This was a very strange little girl.

She was only five years old, but her face had almost no expression. When she was not talking, she just looked out the window quietly.

It seemed that she was expecting something.

Mr. Lu smiled at the little girl who spoke for the first time and heard a few noises.


The sound came from the little girl's belly.

Obviously, she was really hungry. Mr. Lu asked with a smile:"How long have you not eaten?"

""Twenty-five hours, three minutes and fifteen seconds," the little girl answered quickly, accurate to the minute and second.

What a strange child!

Mr. Lu was amused again and took out some fruits from his handbag.

"Haven't eaten for so long? Eat some fruit first to decompress. Then, when you pass by a small restaurant, buy some food."

""Okay." The little girl nodded, picked up the fruit, and was about to eat it, but after thinking for a while, she looked up at Grandpa Lu and said,"Do you have any tissues?"

This child is still very careful about hygiene.

Grandpa Lu became even more curious about the child and took out a few clean tissues for her.

The little girl wiped the apple carefully, and then she ate it in small bites with peace of mind.

Even though she was very hungry, she did not swallow it whole, but ate it slowly, chewing it carefully, and was not in a hurry.

From this point, Grandpa Lu could judge that the little girl had a good upbringing and should not be from an ordinary family.

But why would a child who should not be here appear on the mountain road?

There were too many doubts about this little girl, and Grandpa Lu did not ask much.

Passing by all the way, they finally came across a small restaurant. Grandpa Lu called the taxi driver and had a meal with the little girl.

The little girl looked at the menu. The prices were not expensive, but she was very hungry and wanted to eat more.

""Little girl, why don't you order?" Grandpa Lu asked doubtfully. The child held the menu and looked at it for a long time.

Suddenly, the little girl raised her little face and said seriously:"Mom said that we can't eat for free. Grandpa, I lost all my money. Can I exchange this for this meal?"

After that, she took out a scroll from her backpack.

This meal money is nothing to Grandpa Lu, but the little girl wanted to express her gratitude seriously. Grandpa Lu looked at her with amusement and was curious about what she would exchange.

So he didn't stop her.

The scroll looked like calligraphy and painting, but Grandpa Lu didn't think too much about it.

The little girl put the scroll on the dining table, untied the rope, and slowly opened it. A landscape painting in ink slowly unfolded.

Grandpa Lu's smiling old eyes suddenly shrank and widened, and then the whole person stood up

""Mr. Lu, what's wrong?"

The taxi driver was shocked by Mr. Lu's reaction and asked hurriedly.

"No, nothing...."Mr. Lu looked surprised, but soon recovered his normal expression, but he could not hide the shock in his eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at the painting carefully.

Yes, this is the painting he missed at the auction a few days ago.

But why did it appear in the hands of this five-year-old lost girl?

Mr. Lu likes this painting very much. He fell in love with it at the first sight he saw it in the exhibition hall.

The painting skills and level of this painting are top-notch among the masters of Chinese painting.

Although it is not an antique, but painted by a modern master of Chinese painting, such a level is difficult to surpass even by the ancients!

Those who like ancient paintings probably like the heritage of antiques and the reputation of ancient painters.

In fact, some paintings, in Mr. Lu's opinion, are not of high level, but because of the fame of the painters themselves, they are sold at those shockingly high prices.

But this painting is different!

Although it is a new painting, its Chinese painting level is very high, and it is also the favorite of Mr. Lu, who loves Chinese painting.

When he learned that the painting was going to be auctioned, Mr. Lu immediately got the ticket.

But he didn't expect that he would miss the painting because of insufficient estimated funds.

But why did a traditional Chinese painting that sold for more than 10 million yuan end up in the hands of a child?

Mr. Lu didn't want to make it public, and guessed that the child probably took out his own painting and didn't know the value of the painting.

It would be a headache for adults to know, right?

But Mr. Lu couldn't take his eyes off the painting, but he didn't dare to look at it carefully, so he immediately rolled up the painting and put it away.

His heart was pounding, and his hands holding the scroll were also hot.

He looked at the child and asked,"Are you really going to give it to me?"

""Yeah!" The little girl nodded indifferently, but she felt that the old man's reaction was a bit exaggerated. Is this painting so good?

The little girl didn't think so in her heart, anyway, it was hers.....

Mr. Lu was in a very hesitant and complicated mood.

This painting is very valuable, and I believe that the person who can take a picture of it also loves it.

But Mr. Lu didn't want to let it go. Missing this painting made him feel bad for a long time.

If he could have the opportunity to see this painting again, it means that he has a destiny with this painting!

Thinking of this, Mr. Lu made a decision. He looked at the little girl and said,"Okay, then grandpa will accept it, but if your family wants it back, please contact me.""

"This is my phone number and the money for the painting."

The old man solemnly handed a card and a check to the little girl.

The little girl was stunned for a moment and looked down at the check. She didn't know what it was, but she knew the numbers on it!

So many zeros!

The little girl counted silently in her heart, one, two, three.....Eight zeros and a three in front.

Isn't this money?

The little girl didn't understand. Anyway, she didn't eat this meal for nothing, so she stuffed the check and the business card into her pocket.

If anyone knew that the old man handed a check for 30 million to a five-year-old child, they would definitely think that the old man was a fool.���Crazy.

If they knew that the little girl casually stuffed the check for 30 million into her pocket without caring, they would be even crazier.

Just like that, a deal of 30 million was completed quietly and in a few words.

Mr. Lu took a deep breath and had no appetite for food. He stroked the painting with his rough hands full of palm lines, feeling very excited.

After dinner, Mr. Lu paid the bill and the three of them continued to set off for Manyuan Village.

An hour later, they arrived at Manyuan Village.

The little girl leaned against the window and looked at the scenery of Manyuan Village, exclaiming:"Is this where Dad lives?"

Although the living standards here are backward, the little girl fell in love with it at first sight.

She wants to live here in the future!

Mr. Lu smiled at the little girl whose expression finally showed a different look.

"Get off. We're here." Mr. Lu said with a smile. The little girl jumped out of the taxi and looked at the flower path in front of her.

"Where is this place?" The little girl turned her head and asked Mr. Lu

"Mushroom House."

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