Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 37: Whole Life? You Can Always Trust Zhang Yang! [Begging For Flowers And Commenting On Ever

Definitely press the play button with Sister Wang.

The magical music sounded again.

"Kids, get ready, follow me and dance to the rhythm of the music!"

Zhang Yang's voice sounded again.

"is teacher!"

The child answered happily.

"Remember, step on your right foot, swing your left upper arm upward three times, squat on your knees, and swing your right hand once!"


"Bai Lu, go help correct the children's movements!"

"Ah?! Okay! No problem!"

Only at Zhang Yang's urging did Bai Lu react.

Now that we are all on the pirate ship, we can only go all the way to darkness. Maybe there will be some turning point later.

The children waved their hands happily to the music, but this was the first time they danced to the music.

It looks like a bunch of demons dancing around!

At this time, the live broadcast room was even more uproar!

【Haha...as expected! Zhang Yang is here to fix things! 】

【Fuck! Damn it! This is considered dance. A trainee of two and a half years cried and fainted in the bathroom! 】

【Don’t jump anymore, don’t jump anymore! 】

[Dance very well, don’t do it next time! 】

[Brother Yang, you really hide your secrets. This dance shocked the world! 】

[What a folk dance, what a hand-waving dance, two and a half years of dancing made me cry! 】

[Everything, you can always trust Brother Yang! 】


However, as the children's proficiency increased, the children's hand-waving egg dance began to get better.

Bai Lu and Zhang Yang also joined in!

The style of the barrages in the live broadcast room has begun to change!


【I go! This dance is also poisonous, I think it’s interesting, it’s so good! 】

[Hahaha, this horse riding has signs of human-to-human transmission, it’s terrible! 】

[I thought "Love Like Fire" was already fierce enough! Unexpectedly, after adding the hand-waving dance, this is completely the effect of 1 plus 1 greater than 2. I feel numb! 】

[Haha... this dance is so interesting! My head started shaking again! 】

【Brother Yang! How about we do some human things? You make us feel uncomfortable like this! 】

[Bai Lu is indeed a woman who has been in a girl group and can dance better than Zhang Yang! 】

[Haha... I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do it anymore! I'm dying laughing! 】

【This is too high-powered】


After several times, the children have completely mastered the essence of Danzi's hand-waving dance.

"Great! Congratulations, you have learned a new dance!"

Zhang Yang smiled with great satisfaction.

"Yeah...! Thank you teacher!"

The children jumped for joy.

"Zhang Yang! How about we make a video together? I want to post it on Douyin!"

Bai Lu was also infected by the children's laughter, and smiled and put forward the suggestion of making douyin.

Both the song and the dance are Douyin versions. If Bai Lu wants to film Douyin, it would be the best.

This is likely to be the first step in what will become a human-to-human transmission!

Zhang Yang is also looking forward to something like that happening, but in order to record the fighting sound, the dance part still needs to be adjusted.

"Kids, let's schedule the video together. We'll make a pair, and then the first one will start dancing. After one movement, the others will dance next, and so on. Do you understand?"

"I understand! Teacher!"

The children cooperated willingly.

Zhang Yang also didn't expect that one day he would also be a teacher, which feels really good.

"Zhang Yang! Why are you lining up like this? Why don't we all dance together? And why am I the first and you are the last! Did you do it on purpose?"

Bai Lu was like a curious baby at this time.

"Bai Lu, you have more problems than the children. You will know after the filming is over!"

"I let you dance first because you are the best dancer, so it is most appropriate to be the first one!"

After being praised by Zhang Yang, Bai Lu's heart felt as sweet as honey, and the smile on her face could not be concealed at all.

Seeing Bai Lu's cheerful look, Zhang Yang felt happy. This baby Bai Lu is so innocent!

Of course she danced the best, but the first one was also the most tiring!

There are seven people in total, and she has to dance more than eight times for each person to take a turn.

Soon, the team was ready, with Bai Lu in one, Zhang Yang in the last, and the children in the middle.

The staff used their mobile phones to take pictures from the front.

As the drumbeat of "Love Like Fire" sounds!

Bailu first

The second child

The third………


[Hahaha... What kind of carbon-based creature like Zhang Yang can still come up with such a method? It's a completely devilish dance! 】

【I'm already trembling! There is a feeling that I will soon be dominated! 】

[This kind of arrangement simply doubles the happiness! 】

[I’ve learned it just by looking at it. It’s really simple and easy to understand! 】

[Upstairs, it’s just the eyes that have learned it! The hands and feet are not necessarily the same! I just tried it and almost died! 】

【Hahaha...this is too funny! I also want to film Douyin! so fun! 】

【get high! I'm already high]

【Help! This dance is too silly! There is a feeling that the more you look at it, the more you look at it! 】

[Hahaha, I’m not afraid of being bullied by others. I’m just afraid that the bullshits live in the same nest. I’m going to harm my sandboxed friends! 】

【Egg Boy Party, shake it up! 】

【Good life! Reward! 】


After the filming was completed, Bai Lu was out of breath, her hair was messy, and she almost had stars in her eyes.

Although Danzi's hand-waving dance moves are simple, he can't help but repeat a set of moves over and over again, and it's very impressive.

But she found that Zhang Yang was calm and composed, like a person who was fine.

At this time, Bai Lu felt that she seemed to have been deceived by Zhang Yang again just now, cha

"Huh...huh...! Zhang Yang, did you just let me stand first on purpose?"

"No, it really doesn't happen! How is it possible? Don't accuse a good person unjustly!"

He would never admit it. Zhang Yang directly denied it for three consecutive times!

"Zhang Yang! You lied to me again!"

Bai Lu looked at Zhang Yang's expression and knew that she had been tricked again, so she raised her "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" to grab Zhang Yang.

"Bai Lu! Calm down!"

"Children, your sister Lu is angry! Go and comfort her!"

When the children heard Zhang Yang's words, they rushed up.

"Sister, don't be angry! We will play with you!"

"elder sister,………!"

Faced with these innocent and romantic children, Bai Lianlu glared at Zhang Yang and reluctantly put down the "Nine Yin White Bone Claws".

If looks could kill.

Zhang Yang had been cut to pieces by a thousand cuts at this time!

"Sister is not angry, she is just playing games with her brother!"

[Hahaha... The longest road I have walked in my life is Zhang Yang’s routine! 】

【Zhang Yang, you old man! Bullying our Lulu again! 】

[Poor Bai Lu was eaten to death! 】

[When will this video be released? Go to Douyin immediately and get the first kill! 】

[Help, I was laughing so hard, this is so cute! 】

[The only drawback is that the sound quality is a bit poor. It’s just the live version, not the recorded version! 】

[I beg Zhang Yang to release official versions of all his previous songs, but the live versions don’t sound good! 】



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