Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 96: Ye Ling Cheated On Tong Liya? [Fourth Update, Please Subscribe]

Tong Liya smiled and took off her mask and said, "Yes, I am the spokesperson for the Sophie brand."

"It's really fate. I heard from Reba before that you and she are fellow villagers and good friends. She also wanted to take me to meet you when she has time, but she didn't expect that we would bump into each other here!" Ye Ling He also took off his mask and smiled.

"It is indeed quite fate."

Tong Li smiled, looked at Sophie in Ye Ling's hand and said, "Just give this to me. It doesn't look good for a grown man like you to go to the checkout with this thing."

Ye Ling handed the Sophie in his hand to Tong Liya and said gratefully: "Thank you so much. I was just worried about what to do!"

"You're welcome!"

Tong Liya smiled and threw Sophie into the shopping cart and said, "I'm going to buy some other things later. Do you think you should go out and wait for me first, or..."

Ye Ling thought for a while and said "860": "Let me accompany you. It just so happens that I haven't gone to the supermarket for a long time!"

"Then let's go!"

Tong Liya put on the mask again and pushed the shopping cart forward. While looking at the products on the shelves, she said: "I have always heard from Reba that you are a man who dotes on his wife. Now it seems that you are really Otherwise, most people wouldn’t buy this kind of thing for their wives.”

"The main reason is that Mimi's foot was injured and it was inconvenient to come out. I happened to come out to get something, so I bought it for her!" Ye Ling had already put on a mask at this time.

"Is Mimi's foot injured?"

Tong Liya asked with concern: "Is Mimi okay? How is the injury? Is it serious?"

"I just sprained my ankle while wearing high heels, the bones were misaligned, and the ankle bones were cracked a little, but it's not serious. I just need to rest for a while and it will be fine!"

"That's quite serious. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known!"

"Mainly, this is not a serious injury. Mimi is a very strong person. Even if she is injured, she likes to bear it silently by herself. If we didn't live together every day, maybe even my husband wouldn't know about it."

"Mimi is indeed quite strong, and so is Liying. A few years ago, the two of them were called desperate sanniangs by people in the industry!"

Behind Ye Ling and Tong Liya, a sneaky man holding a camera looked at the photos in the camera and smiled excitedly.

"This time I followed Tong Liya right. I discovered such powerful information right away. I think my bonus will be doubled this month!"

Thinking about it, the man took out his mobile phone, dialed a number and said: "Hey, boss, I followed Tong Liya and found an aniseed!"

"Ye Gou and Tong Liya go to the supermarket hand in hand."

"Yes, it's Ye Gou and Tong Liya, and I also took a picture of their faces together."

"By the way, Ye Gou also helped Tong Liya choose sanitary napkins. I took the photo and he handed it to Tong Liya himself."

Ye Ling and Tong Liya came out of the supermarket and after helping her load her things into the car, she said goodbye: "Thank you for today. If nothing happens, I'll leave first!"

"Wait a moment!"

Tong Liya took a black plastic bag from the car, handed it to Ye Ling and said, "Wrap it in this, otherwise I'm afraid someone will think you are..."

Hearing this, Ye Ling glanced at the strange looks from the people around him, then awkwardly took over and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Tong Liya smiled and asked: "By the way, are you all living at Mimi's place now?"

"Except for going to Hengdian to film in Hot Bar, a few of us are staying at Mimi's place. What's wrong?" Ye Ling asked doubtfully.

Tong Liya explained: "Isn't Mimi injured? I just thought about going to see her tomorrow. I only have time these days because I will go to Hengdian to film in a few days!"

"Okay, come over tomorrow, Mimi and I are both at home!"

"Then it's settled, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

After Ye Ling said goodbye to Tong Liya, she returned to the car and looked at Sophie wrapped in a black plastic bag in her hand, and sighed.

Fortunately, he met Tong Liya today, otherwise he wouldn't have known how to carry this thing to the checkout!

"Mimi, Mimi, I shamelessly helped you buy things. You have to give me some snacks over there at the hot bar!"

"It's still hot, right? Your husband, I don't even have any shame for you. You must stay calm after knowing Li Ying!"

As Ye Ling thought, he threw Sophie aside, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed home.

At the same time, photos of him and Tong Liya visiting the supermarket together were also posted online...

In a short period of time, it quickly caused an uproar.

"Damn it, isn't this damn Ye Gou? Why did he get together with Yaya? It can't be true, right?"

"This can still be fake. Ye Gou helped Yaya choose sanitary napkins. Moreover, there are pictures and the truth, and there is no blur in the pictures."

"I have asked a friend to authenticate the picture. "It is not p."

"Damn it, Ye Gou, you're going to get killed by a thousand cuts. What's wrong with our Da Mimi, and we also have Sister Shenxian, Zhao Xiaogu and others to be your wives together, but you actually cheated on Tong Liy."

"You scumbag, you're convinced!"

"Sure enough, no matter how good the love songs are written or sung, no matter how beautiful the love words are spoken by a man, he will inevitably cheat. Woo hoo hoo... I don't believe in love anymore!"

In the villa, after Yang Mi received a call from her assistant, she quickly checked the Internet, and her face grew darker as she looked at it.

"Mimi, what's wrong with you? Why did your face change after you answered the phone?" Zhao Liying asked.

Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying also looked at Yang Mi strangely.

"Your good husband, see for yourselves!"

Yang Mi put her phone on the table and didn't bother to say anything!

I’m so tired!

Last time, Ye Ling confessed her love to Liu Yifei and Reba from high above the Ferris wheel, and even knelt down on one knee to wear Aurora Love for them, causing netizens to speculate that the relationship between their other 2.3 daughters and Ye Ling was broken!

It has just been a few days, and the news of Ye Ling cheating on Tong Liya has spread on the Internet, and there are still pictures and the truth.

"Why is it happening like that!"

Zhao Liying frowned as she looked at the photos posted online.

She must believe that Ye Ling and Tong Liya have nothing to do with each other, but netizens will never believe it.

Because there is a photo in it of Ye Ling handing Tong Liya a sanitary napkin. Both of their faces are exposed, and they are still handing something as private as a sanitary napkin.

No one would believe that they were innocent.

"I believe my husband will not cheat." Liu Yifei said firmly.

Jiang Shuying said helplessly: "Yifei, it's useless for us to believe in Ye Ling. The key is that netizens don't believe it!"

pc: In the new year, there will be more rewards and more Doha.

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