Entertainment: I can gain character skills

Chapter 7: Is he a miracle doctor? (1/2)

Chapter 7: He is a miracle doctor?

Jin Xi's forehead was sweating unconsciously.

She was an actress who had won awards from major TV stations, but she was outshined by an 18th-tier actor?

No matter how much she put herself into the situation, it was still difficult for her to keep up with Su Che's rhythm.

His acting skills were completely crushed!

On the side, whether it was Director Wang, the assistant director, the screenwriter, the cameraman, the makeup artist, etc., all watched Su Che's acting, all with their mouths wide open, with a look of shock on their faces.

"Who is this guy? His acting is so good!"

"Look at his movements and expressions, I really thought it was an old Chinese doctor sitting there!"

"Did you see him just lick his lips? His expression at that moment was absolutely amazing!"


The crew was full of bigwigs in the industry, and they all studied acting deeply.

And they could all see that Su Che, who was sitting there at the moment, was almost exploding in this performance!

Including Director Wang, who was shocked and speechless when he looked at Su Che.

"This is a treasure..."

Director Wang took note of Su Che in his heart, thinking that this young man has great potential and can be well trained.

"Is this... a pulse of pregnancy? Wait, and... uterine fibroids? This is incredible..."

Su Che looked at Jin Xi and wanted to speak frankly, but after thinking about it, he decided to finish this segment first.

Director Wang said "cut", and this segment was passed in one take!

Ding Dong!

The performance is over, the task is completed, and the score is re-valued...

Role: Chinese medicine!

Ability value: 88!

After the second segment, Su Che's Chinese medicine ability suddenly increased to 88%.

"88? So much?"

Su Che was slightly surprised.

But he soon realized that the reason why he got such a high score was because he was really helping Jin Xi feel her pulse just now, and he acted like a real person, so he got such a high score.

Director Wang came over with a smile on his face.

"Haha, young man, what's your name? You acted really well!"

"Thank you, Director Wang, my name is Su Che!" Su Che nodded.

"Su Che, yeah, you performed better than I thought. Leave me your number. I'll contact you again if I have a chance in the future!"

Director Wang saw Su Che's potential and intended to cultivate him.

"Okay, Director Wang!"

Su Che nodded and gave his number to Director Wang.

"I didn't expect that a newcomer like you would have such good acting skills."

At this time, Jin Xi also came over. She looked at Su Che again with surprise on her face.

At first, because Su Che's status was very low, Jin Xi didn't bother to pay attention to Su Che at all, but in the rivalry between the two just now, Su Che's performance made her look down, which made Jin Xi look at Su Che with a new look.

Su Che looked at Jin Xi, but his face was full of solemnity and said:

"Miss Jin Xi, can I have a word with you?"


Ten minutes later, in Jin Xi's private lounge.

Su Che looked at Jin Xi and said seriously:

"Miss Jin Xi, are you pregnant?"


Hearing Su Che's words, Jin Xi and her personal assistant all changed their expressions in shock.

Jin Xi stared at Su Che with her beautiful eyes, and her tone became cold:

"Who told you that?"

Su Che shook his head and said:

"I didn't hear it from anyone. I just found out when I felt your pulse during the filming!"

"What? I found out by feeling your pulse?"

Jin Xi and her assistant looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Jin Xi was indeed pregnant, but in the entertainment industry, a popular actress' pregnancy must not be announced to the public, so no one else knew about her pregnancy except Jin Xi and her personal assistant. She even didn't go to the hospital for a check-up to keep it secret!

And now this new actress in front of him actually found out that she was pregnant through a pulse-feeding scene. It seems that Su Che is really capable!

"That's pretty impressive. So you really know Chinese medicine?"

Jinxi looked at Su Che with surprise and a hint of vigilance.

Su Che nodded and said:

"Yes, this is just your private matter, Miss Jinxi, and I can't say anything, but in addition to being pregnant, you also have uterine fibroids, which is quite serious. If you don't handle it well, there will be big problems, so I suggest you stop filming and go to the hospital for a check-up immediately. Your health is important."


Jinxi opened her mouth and said:

"I...I have been feeling unwell recently, and my abdomen is very uncomfortable. I thought it was a normal phenomenon of pregnancy, but I didn't expect that I actually had uterine fibroids?"

Su Che saw that she was pregnant at a glance, and Jinxi trusted Su Che's words very much.

The assistant said with a worried look:

"What should we do? How about sister, let's stop filming and go to the hospital!"


Jinxi hesitated, and finally said:

"I have one last scene left, can I go after filming?"

Jinxi looked at Su Che, as if asking for Su Che's opinion.

Su Che thought for a while, nodded:

"Your last scene is not a difficult one, it should be okay."


