Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 18: Be Patient, This Life Will Pass Quickly! [Begging For Flowers And Commenting On Everythi

After getting off the bus, under the leadership of Sister Wang, Zhang Yang and Bai Lu came to the contact point of the ambiguous group.

It's almost eleven o'clock now, which is when the delivery guys are busy, so the site is relatively deserted.

There was only a brand new e-mule parked on the roadside. This should be my exclusive car today.

Thinking of the ultimate drifting technology rewarded by the system yesterday, I wonder if this little eDonkey can drift.

The two of them put on yellow delivery uniforms, which were regarded as real yellow robes, and became an official delivery boy and delivery girl.

"Lulu, you wear this helmet with bunny ears, it's cuter. I'll wear this helmet with propellers!"

Zhang Yang considerately helped Bai Lu put on her helmet.

"Others say that a person relies on his clothes, and a Buddha relies on his golden outfit. But today I saw you wearing the uniform of the Mei Tuan, and suddenly I realized that this uniform is pretty good-looking!"


Bai Lu was a little embarrassed and shy.

After a brief training by the site owner, the two of them officially took up their posts!

[Ding dong! New order for Mei Tuan takeout! 】

The little eMule clicked on the phone and heard a ringtone.

Zhang Yang and Bai Lu looked at each other.

Come to life!

One is working part-time for the first time in his life, and the other is delivering food for the first time.

It’s hard to avoid feeling a little excited!

"The location is... Huacheng Avenue...Building A of Fortune Building..."

This first order is a big one, and it shows ten working meals.

This is good luck, a good start!

"My beloved! Get in the car! I will take you to see the country I have conquered for you."

Zhang Yang sat astride the small electric donkey and shouted to Bai Lu with a smile.

"Okay, Your Majesty, my concubine is here! No, why am I not a queen, but a noble concubine!"

Bai Lu smiled brightly and sat down behind Zhang Yang cooperatively.

"Isn't the emperor's favorite favorite in the TV series the imperial concubine? The empress is just a representative of the mother's care for the world!"

"Then that's enough, isn't it! Do you want to imitate the emperor's embrace?"

"Haha, the emperor has three thousand beauties, and they are more than just hugging her! A man's ultimate dream!"

"Hiss...! Bai Lu! Why are you pinching me!"

"Bah! Scumbag!"

"I'm just thinking about it!"

"No, not even if you think about it!"

"Okay, then sit tight...!"


Zhang Yang twisted the accelerator hard, and the little e-donkey flew out like a sharp arrow!

This startled Bai Lu behind him, and she hugged Zhang Yang's waist tightly.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt a soft touch on his back!

He swears!

This is definitely not intentional!

The PD who was following him was also stunned by Zhang Yang, and he quickly had someone chase him from behind.

"Zhang Yang! Don't drive too fast! The screen is gone!"


This scene made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter!

"Hahaha, it's so funny! These two are role-playing here, and they even acted it out!"

"With the yellow robe on his body, he seems to have a bit of an imperial air!"

"I'll take you to see the empire I've built for you. It's really good! You have MAX boyfriend power!"

"Didn't the two of them quarrel just now, and they reconciled so quickly? It's unscientific!"

"You don't understand this. Our Lulu is so easy to coax and never holds a grudge!"

"Three thousand beauties in the harem! It is indeed a man's ultimate dream!"


at this time

Zhang Yang has finished picking up the food and is navigating to the destination on a small electric donkey.

Bai Lu behind him was taking pictures with a sports camera. The PD who was originally following behind him had been thrown several miles away by Zhang Yang.

"Brother Yang! Why are you riding so fast! PD and the others can't catch up!"

Feeling the speed of the little electric donkey, Bai Lu looked very excited just now!

"Tch! Now that's it. If I'm serious, they can't even see the taillights. Do you want me to show you a little electric donkey drift around the corner!"

"Goodbye. There are thousands of roads. Safety comes first. There are so many people on the road now."

Bai Lu rejected Zhang Yang's proposal.

