Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 104: My Husband Said That Being Fatter Makes You Feel Better [Second Update, Please Subscrib

"Wow, after waiting for more than an hour, it's finally broadcast!"

""Ye Travels"? What a stupid name! I might as well call it Ye Gou's Happy Life!"

"Damimi, Zhao Xiaogu, Sister Shenxian, Reba, Jiang Shuying, this lineup is simply invincible!"

"To be honest, after seeing the faces of Damimi and the others, I wanted to lick the screen, but it was a pity that a leaf dog ruined my mood.

"What nonsense are you talking about upstairs? Our leaf dogs are also very handsome, right?"

The live broadcast room has just been opened, and the number of online viewers has quickly reached 500,000, and it is still rising.

It is estimated that the number of online viewers will exceed one million in less than ten minutes!

"Extra large tent, bedding, pots and pans, small gas tank, snacks, food, guitar..."

Zhao Liying stood in front of the donkey cart, checking everything left by the director team.

Jiang Shuying and Reba ran to the donkey cart and looked at the black little donkey with interest.

Liu Yifei stayed beside Ye Ling, and Yang Mi smiled and said hello to the drone flying in the sky: "Hi, friends in the live broadcast room, how are you!

"How come there are still bows and arrows here?"

Zhao Liying picked up a bow and arrow prepared by the director team, looked at Ye Ling and asked: "Husband, can you shoot archery?"


Ye Ling walked over and took the bow into his hand, tried to pull the bow string and said with a smile: "I specially asked the director team to prepare this. 840"

With that said, Ye Ling reached out and picked up an arrow, put it on the bow, fully drew the bow, and then pointed it at the drone flying in the sky.

"Holy shit, what is Ye Gou doing? He's trying to shoot us!"

"Gouzi, you have changed. You actually want to shoot us with arrows."

"Ye Gou, stop it now. The worst that can happen is that labor and management will never scold you for being a softie!"

Seeing this, Yang Mi quickly stopped and said, "Ye Ling, don't make trouble, we just brought two drones, and one of them will be kept as a backup.


Ye Ling raised the corners of his mouth, aimed his eyes at the drone flying in the sky and said, "Liying, Yifei, let me show you whether my husband's shot is accurate."

"call out!"

Ye Ling loosened his hand holding the bowstring, and then heard a crisp sound breaking through the air.

"How is it? Is it accurate?" Ye Ling turned around and asked.

(bfah) Real men never look back to see explosions!

Liu Yifei:

Zhao Liying:


"Why do you have such an expression?"

Ye Ling was a little confused, turned around and looked at the drone flying in the sky, feeling embarrassed.

How could this happen!

He had practiced bow and arrow for a long time in his previous life, so why couldn't he shoot accurately now?

"Honey, here is a map of the Mongolian prairie. It marks the location of the herders on the grassland, as well as some small rivers and so on." Zhao Liying took a map to resolve Ye Ling's embarrassment.

"Let me take a look!"

Ye Ling put down the bow and arrow in his hand, took the map and looked at it, then called Reba and Jiang Shuying over, and said, "We should be in the middle of where these herdsmen are now."

"According to the signs on the map, the locations of these herdsmen are quite close to us, which means that no matter which direction we go, we can reach one of the herdsmen's locations tomorrow," Yang Mi said.

Jiang Shuying asked: "But which herders are we going to specifically?"

"How about we go here? There is a small river here!" Liu Yifei pointed to the location of a herdsman and said.

Ye Ling nodded and said: "Then let's go to where the herdsmen are. I just happened to have brought a drawing board, so I can draw pictures for you then.

"Okay, let's go here!"

The other girls didn't have any objections, and they thought about painting them there, and they couldn't wait to rush there right away!

After the group made an agreement, they were ready to set off, but they were embarrassed when they saw the donkey cart in front of them.

It seemed that none of them knew how to drive a donkey cart.

"Let me do it!"

Ye Ling thought about the farmers driving donkeys on TV, and sat in front of him, picked up a small strip and slapped the donkey on the buttocks.

The donkey felt the pain and started to move forward.

Ye Ling looked happy, controlled the donkey to turn, and then greeted the five girls: "It's done, come up quickly!"

After the five women got on the bus, they each took a backpack to cushion it underneath. Otherwise, the donkey cart would bump so hard that their buttocks would have been bumped into eight pieces.

"The director team is quite considerate, they even know how to prepare so many snacks for us!" Reba said, leaning on Yang Mi to open a bag of potato chips.

"Come on, aren't you trying to act like a lady in front of Ye Ling? Why did you expose your foodie nature so quickly?" Yang Mi asked, picking up a bottle of mineral water.

The other girls also looked at it with interest.

You know, ever since Reba got together with Ye Ling, he hardly ate snacks in front of Ye Ling. Even if he did, he would eat them secretly behind Ye Ling's back. How come he started eating them openly again!

"No more pretending, I'm going to show off my cards!"

While eating, Hot Bar said: "Yesterday, my husband told me to eat and drink when I should, and not to forget to keep it in mind when something happens. Moreover, my husband also said that it would be better if I eat fatter. He said that I should touch the fatter. It feels good.”


Yang Mi had just taken a sip of mineral water, but she couldn't hold it back and squirted it to the side.

"Come on, grandma, this is a live broadcast, can you speak over your head?" Yang Mi said speechlessly.


Hot Bar was stunned for a moment, looked up at the drone in the sky, and quickly lowered his head with a red face.

"Haha! It's so hot! This little face is so red that it's almost bleeding!"

"What do you mean by "hot bar"? What does it feel like to feel comfortable? Why can't I understand it?"

"Open the door, I want to get off. This is not a car going to kindergarten."

"Damn it! Ye Gou, you're a bitch, what do you mean by saying that? Do you think it's uncomfortable to touch because we're hot?"

"Come on, Ye Gou actually dislikes you, why don't you kick him, I, Wang Ergou, am willing to take over for you.

Ye Ling turned to look at Reba and said helplessly: "Rebar, please come and sit in front. I'm afraid if you keep talking, you'll have to reveal our bank card password!"


Hot Bar smiled and sat down next to Ye Ling with a bag of potato chips. He reached out and pinched a piece of potato chips and handed it to Ye Ling's mouth and asked: "Honey, do you eat potato chips?"

Ye Ling shook his head and said with a smile: "You can eat it, I have no love for national food!"

"Then I'll eat it!"

Hot Bar put the potato chips in his mouth into his mouth, looked at the slow donkey cart and said: "Husband, can you speed up a little bit? It feels like we are not as good as walking at this speed!"

"There's no way, that's the speed of the donkey cart."

"Okay, but we should come earlier, it's already afternoon!"

"It's good. The sun will set soon, and then there will be beautiful patches of fire clouds in the sky.

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