Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 64: Zibo Bbq Soul Three-Piece Set, Cookie Oven And Sauces!

At this moment!

The whole internet is in a frenzy because of Zhang Yang’s barbecue!

However, Zhang Yang and others had no idea. All their attention was focused on Zibo Barbecue Intelligence.

"Well, Zhang Yang! This mutton kebab is so delicious. This is the first time I have eaten such delicious mutton kebab. It tastes completely different from what I have eaten before!!

At this time, after Bai Lu showed off the mutton in her mouth, she could finally speak. She was full of praise as soon as she opened her mouth!

Sister Wang and others also nodded with great satisfaction. The driver just now did not introduce the wrong place.

Although this trip is quite far away, after importing this bunch of mutton, all the complaints will disappear!

Zhang Yang was also very happy to receive satisfactory answers from everyone. It was like he recommended something and others were very satisfied.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly. "I'll show you how to eat Zibo's "Yixiantian". This is Zibo's soul barbecue!"

Bai Lu asked curiously like a curious baby.

"What is the way to eat "One Line of Sky"? Is it the secret gesture you make with the driver in the car?"

"Bingo! That's right! You guessed it right, Bai Lu, but there is no prize."

After saying that, Zhang Yang picked up a small cookie and folded it in half first, and then folded it again.

"Then we use the side with the two folds to dip it in Zibo's sauce."

Cumin, dried chili peppers, crushed peanuts, and special garlic chili sauce.

Then Zhang Yang slowly spread the cookies and said proudly. "Did you see it? This is "Xianqing!"

Everyone saw that in the center of the small cake, there was a line of seasoning that had just been dipped in it. It was like a line. Don’t be so excited if you don’t use it!

"Wow...! Really, you are amazing!"

Bai Lu was very flattering and clapped her hands, which greatly satisfied Zhang Yang's vanity.

"Next comes the highlight of the pancake. We have to choose two skewers of meat to sandwich between the pancakes. Remember to order two skewers!"

After saying that, Zhang Yang took two skewers of mutton directly from the shelf and placed them on the cookie in his hand. He was about to hold the cookie tightly and show everyone how to lick it to the end.

But in a moment.

A burning pain came from the palm of my hand!


It's so hot!


Zhang Yang's expression instantly distorted, and his left hand holding the cookie began to twist irregularly.

This scene is very funny!


After all, Bai Lu couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Sister Wang and the others did not laugh, but it could be seen from the twitching of the corners of their mouths.

They endured it very hard!

No one in the live broadcast room would tolerate it, everyone in the barrage burst out laughing.

[Hahaha, so funny! Zhang Yang didn’t expect that he failed in pretending to be cool, it made me laugh so hard!]

[It’s rare for Bai Lu to be so cooperative and show off with him, but Zhang Yang himself ruthlessly overturned!]

[Say he understands, but he still gets burned. Say he doesn’t understand, he also knows how to eat Yinxiantian!]

[Hahaha, I have taken the screenshot and saved it, and the emoticons will come soon!]

[Holy shit! Brother upstairs, you are really too bad. Remember to share, I want to criticize you too!]

[Small pancake barbecue dipping sauce with green onions, the taste is crunchy! This is the soul of Zibo barbecue three-piece set!]

[Hahaha, as a Zibo person, I tell you that those who feel hot are all novices. We have already mastered the skill of fishing for hot coals with our bare hands since we were little!]

[That’s right! When I eat biscuits from Zibo, I eat them directly with the red charcoal in hand!]

[Damn it, you bad old guys are so bad, you can’t believe even a word you say!]

[Niubi, then it’s not that we can’t even believe that they are from Zibo, the water in this society is too deep!]

【Do not believe rumors, do not pass rumors!】

Zhang Yang didn't know.

There may be 100 million people in the live broadcast room who will see his embarrassing story, and some screenshots will be saved directly.

At this time, Zhang Yang was not panicked and his hands were not shaking. He picked up his Taoist heart again and stayed strong.

"Ahem...! There was an accident just now, I will continue to show it to everyone now."

Zhang Yang still put the two skewers of meat on the pancake, then held the pancake tightly, rolled it back handsomely, and finally added Shandong green onions.


A Zibo-style barbecue pancake is just finished!

"Bai Lu, look, look, the mutton is wrapped in a small pancake, and there are green onions, doesn't it look good!"

