"That's him!!"

"That’s right! This is the man who wrote the song for the queen!"

"Wow! I am so handsome!!!"

"That's him! He wrote three beautiful songs last night!"

"Is this too young???"

"After waiting for a whole day, my idol finally woke up. I’m so happy!"

"Idol, are you okay? I was so worried about you yesterday!"

"Oh shit, how come the number of people suddenly increased by half?"

"I was stunned by this sudden increase in the number of people!!!"

"Are these the four little ones? So cute!"

"Teacher Huang is so heartwarming!"........

The comments in the live broadcast room were normal just now, but the moment Ye Fang appeared, they became dense and crowded, reaching the most explosive level since the broadcast.

Director Lao Wang was stunned by the sudden explosion of data!

He knew that this was because of the fermentation of hot searches last night, and these viewers came for Mr. Ye!

Most of the people who were watching the live broadcast saw Mr. Ye appear, and immediately called their friends in.

This scene was really spectacular!

The audience who had been staying in the live broadcast room at first were also scared by this scene and got goose bumps.

Mr. Ye...This is really a big hit!

Director Lao Wang was so excited, but he remembered the things that gave him a headache.

He walked out of the monitoring room and expressed his concern to Ye Fang:"Mr. Ye, are you okay?"

"It's okay, thank you for your concern, Director." Ye Fang nodded politely in response

"Mr. Ye, you don’t know that the phone calls to our program have not stopped since last night!"

"Why?" Ye Fang looked confused. What did the fact that the phone kept ringing have to do with him?

"Since last night, many singers have called to make reservations, saying that they will pay for their own travel, food, and accommodation, and they also want to be guests!"

When talking about this, Director Lao Wang's tone is still very happy.

You know, the old audiences who yearn for it are very clear how stingy Director Lao Wang is.

Wouldn't it save a lot of money on guest expenses in the future?

Therefore, these singers have taken the initiative to say that they will pay for their own travel and food expenses. Isn't it a disguised admission that the director is stingy?

Teacher Huang looked at Director Lao Wang's secretly happy look and couldn't help laughing.

Teacher He said with a smile:"Lao Wang, the singers think you are stingy, and you pay for it yourself."

Director Lao Wang then realized that the other party's asking for his own expenses meant that he was stingy. He would never admit it, and said with a stiff upper lip:

"That's because the singers care about our show."

"But there are too many singers coming. We can't finish the filming even if we shoot until the year after next!"

Director Lao Wang was in a headache. Mr. Ye was too popular!

The three songs he sang yesterday really made him famous in the Chinese music scene. His status is comparable to that of a gold medal producer.

These singers are here for cooperation. When

Ye Fang heard this, his temples, which had just felt relieved, began to beat again.

He didn't want to stand out before, just to avoid these troubles.

But after a few glasses of wine, he was completely in trouble.

The live audience was stunned:

"Mr. Ye is so popular!"

"Hahahaha! Doesn’t this really meet the director’s expectations?"

"Will I be able to meet countless singers in the future?"

"Holy shit, the Mushroom House is going to become the largest gathering place for the Chinese music scene!"

"In the past, these singers also wanted to work with Mr. Ye, but they couldn’t find a place. Now, they can find someone!"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Ye suddenly got a headache!"

"Lao Wang also has troubles sometimes?".........

Ye Fang raised his hand to support his forehead, feeling his veins throbbing. Yang Anan saw his father's action and asked worriedly:

"Dad, do you still have a headache?"

""Yes." Ye Fang nodded with a wry smile. Seeing this, Teacher Huang could also guess how upset Ye Fang was at the moment.

A person who doesn't like to show off became famous because of drunkenness, and this fame made him a miracle in the Chinese music scene.

Judging from the situation, the threshold of the Mushroom House is about to collapse.

But those singers didn't dare to come without permission.

After all, it is the most popular program in China, and Teacher Huang and Teacher He are also well-known teachers in the entertainment industry.

They dare not act rashly and can only call the only program group that can be reached.

This is because they are afraid of offending the program and Ye Fang.

But Ye Fang just got drunk last night and wrote three good songs. He overworked his brain and hasn't recovered yet!

How can he have the energy to greet other singers?

Teacher Huang was not afraid of getting angry. With a straight face, he said to Director Lao Wang:

"All rejected!"

"Teacher Huang?"Director Lao Wang was stunned and looked at Teacher Huang who was already a little angry.

Usually Teacher Huang was cheerful. Even if he was fighting with the directors, it was just to liven up the atmosphere, but he never really lost his temper.

But they also knew that if Teacher Huang got angry, it would be serious!

Director Lao Wang was instantly nervous, and the others also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and no one spoke.

"They say Ye Fang has been overworking his brain and hasn’t been writing songs recently!"

"He is so young, and everyone asks him to write songs. He should be allowed to have a rest!"

"If you don’t want the Chinese music scene to lose an excellent singer-songwriter, just keep quiet!"

"Ye Fang has his own personality and ideas"

"What's more, our program is about experiencing rural life, not singing and writing. We can't ruin the style of our program!"

Teacher Huang's words were very reasonable and made a lot of sense.

Director Lao Wang didn't dare to say anything, but he straightened his back as he listened.

""Well, Mr. Huang is right! I'll go right away!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. He was really afraid that Mr. Huang's anger would spread to him!

Ye Fang looked at Mr. Huang who was arguing with reason, his expression slightly stunned.

He was very moved.

He and this group of people have only known each other for two days, but they can think of him everywhere.

Ye Fang felt a burst of warmth in his heart, feeling his daughter's delicate little hands gently pressing him, life is so beautiful.

Unconsciously, he has gradually integrated into this new environment after living alone for five years. He also has four lovely and lively daughters.

He suddenly thought of the other three daughters who have not appeared yet. I wonder if there is a chance to see them?

Without the consent of the other parents, Ye Fang does not want to disturb them actively. After all, they have not contributed to their growth.

If you can't affect their lives, don't affect them.

Thoughts drifted, a burst of footsteps sounded, and everyone looked up.

From a distance, I saw an old man in a long black suit and a hat, slowly walking over, and behind him was a petite figure

"A new guest has arrived?"Teacher He leaned his head out and squinted his eyes.

There are guests coming to the Mushroom House almost every day. Who will come this time?

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