Entertainment: I Asked You To Film A Romance Drama, And You Were So Angry That You Showed Up!

Chapter 72 A Little Bit Of A Hundred Million, Really A Little Bit! Zibo’S Sincerity!

[Holy shit! The "cake-cutting assassin" suddenly appeared in Zibo? 】

[This is the life-threatening cake from the Western Regions. I cut a small piece on the roadside 20 years ago and still pay the mortgage to this day.


[Fortunately, I tried it, seven taels per catty, one cut, 389 in tears!!]

[I bought it once and almost had a knife put to my neck to prevent me from leaving!]

[Everyone who sees cutting cakes on the roadside takes a detour, which is really a big complaint!]

[The expensive price is not the problem, the problem is the boss's method. If you ask for a little bit, I will give you hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes, if I want one tael, I will give you half a year, if I want half a catty, I will give you two catties!】

[That's right! That's right! I saw cutting cakes on the roadside before, and I wanted to try it out of curiosity. I almost died when I tried it. The top is narrow and the bottom is wide, and the knife skills are amazing!]

[Zibo Culture and Tourism Bureau: Cut cake? Is it available in Zibo?]

[Zibo Food and Drug Administration: Impossible, absolutely impossible!!]

[Zibo Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Hmm, I don’t know either!]

At this time, these Zibo official accounts were a little panicked!

When did Bada Bak have this kind of "cake-cutting assassin"!

The "cake-cutting assassin" is famous in China, but the reputation of this cake is not very good!

There was once an incident of "cutting cakes at a sky-high price" worth RMB 160,000, which caused a stir across the country. Since then, countless people have been frightened by the idea of ​​cutting cakes!

At this time, Bada Bak appeared and cut the cake!

Or is there someone who wants to do something high without them knowing?

"Check!! Must check!!"

No businessman can take the blame from Zibo. If someone is cheating, it will be his fault!

For a time, the relevant departments in Zibo took action quickly.

On the other side, Bai Lu pulled Zhang Yang to the cake-cutting vendor.

The boss is a middle-aged man with a bag hanging sideways on his body.

Next to him is a configuration that everyone is very familiar with - a tricycle [with ten pieces of cut cakes placed on it.

The surface of this cake is covered with a thin layer of dried fruit, and the middle is brightly colored, making it look very attractive.

But what's a little strange is that the man is not from the Western Regions.

Instead, he looks like a local, because the boss's face has the warm smile familiar to Zibo people.

Things don’t seem to be simple anymore!

The boss's eyes swept over the two people 317 in front of him.

At this time, Zhang Yang's hands were full of things.

The boss saw at a glance that Bai Lu was the key to consumption, and turned to Bai Lu with a warm smile.

"Beauty, this is delicious, why don't you buy some and try it."

Although Bai Lu had never bought cut cakes before, she still had some knowledge of the "cut cake assassin".

asked cautiously. "Boss, how much does this cake cost?"

Looking at Bai Lu's cautious expression, Zhang Yang felt a little funny.

Is this "cake-cutting assassin" so scary?

"Ah?! We all sell it by the pound. It's 12 yuan per pound, or 1 or 2 for 1 yuan or 2!"


"Is this cake so cheap?"

This time it was Zhang Yang and Bai Lu's turn to be shocked!

The two of them never expected that Zibo could even sell cut cakes so cheaply!

This is to bring down the price of cut cakes across the country!

At this time, people in the live broadcast room even shouted that they didn’t believe it, it’s impossible!

[Tsk tsk, this Zibo is so awesome, everything is so cheap!]

[With so many people from all over the country going to Zibo, I’m afraid people all over the country will praise Zibo!]

[Zibo people are too honest, right? This cut cake sells for 12 yuan per catty. Doesn’t this mean that the more you sell, the more you lose money? 】

[I can only say that it is awesome. If the entire market is not lacking, then it will be awesome!]

At this time, Pan’s official FB in the live broadcast room spoke again.

[Zibo Culture and Tourism Bureau: Cut cake??! Is this cut cake?]

[Zibo Food and Drug Administration: Haha!! This is not cutting cake!]

[Zibo Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: The baby is scared to death!]

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned. It looked like a cake cutter.

Except the boss is not from the Western Regions.

Both the tricycle and the cakes on the car look familiar.

Could it be that the price of cake cutting has gone down just because the boss has been replaced by someone from Zibo?

Didn't wait for Zibo's official F3 to say anything.

The boss in the live broadcast gave the answer.

The boss happily explained to the two of them.

"Haha, this thing of ours is not that expensive!"

“Ours is rice cake, our specialty snack here, it’s not expensive and delicious.

