Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 20 The Little Kid’S Three-Piece Suit, Tt, Yu Ting, Pregnancy Test Stick! [Begging For Flower

In the studio

Director Wang Yu was in a good mood when he saw the recovery of data in Yu Shuxin's live broadcast room!

He also talked with their economic teams last night and found out that Wang Hedi and Yu Shuxin had not been able to get into shape.

I thought it would take a few days for the two of them to get into the groove.

But unexpectedly, I was activated by Zhang Yang’s words today!

He couldn't wait to do it now.

Immediately arrange Zhang Yang to other people's live broadcast rooms to increase the popularity of other live broadcast rooms.

It’s a pity that the other two groups are not in the same city!

A flash of inspiration.

Wang Yu seemed to have thought of a way.

Since they can't be arranged independently, why not just adjust the program and bring them together!

"It's a meeting! It's a meeting! Call someone over now!"

Wang Yu’s roar sounded!


Zhang Yang didn't know.

My unintentional words just now helped Wang Hedi and Yu Shuxin resolve their knots.

At this moment.

Zhang Yang was taking an errand order and just walked out of a pharmacy.

Bai Lu did not follow him in, but looked at the exclusive car "Red Rabbit" electric donkey at the door.

That's right!

"Red Rabbit" is the name given by Zhang Yang to the little electric donkey. What man doesn't like to ride a red rabbit horse.

In Xiangjiang. Internet celebrity Aqiu's bicycle can be stolen on the roadside, let alone his own Chitu Donkey.

Of course, Bai Lu must keep an eye on it to avoid having the battery stolen.

Saw Zhang Yang walking out of the pharmacy.

Bai Lu smiled and walked up to him, curious as to what their first errand would be.

"Brother Yang! What is our first order?"

Zhang Yang handed the bag in his hand to Bai Lu.

"Guess what's inside, and you'll be rewarded if you guess right!"

Bai Lu took the paper bag and felt light and airy. Is there anything inside?

Then Bailu shook slightly, and there was indeed slight movement inside, a bit like a small box.

"Ah, I know, I guess it's eye drops!"

"No! Keep guessing!"

"Cold and fever medicine?"

"No, let me give you a hint, this is a life-threatening thing!"

"Huh?! Such an important medicine!"

"How can that be over-the-counter medicine? We can't do anything illegal."

When Bai Lu heard Zhang Yang's words, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Although this may only be the store's problem, if you send it yourself, you are an accomplice!

"Haha, it's not a prescription drug, it's a kid's burp bag!"

Zhang Yang knew that Bai Lu was wrong, so he told her the answer directly.

"Huh?? What is a kid's burp bag?"

Bai Lu's eyes widened. She had never heard of such a life-saving medicine!

"Have you ever heard of the three-piece set of children's burping and farting?"

Bai Lu still shook her head in confusion.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to continue explaining.

“Kids burp bags: condoms;

Children's burping pills: Yu Ting;

Child vitality detector: pregnancy test stick;

Understandable? "

Bai Lu suddenly realized it and nodded subconsciously!


But he came back to his senses instantly.

So what is in this paper bag is that kind of TT!

Bai Lu's originally fair face immediately turned into a ripe red apple, and she threw the paper bag in her hand directly.

"No! If this is damaged, we have to pay for it!"

Fortunately, Zhang Yang had quick hands and eyes and caught the paper bag, otherwise it would have fallen to the ground.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room took off directly!

"What a three-piece kid's burping suit! I'm really convinced!"

"Sure enough, I can still write something in the live broadcast room!"

"Haha, Bai Lu's reaction is too funny!"

"Not to mention, a kid's burp bag, I didn't know what it was at first, but TT is also called this!"

"If this continues, I feel like Bai Lu has been led astray!"


"You asked me to guess even though I knew it was this thing, I think you clearly did it on purpose!"

Bai Lu blushed and glared at Zhang Yang fiercely.

Zhang Yang casually put the paper bag into the box and smiled.

"Let's go quickly. People are anxiously waiting for us to save their lives. If it's too late, someone might actually die!"

Bai Lu was not a little girl, so she naturally knew what this meant, and sat skillfully in the back row of the little electric donkey.

"Sit tight! I'm going to speed up!"

Bai Lu nodded and hugged Zhang Yang's waist.

The mission must be achieved!

The little electric donkey "Red Rabbit" appeared at the end of the street in a flash, and disappeared around the corner with a handsome flick of its tail.

Pedestrians on the road couldn't help but sigh.

The car driven by this delivery boy is really stable and fast!


Zhang Yang and Bai Lu were standing in front of the Super 9 hotel chain.

"Brother Yang! What's wrong?"

Bai Lu found that Zhang Yang's face was a little solemn.

"I have a hunch that our errand run may have some twists and turns. Please be careful when you are behind me later."

"Ah, Brother Yang, did you use that secret Feng Shui technique to calculate something?"


Zhang Yang was at a loss for words. He knew a lot about Feng Shui.

Daytime, hotel, condoms!

Combining these three things together, it is obvious that something will happen with a high probability!

While the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of 1314.

Zhang Yang picked up the takeout paper bag and knocked gently on the concierge door.

Bai Lu followed Zhang Yang's instructions, stood behind him, and put on the camera.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also became curious.

They also want to see who is buying TT?

Is it male or female?

But the strange thing is that there is no reaction inside.

Zhang Yang looked at the address on the order and then the house number. It was correct. He then continued to knock on the door and shouted.

"Hello, I'm running errands with the Mei Tuan, the last number is..., Mr. Zhou, the things you bought have arrived, please come out and get them!"

"You sent the wrong one! I didn't buy anything!"

The other party still didn't open the door.

Just a male voice came from the room.

Zhang Yang and Bai Lu looked at each other, so strange?

Just when the two were about to leave.


door opens

A thin man appeared in front of them.

"Hello, can you come in? I want to confirm something with you."

Looking at the thin man in front of him, he should be no match for him!

I haven't finished my errands yet, not to mention that I have millions of fans online behind me!

Zhang Yang is not guilty at all!

Then he agreed to the thin man's request.

However, Zhang Yang still protected Bai Lu behind him. He could eat melons, but he must not let her get hurt.

Good guy!

Except for the man just now, there was no one in the room.

There was another man and woman inside.

Two men and one woman, destined to be one and the same!

Even Bai Lu stuck out his head and looked like he was ready to eat the melon!

She felt that there must be a big melon in it!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, asking for data, asking for everything!

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