Jinxi stood up, looked at Su Che seriously and said:

"Su Che, thank you so much, if you hadn't discovered it in time, by the time I realized it myself, it might have been very serious!"

"It's okay, Miss Jinxi, you should hurry up and finish filming and go to the hospital!"

Su Che waved his hand, and then turned and left.

Jinxi looked at Su Che deeply, her beautiful eyes shining slightly, and then walked out of the lounge.


"Huh? How did this guy come out of Jinxi's lounge?"

Outside, Director Wang looked at Su Che coming out of Jinxi's private lounge and felt strange.

Su Che was obviously a world away from Jinxi, so what qualifications did he have to go to Jinxi's private lounge?

Could it be that this kid wanted to eat swan meat and just went to harass Jinxi?

These days, there are all kinds of people.

Director Wang frowned. He had a good impression of Su Che just now because of his acting skills, but now he suddenly fell to the bottom.

Director Wang snorted coldly and waved his hand:

"All departments continue, the last scene, action!"

Jinxi's last scene started shooting. Although Jinxi's acting skills are considered online in the circle, she looked unhappy throughout this scene, as if she was worried about something, and the final effect was very average.

As soon as the scene ended, Jinxi immediately got into the agent's car and left in a hurry, using the excuse of having something urgent.

"Why did Jinxi act like this?"

After filming, Director Wang was very dissatisfied with this scene, but Jinxi left and there was no way to reshoot it. At this time, Su Che happened to walk by Director Wang, and Director Wang immediately stopped him.

"Hey! Boy! What did you say when you went to Jinxi's lounge just now? Why is Jinxi in such a bad state?"

Su Che was stunned and scratched his head:

"No, Director Wang, I didn't say anything. I just discussed the role with Jinxi..."

"Discuss the role?"

Director Wang looked Su Che up and down and frowned:

"Boy, this is a crew. I warn you to remember your identity and don't think about those things. If I know that you messed up behind my back, I will immediately replace you!"

Su Che felt that it was so unfair. Director Wang misunderstood him, but he couldn't tell anyone about Jinxi's pregnancy, so he could only bear it.

"I know, Director Wang."


Although Su Che intended to keep Jinxi a secret, he didn't expect that the second half of his conversation with Jinxi was heard by a gossipy staff member, who spread the news privately.

"Hey! Did you know? The new actor who played the role of a Chinese medicine doctor actually went to Jinxi's lounge and told Jinxi that she had uterine fibroids!"

"What? Is this true?"

"It's true. I just passed by Jinxi's lounge and heard it myself!"

"Is this true? Is Su Che an idiot? He plays a Chinese medicine doctor and really thinks he knows medical skills?"


When everyone heard about this, they all looked contemptuous. They had a good impression of Su Che, but now they just think that this young boy is an egomaniac!

The afternoon scenes were over, because there were still scenes in the evening, Su Che and the crew gathered together to eat lunch.

The staff around and other extras looked at Su Che with mockery on their faces.

"Boy, I heard you said Jinxi had uterine fibroids?"

A staff member looked at Su Che with a joking face.

Su Che was stunned and looked at the other party:

"What did you say?"

Su Che narrowed his eyes. It seemed that his words were overheard by someone and then spread out.

But now everyone's focus is on uterine fibroids, not pregnancy. It seems that the first half of the pregnancy should not have been heard by others.

Su Che shook his head and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I tell Jinxi such a thing?"

"I heard it with my own ears! Are you still denying it?"

The man glared.

"Hear it with my own ears?"

Su Che said lightly:

"Then do you have evidence?"


The man's tone froze. He was so engrossed in eavesdropping at the time that he didn't have time to record it. Where did the evidence come from?

"If you don't have evidence, stop talking nonsense and don't bother me."

Su Che waved his hand and was too lazy to pay attention to this person.

"Damn! He's just an 18th-tier kid, why are you so arrogant?"

The man was immediately furious and pointed at Su Che and shouted.

Su Che shook his head and got up and left.

"Look! This kid ran away! He's guilty!"

The staff member pointed at Su Che and shouted.

"That's right! If he didn't do it, why would he run away?"

Other people around also nodded.

"That's right! Extras should run well, but he actually said that Jinxi had uterine fibroids. Aren't you afraid of being sued for defamation?"

"That's right! This kid really thinks he's a big shot! He's so stupid!"


Although the staff around had no evidence, three people made a tiger, one person spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and this matter was spread as if it was true.

Su Che didn't care about it, and stood in the corner to eat calmly.


Suddenly, a luxury nanny car stopped outside the studio, and everyone turned to look.

"Look? Isn't that Jinxi's car? Isn't her scene over? Why is she back?"