Bai Lu looked at Zhang Yang's stretched out hand and thought he wanted to try it himself first!"

She subconsciously wanted to reach out.

But the next second, Zhang Yang put the cookie into his mouth.

"Bai Lu, you can roll one yourself, like me, eat it in big mouthfuls, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

Bai Lu smiled awkwardly, took a small pancake from the table and rolled it up without leaving any traces on her hands!

"Haha! Let me give it a try!"

Then Bai Lu followed what Zhang Yang had just done. With Zhang Yang's lessons learned, Bai Lu was not burned.

After the cookie was finished, Bai Lu opened her mouth and bit into the donut in her hand.


This feeling is completely different from just eating mutton skewers. She likes this way of eating even more!

The shortbread is full of wheat aroma, the juices from the grilled meat spurt out, the green onions are refreshing, and the rich texture tastes amazing!

“Uh-huh…! This…………………!?

Bai Lu nodded suddenly and said something incomprehensible.

Although everyone couldn't hear clearly, it could be seen from her expression that Tai was very satisfied with this kind of meal.

Others also followed suit and took one bite, suddenly living up to their reputation.

Everyone raised their thumbs in praise!

Zhang Yang looked at everyone with a smile and said. "Do you think this is over?"

"Zhang Yang! Tell me! Is there any new way to eat it?"

Bai Lu has been conquered by this Zibo barbecue meal, and has directly transformed into a snack food. "

Without further ado, Zhang Yang gets started.

I still rolled a small cake using the gourd and scoop, and then used two small iron picks to put on the small cake.

"The rolled pancakes just now are just a basic way to eat them, but this pancake is an upgraded version!"

After a while,

The aroma of scones came from the shelf, and the faint aroma of malt filled the air.

Bai Lu on the side had bright eyes and secretly pursed her lips.

This scene completely fell into Zhang Yang's eyes.

"Bai Lu, try it, but be careful of burning it."

"Ah?! Give it to me!"

Bai Lu looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

Does this guy still have such good intentions?

"Then do you want to eat it? If not, I'll let my brother eat it!"

Bai Lu hurriedly grabbed the pancake from Zhang Yang's hand, and then opened her mouth.


The crispiness of the scones is not completely different from the texture just now. One is chewy and the other is crispy!

Especially the biscuits that have been tested have a more malty flavor!

All I can say is, perfect!

at this moment,

All the netizens in the world were so greedy for Liubo’s cake that they cried.

[Woooo! This looks so delicious, it’s better to take action than to eat duck at Zibo BBQ!]

[Look at Bai Lu’s food, it’s really delicious, she’s eating it in big mouthfuls!]

[I suspect that Zhang Yang is from Zibo. He is very professional when it comes to barbecue!]

[The crispy sound of the Zibo pancakes really hit my heart. I must have a Zibo barbecue!]

[I have learned this Xiantian technique and will arrange the Zibai BBQ immediately!]

[I am practicing hard on the technique of stringing skewers with my bare hands, and I have achieved great success in the shortest time!]

[Although I haven’t tried it yet, I really believe now that Zibo Barbecue is the best in the world!]

[I really want to go, but Zibo is a third-tier town, and it doesn’t seem cost-effective to just have barbecue!]

【The taste and atmosphere are very good, you can play it during the holiday!】

[Hahaha, in fact, our Zibo pancakes can be rolled into anything, and other ingredients are also delicious!】

[What if I were a small pancake rolled into a small pancake? Is this okay? 】

[Hahaha, I’ll just fuck you speechless! Why don’t you leave it here and do matryoshka dolls? 】

It was already nightfall.

The number of shepherds who came to visit was increasing, and it slowly began to grow.

Zhang Yang's position is relatively outside, and the situation at the door can be seen clearly in the live broadcast room.

[Tsk, tsk, there are too many people here, why don’t we just have a barbecue, that’s all!]

[This kind of battle can only be said to be an internet celebrity store!]

[Look at this posture! Whether these people behind can be eaten is a question!]

[No problem, I’m used to queuing in Guangdong Province, so I don’t feel good about things I don’t have to queue for!]

[Hahaha...it turns out to be from Guangdong Province, I understand it very well, I was lucky enough to arrange it once!]

At this time, the owner of the barbecue city was holding a loudspeaker to maintain order at the scene.

