Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 51 Sorry, My Hand Slipped Just Now! [Begging For Flowers And Commenting On Everything]

"Bai Lu, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yang noticed something was wrong with Bai Lu's expression.

This time Zhang Yang was smart and didn't ask Bai Lu if her aunt was here!

Because the milk tea I just drank at Bailu was iced, this question was simply a scoring question.

Thumbs up to Zhang Yang for his wit!

"It's okay, I'm just tired from walking just now!"

A forced smile appeared on Bai Lu's face.

Originally, I was full of joy and prepared to have a Michelin meal and a candlelight dinner, but unexpectedly, Zhang Yang took me to the Shaxian store.

Compare these two!

It’s like heaven and earth!

Such a sense of disparity can make her feel extremely unhappy.

In Bai Lu's heart, there is no problem even eating Shaxian at night, which is also very down-to-earth.

But her expectations were lifted up into the clouds before, and then fell heavily to the ground.

[Hey~ I’m starting to feel a little sorry for Lulu, why don’t we stop playing, we “Antlers” will always love you! 】

[Bai Lu has a really good personality, and he can still face it with a smile. If it were me, I would just tell him to eat me! 】

[Bai Lu, Brother Yang is wrong this time. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime treat for you. Let him pay you back in the future! 】

[Lulu, come on! You are the best, Zhang Yang! What a dog man, the next one will be better and the next one will be better behaved! 】

【Zhang Yang! You are not a man! 】


At this moment,

The viewers of the live broadcast were blaming Zhang Yang and blaming him for cheating on Bai Lu!

Only one person is happy and elated!

That person is Huan Yu’s boss Yu!

Since the last time, he would watch Bai Lu's live broadcast room when he had time.

Seeing Bai Lu being wronged, Boss Yu was not only not angry, but also very happy!

Well done Zhang Yang!

Zhang Yang did a great job!

Zhang Yang did a great job!

This time!

Boss Yu couldn’t help but want to give Zhang Yang a thumbs up!

Only Bai Lu completely hates Zhang Yang!

Only then will she continue to stay in Huanyu and continue to make money for him!


Zhang Yang took out a stool from the store and said.

"You sit at the door first, I'll go in and pack!"

Bai Lu felt a warm feeling in her heart when she looked at the stool on the ground, and some color returned to her face.

"Ah, if we don't dine in here, where can we take it to eat?"

"Haha, only men come to eat Shaxian snacks. If a beautiful girl like you suddenly comes here to eat, it will definitely cause a commotion."

"And isn't our mission a candlelight dinner? I didn't forget that I said I would take you to a Michelin meal!"

After saying that, Zhang Yang turned around and walked into the store.

At this time, Bai Lu stared at Zhang Yang's back in confusion.

"It turns out he hasn't forgotten, he still remembers it all the time!"

Bai Lu felt a warmth rise unconsciously in her heart, and her face gained a bit of energy.

At this time, the camera followed Zhang Yang and did not stop at Bai Lu, and no one saw the change in her expression.

"Boss! Here's a black chicken stew, fried wontons, two braised eggs, three pieces of dried tofu, a duck leg, a steamed dumpling, a fried rice, and a fragrant noodles, all of them. Pack it for me, ask for more sauce, and don’t cook the noodles, I’ll cook them at home!”

After entering the store.

Zhang Yang did not look at the menu board on the wall to order, but directly and skillfully ordered with the boss.

This skillful movement shocked the photographer behind him.

It seems that Zhang Yang eats this Shaxian snack a lot, otherwise he wouldn't be so skilled at it.

"Boss, please pack it for me first. I'll come over and pick it up later, okay?"

The boss said. "Okay! No problem, handsome guy! Just come back and get it later!"

Then Zhang Yang said hello to Bai Lu, went straight to the nearby vegetable market, and bought some side dishes.

In this process.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has changed Zhang Yang’s opinion a lot!

【Brother Yang! I still have a heart for white dew. Although I can’t have a Michelin meal, I can at least remember the candlelight dinner! 】

[Brother Yang is very skilled at ordering food. It seems that he has eaten a lot in Shaxian County and ordered all the signature dishes! 】

[Bai Lu is actually very easy to coax, just make up for it with a big meal later! 】

[Why does Zhang Yang come to Shaxian to take delivery? There are so many other stores to choose from, but he chooses Shaxian? 】

[I can’t understand, I can’t understand! Zhang Yang may have other deep meanings! 】

[Hahaha...laughing to death! What else is there to say about Chisha County? Can Zhang Yang make flowers? 】

[Haha... Do you think Zhang Yang wants Shaxian County to be treated like Michelin? 】

[I can only say that it is very imaginative, but I really want to laugh! 】


After a while, Zhang Yang bought them all!

After coming back, I found that Bai Lu's demeanor had returned to normal. It seemed that she was really exhausted.

I delivered takeout all day yesterday, and when I got up early today, I was dragged to dance again. I just walked away for a long time.

"I see you're much better now, why don't we take a little more rest before we go!"

Bai Lu smiled. "No, it's getting late now, let's go back early!"

In fact, Bai Lu was also looking forward to it.

She also wanted to go home quickly and see what Zhang Yang wanted to do.

"Okay, no problem! Let's go!"

After Zhang Yang paid, he picked up the ingredients packed by his boss and returned to the nanny car with Bai Lu.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but said nothing because he was tired of looking at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, imagined a candlelight dinner.

that's all!

Along the way, both of them sat quietly.

this moment!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was suddenly in a trance.

This seems to be the first time. Seeing these two people staying so quietly is quite poetic.

The return journey is quick!

The nanny van is parked in front of the love cabin.

"Bai Lu, I will prepare a candlelight dinner for you. You go and wear your best clothes!"

As soon as he got off the bus, Zhang Yang smiled at Wink.

Bai Lumin pursed her lips and said. "Ah!? It's just a meal, does it need to be so grand?"

Zhang Yang said as he walked into the kitchen holding the ingredients in both hands.

"This is our first candlelight dinner. Of course it needs to be more grand. I'll call you later when it's ready!"

Bai Lu felt a little embarrassed and her face felt slightly hot.

"Then do you need my help? I can help you. We can make a candlelight dinner together!"

When he said that there was something behind him, his voice became quieter.

Zhang Yang quickly waved his hand and refused. "No need! No need! You will only help more and more when you come here. You can just wash the dishes later!"

"Hmph! Okay! Then call me when you're done! I'm going to take a shower first!"

Bai Lu stomped her foot and left angrily. It's amazing that she can cook!

Seeing Bai Lu leaving angrily, Zhang Yang scratched his hair in confusion.

What happened to Bai Lu?

Why did it explode again suddenly?

Could it be that you didn't get enough rest just now?

So Zhang Yang shouted loudly to Bai Lu in the room.

"If you haven't had enough rest, you can sleep for a while. Your health is important, don't be exhausted!"


There was a loud slamming sound in the house!

"I'm fine! Sorry, my hand slipped just now!"

Hearing this sound, Zhang Yang couldn't help but shrink his neck.

Angry women are really scary!

I was stunned by Zhang Yang in the live broadcast room!

I just finished praising him!

It collapsed again immediately!

.PS: It will go on sale tonight, please order first! !

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