"Could it be that the guy is really good? Does Jinxi really have uterine fibroids?"

"How is that possible? I think Jinxi must be back to cause trouble for him! How can an 18th-tier actress know Chinese medicine?"

Everyone around stood by and looked at him with confusion.

The door of the nanny car opened, Jinxi's assistant got out of the car and invited Su Che over.

Su Che came to Jinxi's nanny car, and Jinxi grabbed Su Che's hand without saying a word, with excitement on her face:

"Su Che! I just went to the hospital and found out that I do have uterine fibroids. If you hadn't helped me find it today, by the time I noticed it myself, it might have been in the advanced stage!"

Su Che put his hands behind his back, looking like a master, and said with a slight smile:

"Miss Jinxi, we doctors take it as our duty to help the world by hanging pots. We don't ask for fame or reward. Since you have a problem now, just treat it as soon as possible. No thanks."

"Yes, yes, Su Che! Thank you so much. I don't know how to thank you enough!"

Jin Xi kept thanking him.

She often felt uncomfortable and vomited a while ago, but she thought it was a normal phenomenon of pregnancy, so she never went for a check-up.

But after Su Che told her this time, she went to the hospital for a checkup, and the results were exactly what Su Che said. She really had uterine fibroids!

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and it was benign. If it was delayed and turned into a malignant tumor, her life would be threatened.

Seeing Su Che and Jin Xi chatting from a distance, everyone became even more confused.

"What are Jin Xi and Su Che talking about? Why have they been talking for so long?"

"Yes, Jin Xi seems to be very grateful to that boy. Could it be that Su Che really got it right? Does Su Che really know medical skills?"

"Who is that? Go up and ask!"

Everyone was itching for curiosity, and the previous eavesdropper snorted coldly.

"I'll ask!"

The eavesdropper walked up and said to Jin Xi tentatively:

"Miss Jinxi, you... why are you back? Aren't you out of character?"

Jin Xi subconsciously replied:

"I came back to thank Su Che! He is amazing! He really hit the mark!"

What? ! !

Hearing Jin Xi's words, the eavesdropper was shocked!

"Is Su Che really right? Jin Xi really has a child with uterine fibroids?"


Su Che coughed twice and signaled Jin Xi to stop talking.

Only then did Jin Xi react, waved his hand and said:


But the eavesdropper had personally heard the previous conversation between Su Che and Jin Xi. Now Jin Xi's reaction showed that Su Che was really so powerful. He could tell that Jin Xi had uterine fibroids just by taking a pulse.

What level of medical skill is this? Bian Que is reincarnated? !

The eavesdropper walked back to the set, completely confused.

People asked:

"Hey! Tell me what on earth Su Che and Jin Xi said!"

The eavesdropper had a shocked expression:

"Su Che...Su Che really understands Chinese medicine. Jin Xi was in such a hurry to go to the set just now because he was going to the hospital to see a doctor, but Su Che really got it right!"


Upon hearing the news, the filming scene exploded instantly!

No one expected that Su Che really understood Chinese medicine.

Moreover, Jin Xi's uterine fibroids were accurately diagnosed based on the pulse alone!

Contemporary Hua Tuo! Bian Que is reincarnated! Simply amazing!

Although neither Su Che nor Jin Xi admitted it, the news spread like wildfire throughout the set!

"Have you heard? Su Che really understands Chinese medicine, and he could tell at a glance that Jin Xi was pregnant and had uterine fibroids!!"

"Really? Is he really that good? No wonder he plays a Chinese medicine doctor so well!"

"Wow! Su Che is so powerful, I should go and see him too!"

As the news finally spread, it became more and more popular, and everyone was convinced that Su Che possessed incomparable medical skills!

At this time, an aunt walked up to Su Che and asked:

"Mr. Su, I heard that you know Chinese medicine?"

Su Che was stunned, nodded and said:

"Know a little."


The aunt continued:

"I've also been feeling numb in my arms at night and can't sleep. Please let me have a look."


Su Che nodded, took Aunt Ma's pulse, squeezed Aunt Ma's arms, and said with a smile.

"Oh, you have cervical spondylosis that has caused numbness in your arms. Go buy some medicine to treat your cervical spine. Just be careful not to sit."

"Oh, you are so amazing. I do suffer from cervical spondylosis. You are so amazing. Thank you!"

When the aunt heard this, her eyes lit up and she even thanked Su Che.

"This little brother's medical skills are so amazing! He's spotted another one!"

When others saw this scene, they no longer had any doubts about Su Che.

They also thought about how Su Che looked when he acted as a Chinese medicine doctor just now. No wonder it was so lifelike.

It turns out that she is really a Chinese medicine practitioner!

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