Zhang Yang is a little disappointed. He really wants to try the ultimate drifting technology rewarded by the system!

You can float even with wheels!

This little eDonkey must be fine!

Soon, the two of them arrived at their destination, the Fortune Building.

Takeout is not allowed in these office buildings, so Zhang Yang had to call and ask the contact person to come down and pick up the food.

"Brother Yang! Tell me, if I didn't enter the entertainment industry, would I work in these high-rise buildings?"

Bai Lu looked up at the high-rise buildings around her, her eyes yearning for the white-collar life.

"Haha, you think the people who work here are all white-collar workers. Most of them are ordinary workers. They look glamorous on the outside, but their monthly salary may only be a few thousand yuan. Most of them can't compare to us. This is the food delivery guy!”

Zhang Yang broke Bai Lu's fantasy directly and ruthlessly.

"Hey... Brother Yang is really sober in the world! I used to be a member of these high-rise buildings. Others think that working in the CBD is glamorous, but only you know the pain behind it!"

"Brother Yang really impressed me. I was able to make over 10,000 yuan a month even though I was working hard on delivering food, which is better than most professions!"


Soon these men and women came out of the building, all wearing suits and leather shoes.

"Zhang Yang! Aren't you, Brother Yang, you are my idol!"

One of the boys recognized Zhang Yang immediately.

This makes Zhang Yang a little surprised. He actually has fans?

"Ah...! It's really Zhang Yang!"

Several other people also recognized Zhang Yang and covered their mouths.

"Brother Yang! When will "Love Like Fire" be released?"

"Brother Yang! Are you really straight?"

Brother Yang! Do you think Bai Lu looks good when she smiles? "


Zhang Yang's face darkened. Boy, are you polite?

"Hey, why didn't you see Bai Lu? Didn't you guys shoot together today?"

Bai Lu, who was standing by, was a little bit amused. She had been there for so long and didn't realize it.

Even though I have been debuting for so long, I am still not as good as Zhang Yang who has not debuted yet. This is so shameless!

"Is that a staff member over there? Can you take a photo for us?"

"Haha, can I refuse?"

Bai Lu removed the action camera in his hand and revealed his true appearance!

"Ah...it's Bai Mengyan!"

"Milk-skinned Shiro Yumeken...!"

This is a real fan "antler"!

Bai Lu was so frightened that she quickly stepped forward and covered the girl's mouth. She didn't want to continue to die in society!

"Don't shout slogans, I'll let you go, okay!"

The girl nodded wildly in agreement.

"Ah! Lulu, I like you so much. I didn't expect to meet you. How about we take a photo together!"

Zhang Yang found that there seemed to be more and more people watching around him. After taking photos with a few people, he picked up Bai Lu and drove away to the next location.

There were cheers from behind!

"Milk-skinned Bai Mengken, peerless beauty Bai Mengken, fairy descended to earth Bai Mengken!"

The enthusiasm of the "Antlers" almost caused Bailushe to die on the spot!

"Ah, it's over. Please let me go. This joke is completely unbearable!"

Bai Lu sighed helplessly.

Zhang Yang laughed unscrupulously.

Bai Lu gently pinched Zhang Yang's back!

"Hmph! Even you laugh at me!"

"How about I teach you a way so that you won't die in society anymore!"

"Really? Is there any way?"

Bai Lu was a little overjoyed!

"As Brother Xun said, what does your arrest of Zhou Shuren have to do with me, Lu Xun? You must uphold one belief. I am Bai Lu. What do you think Bai Mengyan has to do with me?"

"Uh..., I don't have Brother Xun's level! This is what you want!"

Bai Lu was suddenly speechless!

Zhang Yang thought for a while and said.

"There is an ultimate solution, it will definitely work!"

"any solution!"

"If you don't bear it, this life will pass soon! Hahaha!"

"Zhang Yang!"

Bai Lu raised her fist and struck Zhang Yang on the back.

What the hell is this!

The live broadcast room burst into laughter!


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