Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 23: After A Man Is Done, He Will Always Want To Ask If He Felt Good Just Now. [Kneel Down An

At this time in Zhang Yang's eyes.

Everything around him slowed down, and the "Red Rabbit" on his crotch seemed to become one with himself.

This is the effect of the ultimate drift technology buff!

A 100% successful drift route appeared in Zhang Yang's mind!

This is the moment!

The little electric donkey "Red Rabbit" swerved sideways into the corner like a rocket. Without any pause in speed, it turned and swung past.

Perfect drift!

In Zhang Yang's eyes, all this is very slow!

But for others, it’s just a moment!

All they saw was a figure disappearing around the bend in the blink of an eye!

All they heard was the harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground!

The car owners around him couldn't believe their eyes.

What the hell?

What they saw just now was a small electric stove, and it flew past them with a perfect drift!

This is outrageous!

Isn't this delivery boy some kind of ghost rider?

It's not completely dark yet, is there a ghost?

When did it become so fierce here?

All the car owners at the scene were confused!

But the live broadcast room was in a state of excitement!

What they were following was Bai Lu's lens, and they saw the whole process of Zhang Yang's drift just now.

The tension from the first-person perspective stimulates everyone's adrenaline!

"So handsome! I felt like I couldn't breathe just now!"

"I didn't expect Brother Yang to be really good at drifting. He's so cruel!"

"This is a complete brush with death. Non-professionals, please do not imitate!"

"The one upstairs, even professionals dare not imitate it. I have been doing motorcycle stunts for ten years. I use a small electric donkey to drift. I can't even think about it. Brother Yang is awesome!"

"You really will die if you try it! The little electric donkey drifts! This is completely unprecedented, and it is unlikely that anyone will do it in the future."


Bai Lu, who is sitting in the back row, understands this feeling very well!

Just now, she felt as if her heartbeat had completely stopped. The suffocation of death seemed to be swallowing her up, and tears flowed out unconsciously.

At the moment when he was completely swallowed up, a figure riding a horse suddenly appeared, pulling him out of the vortex of death.

This person's face is somewhat similar to Zhang Yang!

"Wow...! Lulu! Didn't you feel so good just now? This is called speed and passion!"

The drift just now also brought a different feeling to Zhang Yang.

No wonder others say that motorcycles are a man’s romance!

This is true!

But my romance is the "Red Rabbit" little electric donkey!

This made Bai Lu feel a little tired.

At this time, what you should be concerned about should not be whether something is wrong with you, or whether you are afraid?

Just ask yourself if you feel good about it!

These are all words of tiger and wolf, how do you answer this!

Zhang Yang did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but continued to ask.

"Haha, Lulu, did you feel too good just now? I don't know how to express it. It was the first time I did that action just now. It felt really good!"

"How about we try again? Let's have fun again!"

At this time, Bai Lu was already furious.

This guy is really getting more and more outrageous!

That mouth of his really has no other use besides singing.

"Zhang Yang! I'm so proud of you. If you don't drive well, you will scare me to death!"

At this time, Bai Lu was like a lioness with explosive hair!

Even though Zhang Yang couldn't see Bai Lu's expression, he could feel the suppressed anger in her tone.

Sure enough, women are always telling the truth!

I was obviously so excited just now that I screamed and felt so happy!

Now she has started to ignore people again, she is a real scumbag!

Also follow Zhang Yang in the live broadcast room and start driving!

"Brother Yang! As expected of a man of steel, this car drives fast and steady!"

"This is incredible! Just ask a girl if she feels comfortable. Brother Yang, what kind of carbon-based creature are you!"

"After you guys are done, you like to ask girls if you felt good just now!"

"Makabaka! Aren't all boys like this across the country?"

"Is there still a distinction between south and north?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't let the building tilt. If this continues, will Brother Yang's live broadcast room be blocked?"

"I suspect you are talking about something new, but I have no proof!"


"Brother! Brother! Are you still alive?"

"Good brother, you have to hold on! Hold on for one more minute!"

"I'm right at the door of your community!"

"In order to save you, I have risked my life to fight with death!"

"As long as I can successfully save you, I will have no regrets in my life! Chongya...!"

At this time, Zhang Yang decided to get down to business and contact the customer quickly!

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Put aside the personal relationship between men and women for now.

Soon, a funny voice came from the other side.

"Hahaha... I'm laughing so hard!"

"Good brother, are you always so funny? Hahaha...!"

"I was very moved when I heard it. I really thought I was about to starve to death!"

This sentence caused Bai Lu behind him to break through his guard and burst into laughter.

At this time, Zhang Yang is indeed a joke!

It's hot-blooded and hits the mark!

"Brother! You've gone too far! It's called a sense of mission. No one can starve to death in my hands. Do you understand?"

"Brother, where are you!?"

"I'm at the gate of your community. If you can't get out, I'll tell the security guard that your legs and feet are inconvenient!"

"Wotao! Is it that fast? You really drifted here! Wait at the door, I'll go downstairs now!"

Then there were various noises on the phone, and it could be heard that the other party was so panicked that he even forgot to hang up!

“It turns out that Zhang Yang is really worried that his customers will starve to death!”

The funny conversation between these two people made the entire live broadcast room burst into laughter!

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard! Zhang Yang has such a damn sense of mission!"

"The other party was frightened. This speed and this experience must be something he has never experienced before!"

“I hope all my future takeaways will be delivered by Zhang Yang!”

"I think you want to eat farts!"


Soon, a handsome boy appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Ahhh...! You are Lulu, then...that good brother who is funny is Zhang Yang, my...god! Is this true!"

The boy held his head in his hands, looking in disbelief!

"Hello! I'm Bai Lu!"

Bai Lu showed a sweet smile.

"Ahh...! Lulu, you...well, I am your loyal fan "Deer Antler"!"

Seeing the goddess of his dreams, the boy was a little incoherent!

"Thank you, I didn't expect to meet a live male fan!"

Bai Lu covered her mouth and laughed.

"Hey, hey... I called you a good brother just now, but now you have forgotten about your good brother when you see the goddess. I am your savior!"

Zhang Yang stood up at the right time and broke up this fan meeting!

The three of them burst into laughter.

In the end, the three of them took a group photo together, and the boy got Bai Lu's autograph as he wished.

In this way, a passionate and thrilling rescue operation ended successfully!


PS: New book sets sail! Ask for all the data!

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