In the two-story villa, Chen Yu and Reba, the lazy pair, were still taking a nap.

According to the itinerary, if you want to take a short break, you will go to Qinghai Dreamland.

Reba was wearing a black nightdress and lying on the soft big bed.

In a daze, I dreamed of a scene in an amusement park with Chen Yu.

Reba: He held my hand. Why is his hand so warm?

It turns out that he would still stand on my left and let me lean against the inside of the road. It was so warm!

He also secretly brought flowers, wow, so beautiful!

Reba was half asleep and half awake, feeling like she had slept for a long time.

Then, in the next moment, the consciousness gradually awakened in my mind, and I realized that I might have overslept!

With a “scratch”, he stood up suddenly.

I saw a breeze blowing outside the balcony.

Next to my ears was Chen Yu’s slight snoring.。

“Even though he was getting up violently, Chen Yu was still asleep and it was early. ”

As soon as I lay down, I glanced at the clock next to me.

I didn’t know it, but I was shocked.

It’s already five o’clock in the afternoon!

And we went to a fucking amusement park!

Reba was wearing a nightgown. After opening the curtain, he threw himself on Chen Yu’s bed, kicked Chen Yu’s fleshy ass with a whirlwind kick, and said angrily:

“Chen Yu!”

“Didn’t you say you set the alarm clock and woke me up at that time?”

“Did you deliberately not wake me up just to trick me into going to the Internet cafe at night? ”

Chen Yu turned around, rubbed his eyelids sleepily with one hand, and grabbed Reba’s smelly feet with the other.

He glanced at the clock and put it down again.。

“Isn’t it still early? What are you yelling about here so early in the morning? ”

It wasn’t until this moment that the alarm clock rang.

The alarm clock read: “Good morning, the most handsome man in the universe.。”

“Good morning, the funniest man in the universe.。”

“Good morning, the most handsome man in the universe.。”

“Please hurry up and get up and fulfill the dreams of thousands of girls! ”




Reba reacted from the strange alarm sound and said, “No, brother, it’s already five o’clock in the afternoon, how can it be early!”

Chen Yu yawned a long yawn, stretched and rubbed Just got a kick in the ass.

She turned around and said: “Isn’t it only five o’clock? Isn’t it still early?”

Reba: “Then what amusement park should we go to!”

Wow, this girl’s dream of being a princess in an amusement park has been ruined!

Chen Yu: “You’re stupid, the amusement park has evening admissions, and admission doesn’t start until six o’clock.”


“Why do you still have this thing?”

“Then why did Hao Duandui buy a night show? ”

Chen Yu stood up and exposed the Hello Kitty pajamas on his chest, “It’s cheap to play at night.。”

“Only half price. ”


Although I am speechless, why do I think what he said makes sense!

The two of them quickly packed up. Reba wore a long-hem shirt and black shorts.

The one meter long slender calves exposed can be played for a year!

This lower body invisible suit is very eye-catching.

Reba dressed like this on purpose:

Huh, look, you still think I’m not pretty enough! I won’t charm you this time!

Chen Yu covered his eyes with his hands.

Wow, these white thighs can make people dizzy?

Reba called a car and hurried to Dreamland.

Dreamland is one of the largest amusement parks in Qinghai, with all kinds of amusement facilities.

The first thing Chen Yu did when he arrived at Dreamland was to sit next to the water park, cracking melon seeds and looking at the beauties for half an hour.

Reba: I’m really convinced!

When he had enough and was tired of watching, the two started playing on the rides.

Listening to the screams of tourists on the roller coaster flying overhead.

Reba blinked and stared, murmuring: “I want to ride a roller coaster.……”

Chen Yu: “Let’s play.”

Reba: “But I’m afraid……”

Chen Yu: “Then don’t play.”


Brother, you really know how to answer the phone!

[Pfft, hahaha, I burst out laughing while drinking water!】

【I have never seen such a straight person!】

【Normal people know how to reply: Let me play with you! 】

Reba took a few deep breaths and suggested to herself: Don’t be angry, don’t be angry.

Maybe he really has never been in love, but he just needs someone to enlighten him!

Reba: “Then can you go play with me?”

I’ve been so straightforward, you will always answer the call!

Chen Yu: “No.”




Reba: “Why?”

Chen Yu: “Because I’m afraid too.”


Gan, so direct and frank, I can’t even refute!


“But I really want to go~”

Chen Yu: “You really want to go?

Reba nodded crazily ×10, “Yeah, yeah, yeah! “”

“Well……”Chen Yu thought for a moment, “Then let me help you fulfill your wish!”


“Wow~Okay, okay~”

This guy can change his mind one day!

Chen Yu took Reba for a walk and chose the most exciting roller coaster.

There was a ninety-degree vertical drop, and ten consecutive three hundred and sixty-degree rides. There were continuous bends in the air, and just standing below, I could hear screams from the roller coaster that was speeding above my head.

Chen Yu: “That’s it!” Since you want to challenge, challenge the most difficult one!

Reba’s eyes were full of stars: “Wow, this man is so brave! ” ”

In Reba’s mind, in the summer evening breeze, a couple secretly decided to challenge the most thrilling roller coaster. It’s a bit romantic to think about it! Reba: “Is

this really it? ”

Chen Yu said decisively and with righteous words that left no room for doubt: “Yes!

Reba: “Okay, then this is it! ” ”

Actually, when this man gets serious, he is quite handsome!

The two of them walked side by side to the Shilian Vertical Coaster and lined up to enter.

Before they even entered the venue, Reba’s heart was already beating hard.

Reba: “I’m a little scared……”

Chen Yu: “Isn’t this the project you want to play?”

Reba: “Although it is… but I’m still very scared.……”

Chen Yu: “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to accompany you.”

Reba: (*’▽’*)♪

Finally heard him say these words!

Yeah, it feels so good to be cared for and comforted by others!

The two of them entered the venue and got in the car.

The closer she got to the roller coaster, the harder Reba’s heart beat.

After all, for her, this is also her first roller coaster ride in her life.

But fortunately, Chen Yu is by his side to accompany him.

Some things you are afraid of will have completely different feelings if you do them alone or with two people.

Wait for the two of them to sit down in the car and fasten their seat belts.

The staff has completed the inspection and the train is about to leave.

The two of them are about to experience the most exciting and thrilling roller coaster!

Reba quickly took a deep breath to adjust her mentality.

Then he turned to look at Chen Yu beside him, and saw that his face was relaxed and felt a little strange, “Huh? Didn’t you say you were scared? Why didn’t you feel nervous at all?” Chen Yu turned around and grinned

, “I don’t play, so of course I’m not nervous!”



“Aren’t you on a roller coaster? ”

Is this person so frightened that he is talking in his sleep?

Chen Yu: “Hey, I can go down too. ”

As the “ding ding ding” sound of the roller coaster about to start sounded, Reba unexpectedly watched Chen Yu quickly unbuckle the safety buckle with both hands, stood up, took a step forward with his long legs, turned over and stood back up. On the platform, Reba was left alone, sitting in her seat with a confused face.。





“what’s going on? ”

As the roller coaster started slowly, Chen Yu smiled and waved to her on the platform:

“Your wish is about to come true!”

“Way to go! ”


Ten thousand grass mud horses are jumping wildly in my heart! ! !

“Chen Yu, your uncle!!!”

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