Obviously, the boss has also heard about the "cutting cakes at exorbitant prices" thing.

At this moment, the live broadcast room began to barrage wildly.

【Nah! Whose rice cake looks similar to cut cake!】

[I burst into tears! We discussed it for a long time, and you told me this is a rice cake!]

[Everyone is confused!! I have already posted it on Moments! Is it too late to delete it now? 】

[Although this is not a cut cake, it is also a new type of affordable cut cake. The price of the cut cake is not a problem, the boss’s technique is the core! 】

[The brother upstairs is right. If you take this knife, even 12 weeks will not be able to withstand it!]

[I just don’t know what Boss Zibo’s methods are like?]

While there was still a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

The boss directly picked up the knife on the table.

He gently cut a small piece on the huge rice cake and handed it to Bai Lu with enthusiasm.

"Girl, why don't you try it first and see if it tastes delicious before you buy it?"

"thank you boss!"

After Bai Lu thanked the boss, she didn't eat it herself, but stuffed the rice cake into Zhang Yang's mouth.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to open his mouth obediently and accept Bai Lu's kindness.

Bai Lu looked at Zhang Yang expectantly. "How is it, how does it taste.

Zhang Yang pursed his lips and nodded.

“It tastes good, and it’s a little sticky compared to purple rice cakes. It feels good.”

Seeing the two people being so loving, the boss made another cut on the rice cake and handed it to Bai Lu.

"Girl, you should try it too!"

Bai Lu wanted to refuse, but she couldn't resist the boss's enthusiasm.

The moment the rice cake enters your mouth, it is very chewy and as sweet as the purple rice cake.

At the same time, there are dried fruits on top, which enriches the taste of the rice cake.

"Hmm, yummy, yummy!"

Bai Lu kept nodding, her eyes filled with starlight.

This is definitely the performance of a level 10 foodie!


The boss on the side also laughed.

There seems to be nothing happier than when customers praise your delicious food!

"Girl, how much do you want, I'll cut it for you!"

Bai Lu said with regret in her eyes.

"I can't eat too much. I've already eaten a lot of delicious food on this street."

The boss smiled enthusiastically. "It's okay, I'll cut it into as many pieces as you want!"

After saying that, the boss directly put the knife on the rice cake.

Zhang Yang next to him had a look in his eyes!

Is this boss’ real trick coming?

Everyone in the live broadcast room became even more excited.

The moment they have been waiting for for a long time is finally here!

"Boss! You have too much, you can't eat that much!"

Bai Lu shook her head and said.

"Then what about here? It's not much."

The knife in the boss's hand moved forward slightly.

But Bai Lu shook her head, raised her hand, and made a gesture.

"Boss, just cut it a little bit for me. It's too much for us to finish!"

Looking at the little gestures on Bai Lu's hands, the boss was not angry or complaining.

The boss still had a smile on his face and nodded. "No problem, I'll cut it up for you as much as you want!"

After saying that, the boss picked up the knife and skillfully cut off a small piece and put it on the electronic scale.

"It's half a catty and two taels, so I'll charge you six yuan!"

In an instant, the entire live broadcast room shook!

[The macho man burst into tears. I never thought that I would see a place like Zibai in my lifetime! 】

[The boss of Zibo is really there, a little bit, really a little bit, not a billion bits! 】

[I can only say that Zibo is really an old man. You must go there once in your lifetime!] (bdcg) [Look! Not only did this boss not have a shortage of money, he also took the initiative to wipe out zeros for customers!]

[At this time, Zibo’s official F3 should be very proud!]

[It is recommended that cities across the country come to copy the homework, because the team is a good place to learn from Zibai!]

[Do you think Zibo has no place to deceive people? 】

【Yes! Yes! I was just slaughtered in Zibo!】

【Zibo official F3:??????!!】


Everyone in the live broadcast room started to eat the big melon.

As for Zhang Yang, they put it aside for now, there is nothing more important than eating Zibo's big melon.

[Hahaha, look at this official Zibo F3, I’m so nervous!!]

[Brother, are you ripe? 】

[We are willing to hear the details. Now Zibo’s official F3 is here and can support justice for you!]

[The thing is like this, yesterday I saw a guy driving a tricycle pulling a lot of Zibo specialties on the roadside in Zibo, so I went to buy a box of wok pancakes for 20 yuan, but I just saw it on the live broadcast Bailu bought only 6 yuan, and the pot cakes were the same size as 10 cents. They charged me 20 yuan! At home, my mentality collapsed! I tell everyone to avoid lightning! When shopping, try not to buy from roadside stalls, as it will be easier to get ripped off! 】

[Is this true? This is not a slap in the face of Zibo’s official F3!]

