Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 107: Grape Shooter Is Hot [Fifth Update, Please Subscribe]

After a simple dinner, everyone started to get busy again.

Together, the girls moved bedding, electric blankets and other items into the tent. Ye Ling also turned on the small generator and placed a light bulb in the middle of the tent.


Ye Ling pressed the switch, and the light bulb instantly illuminated the entire tent.

"Come on, let's eat some fruit!"

At this time, Zhao Liying also walked in with washed grapes and cut apples, and placed them on the small table in the middle.

Hot Bar took the lead and reached for a grape and said: "Fortunately, there is still some fruit to soothe my injured heart. Unlike you, you know how to gloat over misfortune."

"What kind of gloating?" Zhao Liying asked doubtfully.

Yang Mi pinched a piece of apple and took a bite, and said with a smile: "Before the lights were installed just now, the hot bar tripped and fell down. Then Yi Fei and Shu Ying both laughed unjustly. .”

"It's not that we don't have loyalty, it's just that after falling down at the hot bar, we said, 'My mother,' and we couldn't help but laugh." Jiang Shuying explained.

Liu Yifei leaned against Ye Ling and nodded: "15 pairs, we generally don't laugh unless we can't help it.

"My mother-in-law?"

Zhao Liying smiled, took the mobile phone and handed it to Reba's mouth, and said: "Reba, I'm here to pay you a visit. What kind of mentality did you have to say this?


Reba said dissatisfied: "Sister Liying, she bullied me."

Ye Ling took a bite of the grapes that Liu Yifei fed him, looked at Hot Bar and said curiously: "Hot Bar, I'm actually quite curious too. Logically speaking, aren't everyone in your place called Abba and Mom?

How could such a thing be said?"


Reba snorted, looked at Yang Mi pitifully and said, "Sister Mi, boss, I am your sister and your cutest employee!"

"I'm also very curious. Just tell me about it to satisfy everyone's curiosity." Yang Mi said unmoved.


Reba looked at everyone's curious eyes on him, angrily grabbed a handful of grapes and stuffed them into his mouth, and said with a bulging face: "Don't tell me." I won't say anything until I die. "

Ye Ling:

Yang Mi:

Zhao Liying:

Liu Yifei:

Jiang Shuying:

"Ye Gou, you're almost done. Seeing how we were bullied by Hot Bar, I really want to say, well done."

"What, you are bullying us because Reba is younger, right? Yes, Reba is the youngest among you, so please continue to bully her!"

"I'm sorry, Reba, I really like you, but now I seem to like you more when you are bullied, haha!"

"To be honest, what Reba said just now, 'I won't even say it until I die', was so cute."

"Haha, hot, this bulging little face is so cute!"

Ye Ling looked at Reba's bulging face and subconsciously reached out to poke a bucket.


The hot bar immediately spat out a plump grape.

"Ha ha!"

The girls couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

"Come on, you weren't the reincarnation of a pea shooter in your previous life, were you!" Liu Yifei covered her mouth and laughed.

Jiang Shuying looked at Reba and joked: "No, no, no, if you ask me to say that Reba is the reincarnation of the grape shooter, look at how good she is at grape shooting."

Yang Mi also said: "To be honest, it's hot! It's been so many years since your sisters and I have seen you, this is the first time I've seen you with such a skill!"

"Hot, why don't you be so cute? I'm so cute." Zhao Liying said with a smile.

Hot bar:

"Ah, hubby~" Reba stared at Ye Ling resentfully.

You don't want to play tricks on people like this!

"Come on, warm it up and I'll feed you!"

Ye Ling picked up a grape from the table and stuffed it into Reba's mouth. After getting into bed, she just poked the grape into her bulging face.


The hot bar spit out a plump grape again.

"Haha, Ye Gou, you are going too far, you are really going too far, but why do I just want to laugh!"

"Ye Gou, you are heartbroken, sick, pretty and crazy!"

"I announce that this year's top scorer award will be awarded to the grape shooter Rebar. Everyone applauds and congratulates Rebar.

"Bah bang bang, congratulations!"

"Bah bang bang, congratulations!"

"Come on, Ye Gou has done this to you, why are you living with him? Live with me, I, Wang Ergou, will steal batteries to support you."

Reba chewed the grape in his mouth and swallowed it. He glared at Ye Ling and said dissatisfiedly: "Hubby, am I not your cutest little wife after all?"

"I'm sorry, Reba, you have successfully been promoted to Grape Shooter, our old Ye family no longer wants you!" Liu Yifei said jokingly.

"Stop making trouble, Reba, come on, have a grape first." Ye Ling picked up a grape and handed it to Reba's mouth again.

Reba pouted and looked at Ye Ling. Seeing that he was not teasing her, he opened his mouth and ate the grapes he handed him. He curled his lips and said, "Didn't you just say 'I'm a bitch' when I fell down?" , are you playing with me like this?"

"Come on, I think you should tell us, otherwise you will be embarrassed later." Yang Mi said.

"You really want to know?" Reba asked.


Jiang Shuying said with certainty: "We really want to know."

Zhao Liying also said: "It's hot, just tell us about it, it will satisfy our curiosity!"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I was defrauded of five hundred yuan when I was in school. The scammer liked to say, 'My dear mother, I was unwilling to be deceived, so I remembered his appearance. It's in my mind, but as time goes by, I have forgotten his appearance, but I remember this mantra very clearly, and it has almost become my mantra!" Reba said full of resentment. .

"That's it?"

Jiang Shuying wondered: "According to the bloody plots in those movies and TV dramas, shouldn't he appear in front of you in poverty, and then you would fall in love with him because you have remembered his appearance all these years? How come you still do it? How can I forget him?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Hot Bar rolled his eyes and said: "I'm not a pervert, how could I fall in love with a man who once cheated me of money, and I have a husband now, okay?

"The key is that what you said is completely unreliable. How can we believe that what you said is true?" Yang Mi asked.

Hearing this, Reba said angrily: "Is it possible that I can still lie to you?"

"That's not necessarily true. At least you and I have done it a lot!"

Yang Mi - elaborated: "For example, last time you obviously went to the night market secretly to eat, but you lied to me and said you were studying acting. In the end, you didn't bring your mobile phone with you, so you still used the boss's mobile phone to call me. Call me to settle the bill for you, and last time...".

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