Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 153: Back To Kyoto, The Battle Between The Boss And The Second Child [Fifth Update, Please S

After eating breakfast, Ye Ling and the five girls rushed to the nearest airport with Zhang Zifeng. When they got there, it was already close to noon!

Ye Ling glanced at the time and said: "Zifeng, the plane will take off in just a short time. Come and board the plane as soon as possible. Don't be late and miss the plane again!"

"Well, brother, Sister Liying, Sister Mi...goodbye!" Zhang Zifeng smiled and waved his hand, and walked in through the security check.

Ye Ling watched Zhang Zifeng leave, then turned to look at the girls and said with a smile: "Let's go, it's dinner time now, let's go find a hotel and have a good meal!"

"Husband, I want to eat hairy crabs, spicy crayfish, boiled meat slices, couple's lung slices..." Reba said, licking the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei stretched out her hand and pinched Reba's little face, and said speechlessly: "Reba, you gave us so many names of dishes at once, and you still let us order!"

"It's okay. Let's all eat whatever we want today. Anyway, it's all the dishes ordered by Hot Bar. Let Hot Bar pay for it then!" Yang Mi put her hand on Hot Bar's shoulder and said very generously.

Jiang Shuying smiled broadly and said, "Hot it up, I won't be polite. It just so happens that I've already digested everything I ate this morning!"

Zhao Liying also smiled and said: "It's hot, don't worry, we won't be able to eat much, at most we will drink a few bottles of 1982 Lafite."

Hot bar: "..."

"Sister Mi~"

Reba stared at Yang Mi with resentful eyes.

Although the authentic 1982 Lafite is no longer available, and the 1982 Lafite on the market is all A-grade, but even so, a bottle costs 60,000 to 70,000 yuan!

There were six of them plus Ye Ling, especially since Ye Ling was still so good at drinking. She had to drink three or four bottles no matter what, and after one meal, she would have lost two to three hundred thousand yuan!

The culprit of all this is Yang Mi's words.

"Look at how stingy you are!"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at Reba angrily, and said generously: "I'm not really asking you to spend money, just eat whatever you want today, I'll treat you"~!"


As soon as Hot Bar heard that he didn't have to spend his own coffers, he immediately became happy.

"Okay, I'm treating you today!" Ye Ling said with a smile.

After saying that, Ye Ling suddenly remembered that his bank card was thrown away in Yang Mi's villa in Kyoto, and after thinking about it, he said: "Of course, you have to pay for it.

Fifth Girl: “………………

a week later!

Ye Ling and the five girls spent a total of ten days playing in the Inner Mongolia prairie, experiencing the customs and customs of Inner Mongolia, and then ended the recording of the program and returned to Kyoto.

"Finally home!"

As soon as the fifth girl returned to the villa, she threw her backpack on the ground and lay down on the sofa in the living room.

Although they had a lot of fun during the ten days in Inner Mongolia, they were also very tiring.

Especially Zhao Liying, who has to prepare meals for everyone every morning, noon and evening, and has to move pots, pans, small gas tanks and other things used for cooking every time.

"Husband, don't do those backpacks. We'll do it later. You can come over and have a rest too!" Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling and said.

"It's okay, you guys just rest, I'll take these backpacks up."

Ye Ling said, hanging two backpacks around his neck, then grabbed two more backpacks with both hands, and walked towards the second floor.

"My husband is so strong!" Jiang Shuying looked at Ye Ling's back and said in surprise.

You must know that those backpacks are full of stuff. Each backpack weighs about fifty kilograms, and these six backpacks weigh almost three hundred kilograms!

But when Ye Ling went upstairs with a weight of three hundred kilograms, she didn't feel heavy at all. Instead, she looked quite relaxed.

It was as if the backpacks he was carrying were not three hundred kilograms, but three.

"What's all this fuss about? Our husband is just a humanoid beast. He lifted me up with one hand yesterday. Sister Shuying, you don't know." Reba curled his lips and said.

Yang Mi sat up on the sofa, looked at the four girls and said, "Stop talking about my husband's strength, talk about us!"

"Our business?"

Liu Yifei was lying on the sofa, resting her head on Jiang Shuying's thigh and wondering, "What can we do?"

Jiang Shuying and Reba also looked at Yang Mi in confusion, wondering what she meant.

Only Zhao Liying looked at Yang Mi with a thoughtful look, and she probably guessed what Yang Mi meant.

"We have three things to resolve between us!"

Yang Mi raised a finger and said: "The first thing is to sleep at night!"

"The bed in the bedroom is not the super-large tent we lived in Inner Mongolia. There is no way it can accommodate five of us at the same time, so..."

"So for the sake of fairness, I think we should put them in order, what do you think?" Yang Mi looked at the four girls and asked.

"."I agree!"

Zhao Liying agreed: "The bed in the bedroom is really too small. Yifei and I were still hot before, so we often fell off the bed from time to time at night."

"There's no need to arrange things in order. At worst, we can just let my husband run from room to room. Anyway, my husband is so powerful, so he's not afraid of being beaten." Jiang Shuying said.

Yang Mi thought for a moment and said, "That's okay too. Everyone can get the rain and dew equally. It's just that we have to sort out who my husband will sleep with in the end every night!"

Zhao Liying pondered and said: "Why don't we arrange it according to Sunday? We each have one day from Monday to Friday, and Saturday and Sunday are just two days off for my husband."


Hot Bar couldn't help but laugh and said: "Sister Liying, you think this is work, and you still give your husband two days off."

Liu Yifei also suppressed a smile and said: "According to what Hot Bar said, then who of us will pay my husband's salary?"

"I agreed first that I will give my husband ten cents a month. I can't pay him any more or less." Jiang Shuying also chimed in. (Good Zhao)

Yang Mi: “…………

Zhao Liying:

"Stop laughing, can you be more serious!" Zhao Liying said angrily.


Hot Bar brewed for a while, suppressed the smile on his face, and said: "I won't argue with you. Anyway, I am the youngest among our sisters, so I want the position of the youngest, which is every Friday. superior!"

"My husband belongs to me every Wednesday!"

"Then I want Thursdays every week!"

Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying also expressed their opinions that they will be on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.

As for Mondays and Tuesdays of every week, the three women jointly gave them to Yang Mi and Zhao Liying.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other and fell silent.

The three girls all looked at the second girl with interest, wanting to know who got the Monday in the end.

After all, although Monday and Tuesday are only one day apart, they represent the difference between the boss and the second child. .

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