[This rip off is also very ruthless, earning more than 14 yuan in blood! 】

[It seems that even Zibo cannot avoid it, there will still be some cases like this! 】

[There will always be mouse droppings that stain a pot of soup. I hope Zibo official F3 can pay attention to it!]

[Probably at that location, everyone can avoid lightning in the future!]

[What about people? Why don’t you say anything? Isn’t this a lie? 】

【No way, no way!】

[Maybe it was Heizi who said that on purpose! 】

In the live broadcast screen.

After the Bada Bak anti-counterfeiting mission failed,

Zhang Yang, Sister Wang and others gathered together.

After all, Zhang Yang was carrying a lot of things bought by Badabao and needed to find someone to eliminate them together.

at the same time,

The big melon in the barrage in the live broadcast room also caught their attention.

They spent more than an hour shopping around Badaqian, but none of them succeeded in cracking down on counterfeiting.

Unexpectedly, Zibo was picked up by someone on the roadside.

Give precious blood!

"Zhang Yang! Do you think what that person just said is true?"

Bai Lu was eating a milk bar while eating the melon on the live broadcast barrage!

"I don't know either, let the bullets fly for a while longer!"

Zhang Yang also spread his hands helplessly, also looking like he was eating something.

[Show, Tianxiu! I have seen people eating melons on live broadcast, but I have never seen anchors eating melons in the opposite direction!]

【Hahahaha, this makes me laugh so hard!】

[If nothing goes wrong now, how about Brother Yang, how about you develop a talent? 】

[There’s nothing wrong with that, why don’t you do the whole thing, Brother Yang, or do the splits! 】

Looking at the barrages whizzing by, Zhang Yang was a little speechless!

Bai Lu on the side smiled even more cheerfully when she saw this, and was very interested in Zhang Yang's talent show.

Zhang Yang thought for a while.

"You don't have talent, but you can have a good job!"

"Where was the brother who was slaughtered just now? I will come to you live to seek justice for you!"

【Holy shit!! Damn it!! This is a great job!】

[Live broadcast is coming to your door! Zhang Yang, you love fans!]

[This is nothing to do, think about how long it will last!]

【If you don’t want to see it, you can leave, but I want to!】

[Which brother was there just now? Why is he missing? 】

【You can’t really lie, right?】

[Then this job is not going to end?]

【Zhang Yang died halfway through his life?】

Just when everyone was talking about it, the Ao Tuan people appeared again.

[Brothers, this matter is true. Zibo F3 in the group came to me just now to understand the situation and said that he would give me an answer after investigating the matter. that place

The address is:******】

[Also, the story about me buying wok cakes in Zibo seems to have become popular in Douyin. Many people in Zibo were filled with indignation for me and said they were going to tear down the stall! Some people even bought it for me.

I transferred red envelopes to make up for the price difference, saying that I can’t let people from other places suffer injustice in Zibo. I was really touched. And I will not accept these red envelopes. I have received the enthusiasm of Zibo people. Thank you everyone.


[Oh! It’s indeed Zibo F3, the reaction speed is too fast!]

【The attitude and efficiency of this work are really amazing!】

[Holy shit! Damn it! This Zibo guy is too awesome, and there’s also Yang! 】

[I cried! I was so moved that I cried! What kind of place is this Zibo that allows the whole city to contribute to it? 】

[There is the official F3 at the top, Zibo citizens in the middle, and Zhang Yang at the bottom. These three groups of people are chasing and intercepting them. This time the small traders are in danger and cannot escape!]

[Tell me, among these three parties, who can find the vendor first!]

[I think it is the official F3. After all, he is a big boss and has more resources at his disposal. It is very easy for me to book them! ]

[I think it’s the citizens of Zibo. It’s hard for a strong dragon to defeat the locals, and the citizens have a great advantage. With a thousand cloud arrows, thousands of armies and horses are coming to meet them!]

[Haha, why doesn’t anyone support Zhang Yang! 】

[Don’t be ridiculous, Zhang Yang doesn’t have the right time, location, or harmony. It’s too difficult to compare with him!]

[This is true, Zhang Yang may just be interested in participating this time!]

[It would be great if there were three groups of live broadcasts. "You can check their movements at any time!"

[Brother, you want to eat shit, F3 is official, Zibo people do not represent individuals]

[I don’t care, I support Brother Yang anyway!! Go for it!!]

【Nima!! Why do I suddenly feel on fire!!】

【Hahaha. Looking forward to it very much!】

Who can do better than find the vendors first?

Everyone is paying attention to the progress of this matter!

At this moment!

The entire live broadcast room became lively, and the matter began to spread online.


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