Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 98: Husband, I Want To Raise You Into A Little Suckling Pig [First Update, Please Subscribe]

The next morning!

After Ye Ling carried Yang Mi from her bedroom to the living room, she returned to the bedroom and looked at Zhao Liying who had already gotten up, wondering: "Why don't you want to sleep again?"

Zhao Liying said while getting dressed: "Isn't Yaya coming over today? There happens to be no food at home. I have to go to the vegetable market to buy some food. Otherwise, I won't know how to entertain Yaya when she comes."


Zhao Liying looked at the painting hanging on the wall yesterday and said: "Husband, please move the painting we painted a little further to the left, so that it is close to the other painting, so that you can see it every morning when you wake up. arrive!"

Ye Ling looked at the two paintings on the wall, walked over and moved them as Zhao Liying said, and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Honey, it's a bit low, please move it up a little bit!" Zhao Liying took a look and felt it was a bit low, so she asked Ye Ling to move it up a little bit.

Ye Ling raised it a little higher and asked, "What now?"


Zhao Liying nodded, then walked into the bathroom and started washing up.

Ye Ling fixed the painting, took off his shoes and sat on the bed to look at it, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, but there are still a few pieces missing. Next time, I will paint one for Yi Fei and Reba, and then we will paint another one." Let’s draw a picture together and hang it on this wall.”


Liu Yifei opened the quilt and sat up, hugged Ye Ling from behind, rested her chin on Ye Ling's shoulder, looked at the paintings on the wall and said coquettishly: "Then I want a painting of horseback riding, husband, you ride a horse The horse took me running on the grassland."

"Okay!" Ye Ling agreed and said with a smile: "Yifei, in two months I will take you to the grassland to ride horses, okay?"


Liu Yifei nodded her little head on Ye Ling's shoulder and said: "Husband, I told Li Ying that I will not be my sister anymore, Ying will be her sister.


Ye Ling was a little surprised. When she was talking about who should be her sister before, Liu Yifei wanted to be her sister very much. Why doesn’t she want to be her sister now?

"When I am a sister, please let me be my sister. I also want to be my sister and let Li Ying be my sister!" Liu Yifei said proudly.

"Then let Li Ying be my sister. As long as you three don't make any noise, you can do whatever you want." Ye Ling said with a smile.


Zhao Liying brushed her teeth and stuck her head out of the bathroom to argue: "Husband, you should say that as long as Yi Fei and Reba don't make any noise, you shouldn't bring me in.

"But now that you are a sister, you have to help me share the burden and mediate the relationship between Yifei and Reba." Ye Ling smiled.

"Husband, I can do it, and you don't have to worry too much. Yifei and Reba are not children anymore. They won't be really angry even if they quarrel.'

"Yifei, you heard what your sister Liying said. From now on, you can't be really angry if you quarrel with Reba!"

"I know, hubby, from now on I won't be angry as long as it's hot and you don't get angry."

At nearly eleven o'clock in the morning, Tong Liya arrived at the villa carrying gifts.

"Yaya is here, sit down quickly!" Zhao Liying stepped forward and took the gift from Tong Liya's hand, still looking like a hostess.

Tong Liya sat on the sofa and looked at Yang Mi with a smile and asked: "Mimi, how is your foot? Yesterday I heard Ye Ling said it was quite serious.

"It's okay, just rest for a while!"

Yang Mi shook her head and said with a smile: "Hey, Ye Ling caused you trouble yesterday, I'm really sorry!"

"Speaking of which, that paparazzi is still following me. If you want to cause trouble, I should be the one causing trouble for you!"

Tong Liya smiled casually, looked at the people in the living room, and asked doubtfully: "Have Ye Ling and Yifei gone out?"

"She's probably still upstairs and hasn't come down yet. Go and call Shuying!" Yang Mi looked at Jiang Shuying and said.

"Yaya, you sit down first, I'll go up and call them." Jiang Shuying stood up and went to the stairs.

"Hey, Yaya, drink some water!"

Zhao Liying came over, sat on the sofa, poured a glass of water for Tong Liya, and asked: "What are Yaya busy with recently? I see that you haven't received any announcements recently."


Tong Liya politely thanked her, and then said: "I took a month's rest some time ago. Didn't I recently take on a new TV series? I will go to Hengdian to start filming in a few days!

"That's quite a coincidence. Hot Bar is now in Hengdian. If you go there, she will be very happy." Yang Nan said with a smile.

At this time, Jiang Shuying also called Ye Ling and Liu Yifei down.

Ye Ling looked at Tong Liya and apologized: "Yaya, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday!"


Tong Liya didn't care much, then looked at Liu Yifei and smiled: "Yifei, long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Liu Yifei smiled and then followed Ye Ling and sat down on the sofa.

Everyone was sitting together chatting, mostly about things in the entertainment industry. Ye Ling was not very familiar with the entertainment industry, so he couldn't get involved.

".«It's getting late. I'm going to make lunch. Husband, please come over and help me!" Zhao Liying saw Ye Ling's embarrassment, so she deliberately pushed Ye Ling away and said.

"Okay, then Yaya, you sit down first."

Ye Ling stood up with a smile and walked into the kitchen with Zhao Liying. She leaned against the door frame and sighed: "The one who knows my heart is Liying."


Zhao Liying rolled her eyes at him, put on her apron and asked: "Husband, just now Yaya said that she planned to quit the entertainment industry after getting married. Do you want me to quit the entertainment industry too?

"Aren't you no longer filming?" Ye Ling asked doubtfully.


Zhao Liying explained: "I have just pushed all the announcements in the past two months. At most, it can only be regarded as a period of rest, but it cannot be regarded as a formal withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

"Then think about it yourself. Huayi will look after you anyway, so you don't have to worry about being bullied." Ye Ling shrugged.

He doesn't care much whether Zhao Liying (Wang Haohao) retires from the entertainment industry.

"You are my husband, please give me some advice!" Zhao Liying said dissatisfied.


Ye Ling thought about it carefully and said: "It depends on whether you like acting. If you really like acting, there is no need to quit the entertainment industry. But if you are acting just to make money, then you should quit!"

"I don't know if I like acting. I used to enter the entertainment industry just to make money, but now I seem to have slowly started to like acting!" Zhao Liying said in embarrassment.

"Then I won't retreat!"

Ye Ling joked: "Besides, if you quit the entertainment industry, how will you make money to support me?"

After hearing this, Zhao Liying walked up to Ye Ling, reached out and pinched Ye Ling's cheek, and said with a smile: "Husband, I feel that if you give me half a year, I can definitely make you fat and white, like a little suckling pig. Cute string.”

Ye Ling: "...".

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