Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 116: Snow-White Horse [Third Update, Please Subscribe]

After lunch, Aunt Ulijibayar asked her daughter Ha Yunya Qing to take Ye Ling and her group to a yurt they built this morning.

The director team also sent people to move all their things from the donkey cart while Ye Ling and his party were eating.

"Brother Ye, sisters, do you want to take a nap or go out to play now?" Ha Yun Yaqing looked at Ye Ling and his group and asked.

Ye Ling thought for a while, looked at the five women making the bed and asked, "What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter. It's only one o'clock anyway. Even if you take a two-hour nap, it won't be a waste." Zhao Liying said nonchalantly.

Reba said: "Husband, I want to go play now."

"Me too, husband, I want to go horse riding on the prairie with you." Liu Yifei said longingly.


"Five two three" Yang Mi yawned and said: "Ye Ling, since Reba and Yifei want to play now, then you can take them to play. It just so happens that I can also take this time to catch up on my sleep."

"Husband, I won't go if I don't feel well. Just go play with Li Ying and the others!" Jiang Shuying also said.

She had just lost her virginity to Ye Ling yesterday, and she had been riding a donkey cart all morning. Although she really wanted to play with Ye Ling, the physical discomfort made her choose to stay and rest.

"How are you doing? How about I stay with you?" Ye Ling looked at Jiang Shuying and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying felt a sense of happiness in his heart, but he still said stubbornly: "No, I won't be in the way. Husband, just accompany Li Ying and the others to play. I'll just rest!"

"Okay, then you and Mimi have a good rest and call me if you have anything to do." Ye Ling saw her insistence and didn't say anything more.

After the five girls made the bed together, Ye Ling and the three girls Zhao Liying followed Ha Yun Yaqing out.

It was already past lunch time, and the other people in the yurts also came out. When they saw Ha Quya Qingqidu, they greeted her enthusiastically.

Ha Yun Yaqing also replied with a smile, and introduced Ye Ling and others by the way.

Ye Ling and others followed Ha Yun Yaqing to their pasture, and were immediately shocked by the herds of cattle and sheep in the pasture!

"One, twenty-two... Oh my god, the total number of these cattle and sheep must be more than a hundred!" Zhao Liying said in shock.

Ha Yunyaqing thought for a while and said: "In our pasture, there are eight horses, twenty-six cows, thirty-eight bulls, and ninety-six sheep. No, we killed a baby this morning. There are ninety-five sheep now!"

"With so many sheep, how many whole-sheep banquets must be prepared!" Reba said, licking the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei stretched out her hand and pinched Reba's little face, and said with a smile: "Reba, look at how fat you are, your face is covered with meat, and you still want to eat it!"


Hot Bar reached out and knocked off Liu Yifei's little hand that was pinching her, and said angrily: "I'm fat and I eat your rice. Besides, Sister Yifei, ask your husband who of us has more fat on his face."

"Honey, is there more flesh on your face than mine?" Liu Yifei looked at Ye Ling and asked seriously.

Reba also looked at Ye Ling and said, "Hubby, do you think Sister Yifei has more flesh on her face than me?"

Ye Ling reached out and pinched Reba's face, and then pinched Liu Yifei's face again. It felt like there was no difference.

One of them has fattened up her face due to eating, and the other has some baby fat since she was a child. It's really hard to tell who has more fat on her face.

"Okay, you two, we're here to have fun, why do we have to compete like this!" Zhao Liying said speechlessly.


Ye Ling nodded and smiled: "Liying is right, we are here to play, do you two want to play anymore?"

"Play, hubby, I'm going to ride a horse!" Liu Yifei looked at Ma Peng in front of her and said excitedly.

Reba also said: "I want it too, my husband, I want to ride a horse too!"


Ye Ling nodded and looked at Wei Miaoqing and said, "Can we ride your horse ten times?"

"Okay, brother Ye, come with me."

Ha Yun Yaqing brought Ye Ling and others to Ma Peng and asked: "Brother Ye, do you want one horse for two people, or one horse for each person?"

"Hubby, I want to ride a horse with you." Liu Yifei said quickly.


Ye Ling nodded and looked at Zhao Liying and Reba and asked: "Are you two riding a horse each, or are you riding a horse together?"

"One horse per person, so even if you fall off the horse, you will only hit one person..." Zhao Liying joked.

"Will not!"

Ha Yun Yaqing explained: "Our horses are very docile. Sister, you can ride them with confidence, as long as they are not too fast, you will be fine."

"Then bring out three horses!" Ye Ling said.


Ha Yun Yaqing responded, walked into Ma Pengli, took out three horses, and handed them over to the hands of Zhao Liying and the three girls respectively.

"Yaqing, can that horse be ridden?" Ye Ling suddenly pointed to the innermost horse in Ma Peng, which was all white, with no trace of hair on the surface and only a little red between its eyebrows.

This was the horse that he valued at first sight after coming to Ma Peng.

"Holy shit, Ye Gou's vision is quite vicious. He valued the best horse here at a glance."

"What does it mean upstairs? Please explain."

"The horse Ye Gou values ​​​​is the only white dragon horse in the world. Look at the redness between its eyebrows. That is actually the seal given to it by Guanyin Bodhisattva. As long as it can break the seal, it can transform into a little white dragon. Lou If it’s enough, I’ll make up some if it’s not enough.”

"What a fool! Why don't you say it's a bloody horse?"

"The sweaty horse is as sweaty as blood. This white horse is white without any impurities. How can it be a sweaty horse?"

"I don't dare to make a conclusion as to what kind of horse this white horse is, but its limbs look much stronger than other horses around it, and coupled with his white horse hair without any impurities, it doesn't take much thinking. Know is a real good horse.”

Ha Yun Yaqing followed Ye Ling's hand and when she saw the white horse, she hesitated and said: "Brother Ye, this white horse is called Bai Xue. It is a young horse that my brother picked up on the grassland five years ago. It has a bad temper." It's so good that no one can ride it, even if my brother wants to ride it, he will be thrown off."


Ye Ling raised his eyebrows and became interested. He walked into Ma Peng and came to Bai Xue. He reached out and touched the mane on Bai Xue's head and said with a smile: "It doesn't seem that bad!"

Bai Xue was eating grass with his head down. When he saw Ye Ling coming over and looking up, he lowered his head again with a very disdainful attitude. .

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