The four little ones stood up one after another to prove to Tang Qianqian that they couldn't let their father misunderstand Qianqian.

Although their father wouldn't blame Qianqian, it wasn't her fault after all, so she couldn't take the blame!

While they were shocked and suspicious, Peng Peng stared at the painting. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. He turned his head, glanced at the landscape behind him, and then looked at the painting.

He tilted his head and said to Zhang Zifeng beside him,"Sister, doesn't the scenery in this painting look familiar to you?"

"Looks familiar indeed.."Zhang Zifeng had already felt it, but she couldn't explain why the scenery looked familiar.

At Peng Peng's reminder, she turned her head, glanced at the mountains in the distance and the farmland nearby, and widened her eyes:"Isn't this the scene of Manyuan Village?" It was very similar to what they saw from this angle, with only a slight difference.

At this moment, there happened to be several fruit farmers working in the fields, which looked more similar to this painting.

However, it was noon at this moment, and the sun was scorching without the morning mist, but it was still roughly recognizable.

In the conversation between Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, the audience in the live broadcast room also noticed:

"That’s right! Isn’t this the background of the mushroom house that I see every day?"

"It’s exactly the same scenery as Manyuan Village!"

"You can't say they are the same! They are exactly the same."

"That’s right! The scene of Manyuan Village!!"

"It’s terrifying to think about it. Why would this expensive famous painting depict the scene of Manyuan Village?"

"Before I could recover from the shock of Qianqian's painting skills, I discovered something strange."

"Hiss? Could it be that the artist of this painting is from Manyuan Village?"

"Although they are very similar, the angles are a little different!"

"This small courtyard, this small pond, and these little koi fish! They look so familiar!!!"......

Gradually, more and more viewers noticed the weirdness, and this inexplicable coincidence gave them goose bumps.

On this side, everyone confirmed from the four little ones that this painting was indeed the work of Tang Qianqian.

Not only was Mr. Lu shocked in disbelief, his old face was full of shock.

Even the people on the side were shocked.

In shock, they blushed one after another when they recalled how they had just praised the famous painting.

Chen Yixun and the princess were embarrassed and turned their heads away, not wanting to be captured by the camera.

Teacher Huang blushed:"It turned out to be painted by Qianqian, Qianqian's painting is really good !"

Teacher He smiled awkwardly and said,"Qianqian's level is good enough to make the fake look real, and Mr. Lu couldn't tell it!"

Mr. Lu, who was named, also blushed and touched his beard awkwardly.

"Qianqian is only five years old, but she has achieved such a high level of Chinese painting....It can be said that it is unique in China"

"With such talent, the future is bound to be limitless."

Mr. Lu was not making up stories to cover up his miscalculation. This copied painting fooled his eyes.

Now he finally understood why the artistic conception of this painting was so different from the original.

Because Tang Qianqian had talent and could improve her Chinese painting skills, but artistic conception was the result of the painter's state of mind, feelings and insights.

How many states of mind can a five-year-old child have?

So it looked clean and simple, very simple.

This also confirmed to Mr. Lu that this was not the same painting that shocked him for the first time. But he couldn't suppress the loss in his heart.

He thought that his fate with this painting had come, but now it seemed that he was short-sighted and thought too much....

At this time, Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng shared their findings with Mr. Huang, Mr. He and others.

Mr. Huang turned around and compared the ink painting with the distant view of Manyuan Village, and found that they were really similar! Mr.

He was surprised and said,"Is this a coincidence? They are too similar!""

"It can't be a coincidence, right? The scenery in Xishuangbanna is different from other areas...."Teacher Huang said with certainty.

Mr. Lu also noticed this, his eyes moved back and forth, and he felt something strange in his heart.

Chen Yixun felt that this was a good time to change the subject, coughed twice and laughed:"Really, could it be that the original author of this painting is from Manyuan Village? Or from a nearby village?"

This made everyone feel that it made some sense.

Such inexplicable coincidences and clues made everyone perk up and start discussing the painting.

This is a famous painting worth 30 million.

And its author is very mysterious, and no one knows it at all.

If such a mysterious person is discovered by them, wouldn't it be exciting to discover?

Mr. Lu couldn't help but get excited and study with everyone.

"Although similar, the angles are different. There is a pavilion and a small pond in the foreground, which may be a clue."

Mr. Lu analyzed it very clearly, stroking his chin and said seriously:

"Gazebo and small pond..."Zhang Zifeng frowned, muttered to herself, and then subconsciously looked at the sunflower yard in the distance.

Doesn't Mr. Ye's house have a small pavilion and a small pond?

There are also a few koi in the small pond!....

The small pavilion and the small pond are actually very similar. Is this also a coincidence?

Zhang Zifeng pointed to the sunflower courtyard and said,"There...Isn't it?"

Everyone followed Zhang Zifeng's white jade fingers and looked over, their eyes paused.、

"It really is!" Teacher Huang exclaimed:"We drank in this little pavilion yesterday!"

"It's amazing!"I didn't expect to find it. Peng Peng couldn't help but shout excitedly.

Mr. Lu confirmed it several times, with a little excitement in his expression:"Yes, it is there.、"

"Do you know that family? It is very likely that this is where the original author lived!"

Thinking of being able to meet the original author, Mr. Lu's hope rose again.

This excited him more than getting the original painting.

But at this moment, this sentence reminded everyone, and everyone froze for a moment.

Their eyes all looked at Mr. Ye who was standing aside with a wry smile on his face.

Here, Guan Tiantian asked puzzledly:"Qianqian, why do you want to copy other people's paintings!"

Tang Qianqian cutely grabbed Ye Fang's hand:"Because that is Dad's painting!"

"I finally asked my mother to buy my father's paintings, and copied several of them. This one is the one I am most satisfied with!"

"I wanted to bring it to my dad to show him how good my painting is....But I don't have the money to pay Grandpa Lu, so I can only use the painting as collateral...."

In Tang Qianqian's little world, her own paintings are not as valuable as her father's, but the dozens of dollars of meal money are still worth it!

That is her own painting. If it is really her father's painting, she would rather starve to death than give it to others.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Ye Fang with...A little more shocking!

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