Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 123: Horseback Riding Competition [Fifth Update, Please Subscribe]

"What do you mean?" Ha Yun Yaqing looked at Ye Ling with her big shining eyes confused.

She didn't understand something. What about a carrot with a hole in it, and what about pulling out and stuffing it back again? Does this have anything to do with what she asked?

"Husband, what are you talking about? Yaqing is still a child, don't teach her bad things anymore!" Liu Yifei reached out and hit Ye Ling and said.

Jiang Shuying also rolled his eyes at Ye Ling and said: "Husband, you are teaching a bad underage girl. If I call the police, I can arrest you!"

Ye Ling said with shame: "It seems that you two talked about Brokeback Mountain first, and then joked about being transgender!"

"Brother Ye, what I know about Brokeback Mountain is the story of two men falling in love on a mountain. I've seen the movie." Ha Quyaqing suddenly said.

Ye Ling:


Liu Yifei:

Jiang Shuying:

have to!

There is no need for them to teach others bad things, the prisoners themselves know everything from the movies!

"Yaqing, watch less movies like this in the future. It's best to watch more educational movies." Ye Ling looked at Ha Yun Yaqing and said.


Ha Yun Yaqing nodded and said, "Brother Ye, I understand!"

"Honey, where are we going now? Do we want to go back?" Jiang Shuying asked, looking at the sky that was slowly starting to darken.

"Wait a minute, we'll go back when Mimi catches up."

Ye Ling said as he took out his phone and took a look at it. Seeing that the time was already past five o'clock without realizing it, he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.

It seems that he promised the director that he would go back for the competition at four o'clock.

As a result, he got a little carried away while playing on the grassland and forgot about what he promised the director!

Ye Ling and the others didn't wait for long, only about ten minutes, Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Reba, the three women and the drone chased after them.


Reba pulled the reins and stopped, looked at Ye Ling and said resentfully: "Husband, you didn't even wait for me.

"Okay, aren't I waiting for you here? And it's not just me waiting, Yifei and Yaqing are also waiting for you!" Ye Ling comforted.

"Husband, let's go back quickly. The director called just now and said it will get dark soon. If the competition doesn't start, there will be no way to compete!" Zhao Liying said.

"Then let's go back."

Ye Ling controlled Bai Xue to turn around, and then rushed back with the girls.

By the time Ye Ling and his party returned to the herdsmen's location, it was already almost six o'clock, and the sky was much darker.

Uncle Bahatur led other herdsmen and the director team to greet Ye Ling and his party.

"Uncle Bahatur, how's it going? Are you okay?" Ye Ling got off Bai Xue's back and asked.

"Ha ha!"

Uncle Bahatour laughed and walked over, gave Ye Ling a bear hug and said, "Good brother, I'm fine. I haven't had such a good drink as I did today for a long time!"

Ye Ling was a little funny when he heard this.

This is how people in Inner Mongolia can describe drinking several kilograms of 52-proof soju at once as having a great time!

Uncle Bahatur looked at Bai Xue next to him and said in surprise: "Brother Ye, you really conquered Bai Xue. I didn't believe it when I first heard Yaer say it!"

"It's just a fluke!" Ye Ling glanced at Bai Xue and touched her nose.

In fact, to be serious, Bai Xue was not conquered by him, but was conquered by him slap after slap.

"Abu, Brother Ye was so awesome when he conquered Bai Xue!"

Ha Yun Yaqing came over with a painting and said with a smile: "Also, Brother Ye also painted a painting for me. Take a look, Abu, it's very beautiful!"

"Honey, what does Abu mean? Why does Yaqing always call his father Abu!" Jiang Shuying poked a bucket and Ye Ling asked in a low voice.

"Abu means father in Inner Mongolia." Ye Ling explained to her in a low voice.

"Mr. Ye, can we start the game? It will be dark soon!"

At this time, the director came over bitterly and asked.

For a director like him who has no rights at all and still has to look at the faces of the regular guests on the show, I'm afraid he is the only one in the entire entertainment industry!

Hearing this, Ye Ling called the other girls over, looked at the director and asked, "How do we compare?"

"Two kilometers ahead from here, there are people from our directing team. You select three people, and we select three people from among their locals."

The director explained: “Our director team is there holding three little red flags in their hands. When they come back, whoever gets more little red flags will win.


Ye Ling nodded, looked at the five girls and asked: "There are three places in total, which one of you will participate?"

“Ye Ling me to join!”

"Husband, I will join too!"

"There's still me, sir, there's still me!"

Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, and Reba all want to participate.

Ye Ling originally wanted to participate, so that he would at least be guaranteed to get a little red flag, but since the three girls wanted to participate so much, he had no choice but to give up the spot!

"."Husband, just look at me!" Liu Yifei said while riding on horseback.

Hot Bar also said: "Husband, I will definitely come back with a little red flag.

Yang Mi said nothing, but made ten OK gestures to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling glanced at the three Inner Mongolians riding on horseback next to him, and saw that the three women were speechless.

He didn't know who gave the three women the confidence. Did they think that the three Inner Mongolians were just for a living?

"Da Mimi, you're so lost. I'm afraid you don't know that while you were still playing in the mud, the Inner Mongolians were already on horseback!"

"Three people who have hardly ever ridden a horse can be so confident in riding a horse compared to Inner Mongolians. It's shameful!"

"With the three of them, I feel that Liu Yifei can have a chance to get a little red flag. As for the other two, let's not mention them!"

"Hot bar, why are you joining in the fun? Are you sure you didn't count (Li Nuo's) in what you said?"

"It's better to let Ye Gou go up. At least with Bai Xue's speed, Ye Gou can guarantee to get a little red flag."

The director held a whistle in one hand and a small red flag in the other, and walked up to the six people participating in the competition.

The whistle sounded, and the little red flag in the director's hand was waved at the same time.




The three Inner Mongolians, Liu Yifei and Yang Mi, immediately rushed over on horseback.

Although Hot Bar's reaction was half a beat slower, it was not far behind.

"It's over!"

Jiang Shuying looked at the backs of the three women and shook his head. He knew without thinking that they had no chance of winning.

Even if Liu Yifei could get a little red flag first, there would be nothing she could do.

After all, it was impossible for Yang Mi and Reba to get the remaining two little red flags before the three Inner Mongolians.

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