[Nima, who gave Zhang Yang the courage, Teacher Liang? 】

[I was wrong, I take back what I said before, Zhang Yang knows nothing about photography, he is the king of words!]

[I thought my boyfriend was already invincible, but I didn’t expect that there is such a crouching dragon and phoenix chick like Zhang Yang!]

[Hahaha, how did Zhang Yang become so confident? 】

【Is this just self-confidence?】

[Bai Lu: Zhang Yang! You did a good job, but don’t take pictures next time! 】

Just when Zhang Yang was complacent.

Bai Lu asked Sister Wang to take a few sets of photos for her, and then gave her cell phone to Zhang Yang.

"Look at it and compare it. How do you feel?"


No comparison, no harm!

The difference is not that small, Zhang Yang's self-confidence has been severely damaged!

I'm not some Kamen Rider passing by, so how could I be so bad at filming?

Do you really have no talent for photography?

At this moment, Zhang Yang fell into deep self-doubt.

Bai Lu stepped forward and comforted.

"It's okay. When God closes a door for you, he will also close the window for you."


Zhang Yang does not want to continue to humiliate himself in this regard.

"Let's go into Zhongshuge Bookstore and have a look."

As soon as they stepped into the bookstore, they were shocked by the scene in front of them!

The inside is completely different from the outside.

The architectural style outside is antique, while the inside is an ancient and modern library style.

Both sides of a tall U-shaped bookshelf wall are covered with tiles. Although they are only used for decoration, they make the modern space full of ancient charm, truly combining ancient and modern times.

The bookstore also arranges a large number of mirrors on the ceiling and surfaces, which visually stretches the space vertically and horizontally, doubling the space. It is like entering a "magical" space.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also shocked by the bookstore in front of them!

[I’ll go! This is truly the most beautiful bookstore in China!]

[It feels like entering a magical space, completely different from the style outside! 】

[This bookstore is so beautiful, perfect for checking in and taking photos! Come on Jimei!!]

[Why do I feel a little dizzy? There are too many mirrors and I don’t have time to react. 】

[When I arrive in Zibo, I must check in here!]

The two walked side by side in the bookstore. The high transparent bookshelves on both sides were filled with books.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh. "It's true that the fragrance of books has spread into the sea, and the tide has risen in Zhongshuge"

Such a unique bookstore can indeed be called "the most beautiful bookstore in China"

Unfortunately, the only drawback is that the bookstore has a large flow of people and is a bit noisy.

It is not suitable for people to stop and read quietly. Instead, it is more like a check-in bookstore for Internet celebrities.

Soon, the two came to the atrium of the bookstore.

The design of the atrium that connects up and down, coupled with the reflection of the mirror, puts people in a magical world.

Bai Lu, dressed in Hanfu, is walking in several bookstores. This scene is more like a fusion of ancient and modern times, complementing each other!

This attracted the attention of the surrounding people and secretly took photos of passers-by.

Fortunately, Bai Lu had put down her veil at this time.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell at all, and it shouldn't be exposed in a short time.

“I didn’t expect there to be a whiskey bar and tea room here, but it’s a pity that they are not open yet!”

Looking at the sign in the bookstore, Zhang Yang felt a little regretful!

"Haha, with your drinking capacity, you still want to drink whiskey?"

Bai Lu couldn't help but make fun of her. She still remembered Zhang Yang's ugly appearance last night when he was taken away.

Zhang Yang said seriously: "I didn't do anything excessive to you last night, right?"

Bai Lu spat. "No, you think so!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately nothing happened while drunk, otherwise it would have been a big loss!

"Zhang Yang! Let's play a game! Time limit is twenty minutes!"

"Let's find a book each in the bookstore, and then we'll gather in the coffee shop to see how well we understand each other?"

Zhang Yang touched his chin and thought for a moment. "Okay! This game is interesting. Are there any special requirements for the type of books? There are more than tens of millions of books in it!"

Bai Lu shook her head and said. "No, there is no limit to the subject matter, any book will do! This is the real test!"

As Sister Wang called for the game to start, the two soldiers split into two groups, and the original live broadcast room was also divided into two.

[Tsk tsk, this is a bit interesting, but it should be difficult for two people to find similar ones! 】

[That’s for sure, as long as the subject matter is the same, I think they have a great tacit understanding!]

[It must have been cool, Zhang Yang went to the children’s section, while Bai Lu went to the novel section!]

[Bai Lu is an actor. It’s normal to read novels. But when Zhang Yang goes to the children’s area, it’s a bit puzzling! 】

[Then Bai Lu and Zhang Yang are destined to choose different themes, and this tacit game is destined to fail!]

[Not necessarily, there is also a possibility that the books chosen by the two of them may be adapted into film and television works. 】

[That’s not wrong, it can be considered a bit similar, and it can be considered a success!]

[Damn photographer, if we don’t get closer, we can’t see clearly what they are reading!]

[Obviously, they did it on purpose and deliberately left suspense!]

[I suddenly became curious as to what kind of book these two people would choose!]

【Me too!】

Yes, this is of course a deliberate result of the program...

The purpose is also to retain suspense "waiting until the end to reveal the answer."

Time passed quickly, twenty minutes flew by quietly!

Bai Lu no longer hesitated and directly selected a novel in the novel area.

But Zhang Yang's change happened because he originally chose a book in the children's book section.

But when he came back, he seemed to see some books that surprised him, so he switched them over.

This book was placed haphazardly on the bookshelf, and it was impossible to tell what kind of book it was.

This also makes the result full of greater suspense!

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited. What book did Zhang Yang change in the end?

Soon, Zhang Yang and Bai Lu came to the coffee shop.

Both of them hid the books behind their backs and smiled at each other.

"Bai Lu, what book did you choose?"

"Haha, I won't tell you yet, you probably haven't seen it!"

"Then what book did you choose?"

Bai Lu replied with a smile.

"Hmm, I won't tell you either, you might have seen it!"

Zhang Yang pretended to be mysterious.

This actually aroused Bai Lu's curiosity. What kind of book is it and has she possibly read it?

Then the two of them found a seat to sit down and ordered a cup of Zibo bamboo tube milk tea.

This milk tea is also a special offer in the bookstore and is very creative.

The fragrance of milk and the fragrance of bamboo blend together, creating a unique taste!

The atmosphere here is very laid-back and the atmosphere is just right!

But everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't wait!

[Why haven’t you revealed the answer yet? Does this foreplay have to be so difficult and long? 】

【Do you dare to come here for the excitement? 】

[When the flowers have faded at 5.7! You are still here sighing for milk tea!]

[My heart is so itchy! What book did you pick? 】

[Are these two playing, or are they playing with us? 】

[Suddenly I don’t want to see them getting tired of being here, so hurry up! 】

【Zhang Yang! Can you do something that people do!】

The two seemed to sense the dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Yang said. "You first or me first!"

Bai Lu took a sip of milk and said, "Let's do it!"

Zhang Yang nodded.

He was also very curious about the result. He didn't know what the final result would be?

They both put their hands behind their backs at the same time.


Two books are placed on the table at the same time.

When they saw the cover of the book, both of them felt incredible in their eyes!

How could it be such a coincidence!!

The live broadcast room was in a state of agitation: Absolutely awesome!!!

ps: Please order in full. ,Thanks!!!.

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