"There is no space inside now. In order not to delay everyone's meal, you can go to other stores to check it out."

"The meat skewers in Zibo are all very good. Everyone makes them very well. You can change them!"

"This is an ordinary heart. I have an ordinary heart. We don't want to be famous!"

“We want to serve you better, so please don’t wait any longer, but now there is no place!”

"I don't know why it became so popular. I'm also very helpless. I can't serve everyone. I'm very ashamed!"

[Shit! This is the first time I’ve seen a boss tell customers not to wait in line!]

[I’m the same, I’m not slanderous or bragging, this boss has a big picture, and he doesn’t try to drag down his competitors!]

[It’s over, it’s over, I have a hunch that this boss will become even more popular in the future!]

[Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard, it’s the first time I see a boss advising customers to go elsewhere!]

[This business is so popular that customers are advised to go to other people’s houses to eat. What’s even more funny is that many of them refuse to persuade them to leave, and they keep waiting in line! 】

[Haha, I saw the boss was confused, and there are still people who want to eat barbecue here!]

[Customer: Boss, if you have time to shout here, why not go in and make more skewers!]

[The boss still doesn’t understand, they just go there to post on Moments and queue up for battle!]

"The boss in Zibo is so nice. This is the first time I've seen such a boss!"

Bai Lu looked at the boss who was holding a loudspeaker and urging everyone to leave and sighed...

Others also agreed that this boss was really nice.

However, the boss's words could not dissuade everyone from leaving.

"Boss, we all come here just to have this bite."

"Yes! Yes! As long as there is something to eat

!It’s nothing if we wait a little longer!”

For a time, the two sides entered a stalemate.

He was also helpless in this situation. The store simply couldn't handle so many people.

At this moment.

At several tables in the barbecue restaurant, several big men suddenly stood up. They looked like they were locals.

There was a commotion among the surrounding diners, as if there was going to be a fight.

The photographer also immediately turned the live broadcast lens and started filming.

This also instantly attracted the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room!

【What's going on? Did something unexpected happen? 】

[The bodies of these big men are really like those of children!]

[Something is really going to happen! This Zibo won’t be another Sugar Mountain!]

[Bai Lu, Zhang Yang! Go find the police, otherwise something big will happen! 】

[Looking at this tough group of people, everyone around them panicked! It will definitely affect Chiyu!]

[At this time, the boss must have panicked, brothers, please stop making trouble here!]

[The Zibo BBQ is over, tens of millions of people are watching us, no one will dare to give it away in the future!]

"Boss! We are locals, so let's find an open space on the ground and give the tables to the outsiders. It's a rare visit to Zibo for us.

"That's right...! Boss, we locals should better serve the guests coming from afar!"

"Boss, please give me a few boxes of take-out boxes 2.2 here. I'll pack them up and take them home to eat. I'll leave the space for others!"

For a time, local people at tables of twenty or thirty responded one after another, saying that they were willing to give up their seats.

"Although we are not locals, we are destined to meet each other. I still have space here. If you don't mind sharing a table, you can come to my place!"

"Yes... yes! This little brother is right. If there are sisters who don't mind, we can also squeeze in!"

In an instant, many people and tourists responded positively!

The owner of the barbecue city smiled and said: "Okay! Everyone is doing well. Let me count them now and make arrangements for everyone."

Suddenly time!

The whole barbecue city becomes more lively!

Bai Lu couldn't help but look at her table. With six people and the sleeping equipment for shooting, there was no room for anyone else, and there was only a look of regret in his eyes!

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room!

[Oh my God! What did I see? Does such a thing really exist? 】

[I have always heard that people in Lu Province are hospitable, but Zibo is also hospitable!]

[My face is filled with tears now. I am so touched by this. I would rather squat on the ground to eat than give up my seat to outsiders!]

[Zibo, you guys are so heart-warming, you deserve to be so angry!]

[Who said that what I went to Zibo to eat was just barbecue? What we ate was human touch and emotion! 】

[In this aspect, I, Tangshan, really lost completely and suddenly felt humiliated!]

[Our enthusiasm in Zibo is real. My mother told us not to go out for barbecue recently and let outsiders eat first!]

[I really want to thank Zhang Yang for letting me discover such a treasure place like Zibo!]

【Zibo! Here we come!】

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