Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 43: Put More Chili Pepper And Less Salt. I Can’T Eat Too Salty Food! [Begging For Flowers An

[Haha...laughed so hard! Brother Yang can do everything! But can you please take it easy! 】

【Brother Yang! You can just combine the two big guys Zhuang Sheng and Xiaomeng into one, and you still know how to live! 】

【Brother Yang! Master Xiaomeng doesn’t want to be confused! 】

[This is a very good job, I won’t do it next time! 】

[If this word gets out, Brother Yang will be sprayed to death. Is there anyone in China who hasn’t watched Zhuang Sheng’s TV series or listened to Xiaomeng’s music? 】

【elder brother! Let's take it easy, we haven't even drank yet today, why are we still blowing! 】

[Originally I thought Lu Bu was already invincible, but I didn’t expect our brother Yang to be even braver! 】


"Okay! I was just kidding."

"It's just that I know them, they don't know me!"

Seeing the two people's complete disbelief, Zhang Yang had no choice but to spread his hands.

This is considered to be telling the truth.

No one believes it anymore?


Bai Lu rolled her eyes at Zhang Yang, wondering how her idol could be Zhang Yang.

In fact, all the "Antlers" know that Bai Lu went to participate in the selection of Han Country trainees because of her idol Xiao Meng.

Bai Lu can be regarded as one of the successful examples of star-chasing girls who pursue themselves as stars.

Originally, in her plan, he wanted to be a member of a girl group who was good at singing and dancing, and then wanted to sing songs written by her idol Xiaomeng.

However, due to some strange combination of circumstances, she failed the selection and became an actress, growing further and further away from Xiaomeng.

This also became a trace of regret in her heart!

Hu Boyu was secretly relieved!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang was joking just now, otherwise he wouldn't be able to accept this fact!

Both of them are absolute masters in their respective fields. Now he is told that these two people are actually the same person. What is even more outrageous is that this person is still standing in front of him.

These words beat him to death, and Hu Boyu couldn't believe it!

"Mr. Zhang, this is your audio. It has been completed. If you have any songs to record in the future, please contact me at any time!"

"Okay, Boss Hu, I will continue to disturb you if necessary in the future!"

Zhang Yang took the USB flash drive from Hu Boyu's hand and smiled.

"Haha, calling me boss is too strange. From now on, you can also call me Lao H, Hu or Brother Hu!"

After this cooperation, Hu Boyu finally understood why Wang Yu valued Zhang Yang so much.

He definitely has the potential to become a superstar!

"Haha... Then I'll call you Lao Hu, and you can also call me Xiao Zhang or Xiao Yang!"

"And Lao Hu, please send these songs to Director Wang later, and he will help me with other things."

"Xiao Yang, no problem. I'll leave this matter to my brother. I'll handle it beautifully for you if I have to."

Hu Boyu promised, patting his chest.

"Thank you, brother!"

Zhang Yang is also happy to accept the kindness shown by others. Many times, there are many friends and many paths.

Zhang Yang turned around to remind. "Bai Lu, don't you want to use "Love Like Fire" as the background music for the fighting sound? You can use the computer to do it now."

Bai Lu patted her forehead gently and said. "Ai~ I almost forgot about this!"

Then, Bai Lu used the computer to copy the music to the mobile phone.

Then I edited together the Danzi dance that I filmed with the children in the morning, and then published the work, all in one go!

She is worthy of being a female star doing daily business!

It doesn't take a moment to finish.

Upon seeing this, many viewers in the live broadcast room immediately moved their positions and went to Douyin to see the effect.

After a while, the live broadcast room was full of joy!

[Hahaha...this video, this dance! Too toxic! It’s so ridiculous! 】

[This is completely different from what I saw in the live broadcast room. It’s too ridiculous! 】

[Zhang Yang, how did he come up with this hand-waving dance? This is completely starting to show signs of human-to-human transmission! 】

[It’s so funny to see Bai Lu jumping all the time, Zhang Yang and the others getting ready to go! 】

[My mother saw this and wanted me to teach her how to dance. I practice ballet! Ying Ying! 】

[Ah haha, they laughed to death! The first Bai Lu was shaken silly, and the last Zhang Yang was not shaken enough! 】

[The more people there are, the more useless the first one is. My head has started to shake! 】

[Haha, I want to know who is the most embarrassing person, the first or the last person? 】

【I almost burst out laughing! Kuaite, your Sheniu friends, cheer up! 】

【Come to Eggman Party and get excited! 】


For a while.

From the live broadcast room to Bai Lu’s Douyin horn.

This video started to show signs of human-to-human transmission and spread rapidly.

At this time, Hu Boyu was so shocked that he doubted his life. Which carbon-based creature came up with this dance?

What the hell is this!

Tuhai's "Love is Like Fire", coupled with Danzi's hand-waving dance, who can resist this combination?

The Internet says that Zhang Yang is very good at organizing things!

One look today, this guy is well-deserved!

This life is really going to start right away!

Good life!


Only then did Hu Boyu remember.

Zhang Yang and Bai Lu have left.

Otherwise he really wanted to ask.

Zhang Yang, what exactly is this brain circuit?


At this time, Zhang Yang and Bai Lu had appeared on the street, joining the endless flow of people.

In order to reduce the impact on other people's normal travel life.

Bai Lu went through a simple disguise, and the photographer also changed to more secretive shooting equipment.

After all, Bai Lu is also one of the most popular actresses in China at the moment, so it is easy for a large number of passers-by to watch, and even cause a more serious safety hazard.

Soon, the two came to Yida Plaza.

Today is a working day, and even during lunch time, there are not many people in the mall.

"Bai Lu, what should we have for lunch?"

Zhang Yang looked at the dazzling array of choices in the shopping mall, and he fell into difficulty in making a choice again.

Bai Lu is an out-and-out foodie.

It's still the kind of person who really doesn't gain weight by eating, rather than the concave foodie persona.

Usually when filming on the set, Bai Lu eats and touches all kinds of snacks given by the crew and director.

She even revealed that she not only ate it herself, but also let other actors do it!

Other people’s assistants: Don’t eat, keep your weight

Bai Lu’s resentful bestie’s assistant: Get more, get more, I want to eat too!

Soon, Bai Lu made a decision!

"Let's go! Zhang Yang! I saw a spicy rabbit head in front of me, let's go eat the rabbit head!"

"Ah! Bai Lu, you can actually eat rabbit heads?"

This surprised Zhang Yang!

In the entertainment industry, many female celebrities are cruel to eating rabbits. They think rabbits are so cute, how can they eat rabbits?

Bai Lu smiled, showing her big white teeth.

"I'm a serious rabbit lover. It's not that I don't want to see them continue to suffer. It's not that I want to save just one of them! Save five or six of them first!"

"Zhang Yang! You haven't eaten it before, or don't you dare to eat it? You think it's cruel?"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly: "Ha! How cruel? Put more chili pepper and less salt. I can't eat too salty food! I will save ten of them today!"

Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room was filled with joy!

[These two are really the sixth child, and the way they talk about eating rabbit heads is so fresh and refined! 】

[Rabbits are so cute, how can you eat rabbits? , you are too cruel! 】

[In terms of eating, Bai Lu will be strong throughout his life and will never lose to others! 】

[Spicy rabbit head, it’s really delicious. I want to beat it too, no! Save ten! 】

[Hahaha... they almost died laughing in the live broadcast room! 】

[Food blogger, Bai Mengyan is online! 】


PS: The data has been moved. Are any of you still watching? It’s on the shelves soon, give me some confidence!

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