like this good song has no place in Ye Fang's body ? Just like the wild flowers that grow everywhere, they are everywhere, right?

I just hope Ye Fang doesn't force himself to agree to the Queen and Princess because he is too drunk.

What if this song is forced to be written, and the quality is not good, which disappoints the fans and the Queen?

After all, so far, Ye Fang's talent is amazing. If he makes good use of it, Ye Fang's achievements in the future will not be low.

But if he messes up because of alcohol, it will inevitably affect the impression he left on the audience.

Moreover, they are more afraid that Ye Fang will overuse his brain and hurt himself.

After all, writing songs is a very brain-intensive thing!

Teacher Huang estimated that Ye Fang had just finished singing a song and had to take a break before writing another one. He thought of saying something to ease the atmosphere so that Ye Fang could also take a break.

"Hahaha, this song is really well written. How about drinking it first?..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Fang suddenly put down his guitar and placed his fingers on the black and white keys of the electronic keyboard.

Is it going to begin now?

Teacher Huang's words were stuck on his lips, and he looked at Ye Fang with wide eyes. It seemed that Ye Fang had thought of the next song in less than half a minute?

In ancient times, it took seven steps to compose a poem, but Ye Fang was a little too fast to compose a song in half a minute.

Surprise also appeared on the princess' lazy and indifferent face. Has Mr. Ye already thought of it?

It only took two seconds for her to make the request.

Teacher He opened his mouth wide. Could Ye Fang really write the second song right away? It was amazing that he could write a good song like"Because of Love", and here he comes up with another one in the blink of an eye....

I just hope Ye Fang is not drunk and wants to have a good time. After all, there are millions of viewers watching at the scene, including many keyboard warriors and black fans.

If they find an opportunity, I am afraid Ye Fang will be blacklisted on the hot search.

After all, that post has just drowned the keyboard warriors and black fans.

Redina looked at Ye Fang with her beautiful eyes, shining. Is Mr. Ye going to bring everyone a surprise?

Zhang Zifeng's chubby face was a little excited, excited and expectant.

Guan Tiantian immediately straightened her back and prepared to listen seriously. She likes to watch her father singing the most!

Wen Yaoyao and the other two also clapped happily, looking forward to their father's new song.

The piano keys rang, and the music poured out, resounding throughout the small courtyard of the mushroom house.

It was filled with sadness and slightly hurried music.

It instantly aroused everyone's heart, and everyone couldn't help but frowned.

Before Ye Fang started singing, they felt that their emotions had come up, and they frowned and listened.

It was a bit depressing, a bit uncomfortable, and seemed to have the taste of memories.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned:

"I actually figured it out!"

"Just by listening to the prelude, I feel that this song is not simple!"

‘The prelude really meets the Queen’s requirements!"

"Sounds great!"

"The prelude is very nice, I feel like I can't breathe"

"It turns out that each of Mr. Ye’s songs is different!"

"So looking forward to it!"

"I got goosebumps hearing this!"

"What kind of song is it?".......

Seeing Ye Fang playing the piano again, Zhang Zifeng's eyes showed admiration, and Guan Tong'er was surprised.

What on earth can't this man know?

Tiantian's piano level surpassed that of his peers. Guan Tong'er always thought that Guan Tiantian inherited the Guan family's musical heritage from the previous generation.

Now it seems that Tiantian clearly inherited her father's musical talent.

As the sister-in-law said, Ye Fang's resume is very good, so good that the seven girlfriends chose to use the same person's seeds.

Ye Fang sang slowly in a magnetic voice with a hint of sadness:

"In those fleeting years, how many times did we say goodbye and then delay it

? It's a pity that no one has ever loved before. It's not an eloquence on the seven emotions.

In those fleeting years, we hurriedly left behind an unbearable promise and can only wait for others to fulfill it. Do n't blame the kiss marks for not accumulating into a cocoon, embracing hibernation and not being able to fly and become an immortal.

Don't blame this relationship for not having time to rehearse it over and over again.

It's the gift of tolerance from time. The rhythm of the song

"Time to Regret" is simple, but very fast, with almost no pause in the middle.

It made everyone hold their breath.

The lyrics also shocked Mr. Huang and Mr. He.

The princess said that she hoped the lyrics would rhyme, and this lyric not only rhymes, but also makes people doubt their lives.

But the key is that this lyric was not deliberately written for the sake of rhyme. Each line of the lyrics is very stylish, heartbreaking, and memorable.

The princess was shocked and no longer looked indifferent.

From her professional point of view, this song is very easy to sing out of tune, and it is very difficult to sing this song.

Because the words, words, and sentences are very compact.

If you want to show the compactness It can be said that it requires very high singing skills to show different ups and downs and styles.

But his singing level is also very strong and very particular, showing the clever power of dragonfly skimming the water, looming and quiet, which is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

But Ye Fang used it very cleverly, even with ease.

The princess knew that Mr. Ye’s level was definitely more than that, he only played 10%.

But what amazed the princess and Chen Yixun the most was.

This song is simply tailor-made for the princess, because such a light and clever singing method is exactly what the princess is good at.

The princess almost doesn’t need to change or adapt. After listening to Ye Fang singing this song once, she will know how to sing it.

It really suits her!

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