Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 111: Yang Mi’S Bewitchment [Third Update, Please Subscribe]


Yang Mi listened to the voice coming from beside her, blushed and reached out to poke Jiang Shuying who was lying next to her.

"What for?"

Jiang Shuying covered her ears and looked at Yang Mi doubtfully.

"Go over there!"

Yang Mi reached out and removed Jiang Shuying's hand covering her ears, and whispered: "Join us, otherwise, who do you think I want such a big tent for?"

"If you don't go, how embarrassing!"

Jiang Shuying blushed and shook her head, then pulled the quilt and buried her head in it.

"Jiang Shuying, let me tell you, this is your chance. Otherwise, after tonight, you will definitely be watched by Li Ying and the others at all times in the future. You have to think clearly!"


"No but, Shuying, Ye Ling is a very responsible man. As long as you give yourself to him, he will naturally treat you well." Four Two Three "

"But if you don't seize this opportunity, then you will have unrequited love in the future. I can tell you responsibly that after this trip, in order to be wary of you, the three of them, Li Ying, will definitely move out with Ye Ling. There, it will probably be difficult for you to see him by then!"

The next morning!

Jiang Shuying looked sideways at Ye Ling's cheek, wanting to reach out and touch it, but stopped his hand in mid-air, fearing to wake Ye Ling up.

"If you want to touch it, just touch it. Why are you hesitating?" Ye Ling opened her eyes and said.

"No, I..." Jiang Shuying opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. He even dared not look directly into Ye Ling's eyes.

She felt that she was very despicable last night for actually listening to Yang Mi's words, shamelessly...


Ye Ling sighed, stretched out his hand to hug Jiang Shuying into his arms, and joked: "What's wrong, do you still have low self-esteem?"

"Ye Ling, do you think I am a shameless woman? Yesterday I actually took the initiative... Jiang Shuying stretched out her hand and circled Ye Ling's body and asked.

"how could be!"

Ye Ling smiled and said: "The bloody plum blossoms on the bed sheet are blooming so beautifully, how can you be a shameless woman!"

"But I did such a shameful thing last night. I really can't believe that the person last night was me. I never dared to think that I could do such a crazy thing." Jiang Shuying said in a low tone. said.

"Relax, it was Mimi who bewitched you last night and it has nothing to do with you." Ye Ling comforted with a smile.


Jiang Shuying thought of Yang Mi and raised her head, looked at Ye Ling and said, "Ye Ling, actually Mi Mi also likes you, but she just can't accept marrying you with us for the moment.


Ye Ling reached out and slapped her on the buttocks and said, "Is it time to change your words!"

"Husband!" Jiang Shuying whispered with a blushing face.

"Well, that's right!"

Ye Ling nodded and fell silent thinking of Yang Mi.

He feels very strange about Yang Mi.

On the one hand, he regards Yang Mi as a good friend, but on the other hand, he regards Yang Mi as a housekeeper-like existence.

Otherwise, he would not have given Huayi's important connections to Yang Mi instead of Zhao Liying!

"Husband, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Shuying asked in confusion.


Ye Ling shook his head, sat up and took his backpack over, took out a short dagger, and then cut off the plum blossom blood stains on the sheets that Jiang Shuying had left for the first time last night.

Jiang Shuying watched Ye Ling fold the sheet carefully and put it into the backpack, showing a happy smile.

Since Ye Ling cares so much about the blood stains left by her first time, it also proves that Ye Ling cares about her.

Ye Ling put his backpack aside, stood up and looked at Jiang Shuying and said, "Hurry up and get dressed. We have to arrive at the herdsman's location by noon today, otherwise we won't have anything to do in the afternoon!"


Jiang Shuying also lifted the quilt and stood up, but the pain in her lower body made her frown uncontrollably.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Ling asked with concern.

Jiang Shuying said angrily: "It's not all your fault, I didn't know how to be gentle last night.

She also doesn’t know how Ye Ling grows and why she is so brave!

"What are you two doing here, I've already prepared breakfast!"

At this time, Zhao Liying opened the door curtain and walked in and said.

When Jiang Shuying saw Zhao Liying walking in, she quickly held her clothes in front of her. She looked a little embarrassed, as if she had been caught having an affair with Ye Ling and was caught by Zhao Liying.

Ye Ling carefully observed Zhao Liying's expression and felt something was wrong. There was no angry expression on her face, and she was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Um... Li Ying, aren't you angry?" Ye Ling observed Zhao Liying's expression and said.

"Don't be angry!"

Zhao Liying walked up to Jiang Shuying, hugged her arm and said: "Mimi has already done our homework for us. Anyway, the three of us are marrying you together. It's not a big deal even if we add another Shuying, and we You and Shuying are very good friends."

"Besides, you are just a big beast. The three of us are no match for you. Now plus Shu Ying, you will be saved from having sex with others in the future." Zhao Liying turned pale and said with a look at Ye Ling in annoyance.

Ye Ling almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

For him, even if he added ten Jiang Shuying, let alone one more Jiang Shuying, it would be useless.

Otherwise, it’s a joke to think that Huang Di’s old man has three thousand concubines and ascends in the daytime.

"Liying, are you really not angry with me?" Jiang Shuying said movedly.

Zhao Liying shook her head and said: "It's a lie not to be angry. After all, I regard you as my best friend, and you actually want to sleep with my man."

"But so what if we are angry. Mimi also said when we were outside just now that it is a foregone conclusion that you are the 3.2 daughter-in-law of our old Ye family. No matter how angry the three of us are, we can't change this situation. It’s impossible for your husband to abandon you.”

"Besides, the three of us have been guarding you for two months, but we still couldn't guard you, so we might as well go back...

Zhao Liying smiled and looked at Ye Ling next to her and said: "Why don't we join forces together and drain my husband dry so that he never dares to mess with women again? Otherwise, we, the old Ye family, may not know how much more money we will have in the future. Where is my wife!"


Jiang Shuying agreed very much: "Let's squeeze my husband dry together."

"Okay then, I hope you can drain me dry, but don't worry if you don't drain me dry by then, you may not be able to bear it anymore and quit!"

Ye Ling shrugged, looked at Zhao Liying and said, "Liying, especially you, you are the first one to quit playing every time."

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