Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 131: Ye Ling Is Afraid Of Yang Mi? [Third Update, Please Subscribe]

The next morning!

When Ye Ling woke up and saw that he was alone on the bed, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

What the hell? Why is it just him?

"Husband, you wake up!"

At this time, Zhao Liying walked in from outside, wiping her wet hair.

Ye Ling looked at Zhao Liying's wet hair, raised an eyebrow and said, "Did you wash your hair so early in the morning?"

"Well, I just went to take a shower with Mimi and the others. Mimi and the others are behind and should be back soon!"

As Zhao Liying spoke, she found a hair dryer from her backpack and took it out.

"You guys are really good. It's so cold in the morning here in Inner Mongolia. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Ye Ling frowned, put on her clothes and walked down. She took the hair dryer from Zhao Liying and said, "Let me blow it for you. It will make it faster."

Zhao Liying "183" took out her mobile phone and put it in front of her. She looked at Ye Ling blowing her hair on the screen and said softly: "Husband, do you know, the moment you snatched the hair dryer from my hand just now?" In an instant, he really turned out to be a teacher!"

Ye Ling held the hair dryer and blew Zhao Liying's hair, smiling: "Don't I usually look handsome to you?"


Zhao Liying shook her head and said: "Husband, you are usually very handsome, but that's just pure handsomeness. Your tenderness in that moment just now really made me look handsome. If only I could be like this every day in the future!"

"So you actually just want me to blow your hair every day, right?" Ye Ling said amusedly.

"Then hubby, can you blow my hair every day from now on?" Zhao Liying turned around and asked.

Ye Ling reached out and pinched Zhao Liying's pretty face, and wondered: "Zhao Liying, why do you think of good things? I remember that the last time you sent me back to Beijing in the mushroom house, you were daydreaming like this.


Zhao Liying said dissatisfied: "Then I wasn't with you last time, but this time I am your real wife, how can it be the same!"

"Of course it's different, but you want me to blow your hair every day, let alone a door or even a window." Ye Ling rejected Zhao Liying's proposal without thinking.

He now has four wives. If each of his wives asked him to blow their hair every day like Zhao Liying, then he probably wouldn't have to do anything every day, just blowing his hair to these four wives!

"Husband, just wait. After I am pregnant with the baby, I will ask you to wash my hair every day." Zhao Liying turned her head and touched her belly and said.

Ye Ling held the hair dryer again and blew Zhao Liying's hair, and said with a smile: "Then work hard, when that time comes, let alone wash your hair every day, even if you ask me to wash your feet every day OK."

When Zhao Liying heard this, she said seriously: "Husband, this is what you said. I take it seriously. You will not regret it when the time comes."

"Of course I won't go back on what I said." Ye Ling smiled.

After Ye Ling dried Zhao Liying's hair, Yang Mi and the other four girls also took a shower and came in squatting with their hair dripping.


Hot Bar looked at Zhao Liying sitting on the stool, then looked at the hair dryer in Ye Ling's hand, and asked in surprise: "Husband, what's wrong with you? Do you have a fever today?"

"Why do I have a fever? I think it's you who have a fever. I go to take a shower so early in the morning. I don't know what you think. Are you not afraid of catching a cold?"

Ye Ling said as he pulled the hot bar to the stool and pressed it down, then looked at the remaining three women and said, "You all should quickly use a hair dryer to dry your hair, so you don't catch a cold!"

"Husband, don't you have medical skills? If you really have a fever, just give me a few injections and it will be fine!" Reba said nonchalantly.

"I'll give you a few injections first to treat your obviously burned brain." Ye Ling rolled his eyes and said.

Just a few injections and everything will be fine. Do you really think acupuncture is a magical method?

If acupuncture is really that powerful, why would Shen Nong still try Baicao?

"Husband, you really have a hot-searched physique. Five of the top ten hot searches are for you." Zhao Liying said with envy while holding her mobile phone.

"Liying, Nian Nian, let's see what hot searches my husband is on." Liu Yi said, blowing her hair.

"Okay, I'll read it to you!"

Zhao Liying nodded and said:

[No. 1 hot search: Ye Ling Chinese Kung Fu Drunken Boxing vs. Inner Mongolian Bahatur!]

[Second hot search: The sharp archer Ye Ling shot down the open goose with one arrow!]

[Hot search No. 5: The mutated white horse surrendered by Ye Ling is suspected to be a Chollima? 】

[Hot search No. 7: Ye Ling, a man who drank a man from Inner Mongolia to the ground and acted as if nothing had happened! 】

[Hot search No. 10: Shrew Yang Mi, on Ye Ling’s painting skills. 】

After Zhao Liying finished speaking, she couldn't help but look at Yang Mi...

Sure enough, Yang Mi's face was as dark as charcoal at this moment, and she was gnashing her teeth and staring at Ye Ling.

"Mimi, let me blow your hair!"

Zhao Liying walked over with a smile, blocking Yang Mi's glare at Ye Ling.

"Liying, it's time for you to take care of this person in your family. If you guys can't take care of it, I'll be happy to do it for you." Yang Mi gritted her teeth.

Hearing this, Ye Ling subconsciously glanced at Yang Mi's fingernails and couldn't help but shudder.

It seemed that Yang Mi had this tone last time when he said her feet smelled bad.

Then he got scratched in the face.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Why do I see you trembling? Are you afraid of Mimi?" Jiang Shuying looked at Ye Ling and asked.

"Am I afraid of Mimi?"

Ye Ling shook his head and said: "Impossible, why should I be afraid of her? For a person with Mimi's physique, I can easily knock her down with just one hand."


Yang Mi curled her lips at Ye Ling disdainfully.

She believed Ye Ling could knock her down with one hand, but she didn't believe Ye Ling dared to attack her.

After all, she is Ye Ling's wife in name. If Ye Ling dares to attack her, it will be domestic violence. Moreover, she is also the best friend of Zhao Liying's fourth daughter, and she can also be regarded as Ye Ling's sister-in-law.

Therefore, no matter from any aspect, it is impossible for Ye Ling to do anything to her.

Everyone was chatting and laughing together before blowing their hair dry! 5.1 Ye Ling also took the five girls to Uncle Bahatur's place and had a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Ling and the fifth daughter went back to the yurt to pack their things, and then loaded everything on the two jeeps.

"Brother Ye, this is Bai Xue!"

When Ye Ling took the five girls to say goodbye to Uncle Bahatur, Hayun Yaqing ran to the stable and brought Bai Xue over.

"Thank you Yaqing!"

Ye Ling smiled and took Bai Xue over from Ha Yun Yaqing's hand.

"Uncle Bahatur, Aunt Ulijibayar, and Yaqing, goodbye!"

Ye Ling and the fifth daughter waved to Uncle Bahatur and his family, and then drove away in Bai Xue's car!

Uncle Bahatur looked at the back of Ye Ling and his group as they left, patted his chest with his right hand, and recited blessings in Inner Mongolian language. .

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