"Liying, be hot, I'll tell you!"

Tong Liya stood up, drank the red wine in her hand, wiped her tears and said: "Men are all big pigs and scum, and none of them can be trusted.

"Just talk about that scumbag. He is obviously such a gentleman, but everything about him is fake, and everything about her is a liar..."

"Don't believe it, I'm telling you, even your husband Ye Ling is not a good person, he is a liar, and he lied to you..."

Hot bar:#

Zhao Liying:

Liu Yifei:

Ye Ling stood at the door, looking at Tong Liya with black lines on her head, and had the urge to turn around and leave.

What the hell is going on!

Why is he no longer a good guy? Why is he a liar?

After Hot Bar saw Ye Ling and Liu Yifei at the door, he quickly got up and walked over to explain: "Honey, don't worry, Sister Yaya is drunk and she talks drunken words.

"I know!"

Ye Ling reluctantly suppressed the urge to turn around and leave, then walked into the hot bar and sat down.


When Zhao Liying saw Ye Ling coming in, she smiled bitterly and said, "This is the first time that Yaya has such a deep affection for a man, so it hurts a lot. Husband, don't worry about it!"

"I understand, I understand!"

Ye Ling nodded, looked at the several finished bottles of red wine on the table, raised his eyebrows and said, "Did Yaya drink these herself?"

"Yes, they don't drink, so I can only drink by myself!" Tong Liya admitted, patting her heart.

After saying that, Tong Liya took another bottle of red wine that she had not drunk yet, opened it and filled it for herself, then took a cup and put it in front of Ye Ling, filled it for him and said: "Ye Ling, they don't drink, let's drink. Thank you for today, how about..."


Ye Ling frowned and interrupted: "Stop drinking, red wine is different from other wines, it has a lot of stamina.


Tong Liya waved her hands indifferently, then held the wine glass and said: "Ye Ling, if you hadn't helped me today, I might have been killed by that scumbag. I thank you, and I'll do it first as a token of respect." !”

"I won't drink anymore. I'm helping you because I just treat you as a friend." Ye Ling shook his head.


Tong Liya said unwillingly: "You have to drink, you have to get me drunk. Don't you men all want to get me drunk? How can you have a chance if I don't get drunk!"


The three women looked at each other in confusion. Even though they knew that Tong Liya was talking nonsense when she was drunk, they still felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

After all, this sentence is too ambiguous. If it were said in private, it would be equivalent to Chi Guoguo's seduction!

Tong Liya poured herself another glass of red wine, picked it up and looked at it again and said: "Ye Ling, if you don't give me face, then I will do it first as a respect."

With that said, Tuli was ready to drink it all again.

"Yaya, stop drinking!"

Liu Yifei stood up and walked over to stop her, worried: "You have already drunk so much, something will happen if you drink any more.

"It's okay. Don't stop any of you today. I will break up with anyone who stops me!"

As Tong Liya said this, she pushed Liu Yifei away and drank down the wine in her hand again.

Ye Ling sighed, stood up, walked to Tong Liya, raised her hand, and slapped her.


A crisp slap sounded in the private room.

The three girls were stunned!

Tong Liya was stunned. She didn't expect that Ye Ling dared to slap her, and slapped her mercilessly without saying a word.

But I have to say that Ye Ling’s slap woke her up!


Reba came to his senses and quickly stood up and hugged Ye Ling, worried that Ye Ling would beat Tong Liya again in anger.

"It's fine!"

Ye Ling smiled and patted Reba's little hand, then looked at Tong Liya and said calmly: "Have you had enough trouble?"


Tong Liya thought for a long time and didn’t know what to say.

"Do you know you are ugly like this?"

"It's so ugly that it makes you feel sick."

"Yaya, you shouldn't be like this in my mind. You should be very cheerful, just like the sister next door." Ye Ling said.

"The sister next door?"

Tong Liya knelt down bitterly, lowered her head and cried: "The sister next door will also meet scum, the sister next door will also be deceived, and the sister next door also needs to get married and have children."

"I am already twenty-seven years old, but in these twenty-seven years, except for filming, I have never held hands with another man. I finally met a man who I thought was pretty good, but he turned out to be a scumbag. , why are you being so unfair to me, wuwuwu..."

·……Please give me flowers…………0

"Yaya, don't be too difficult..."

The three women stepped forward to comfort them, but were pushed down.

"Let her cry for a while, just let her cry out!" Ye Ling sighed.

"No, I'm not crying, why should I cry!"

Tong Liya wiped away her tears and stood up, saying stubbornly: "Isn't he just a scumbag? What's the big deal? Anyway, he and I have never even held hands, and I don't suffer any loss."

"Sister Yaya, that's great if you think so!" Reba said happily.

Ye Ling also smiled and said: "Okay, if you're fine, let's eat. It's been all morning, and I'd be dead a long time ago."


Tong Liya nodded heavily, turning her sadness into appetite, stuffing whatever she saw into her mouth, as if she had been hungry for several days.

When the three girls saw this, they were all happy for Tong Liya.


While eating, Tong Liya suddenly felt her stomach churn, and she couldn't help but vomited.

For a moment, an unpleasant smell filled the entire private room.

Ye Ling stretched out his hand and pinched his nose, saying speechlessly: "Everyone said that red wine has great stamina, but you still didn't listen, so now the stamina has increased!"

"Husband, you are still making sarcastic remarks, what should you do now?" Liu Yifei asked, wrinkled nose.

Hot Bar fanned the smelly air in front of him and said, "Husband, how about we take Sister Yaya back first!"

"I can't take her with me. She will still vomit in the car like this."

Ye Ling reached out and pulled out a few tissues, stuffed them into her nose, walked over and hugged Tong Liya and said, "Go to the ninth floor and open a room for her!"


The three women unanimously agreed, and after paying the bill with the Supreme Black Card, they followed Ye Ling into the elevator to the ninth floor.

After arriving on the ninth floor, Liu Yifei took the Supreme Black Card to open a luxurious presidential suite, and then Ye Ling carried Tuli into it.

"You should have a good sleep!"

Ye Ling hugged Tong Liya and threw her on the bed before preparing to leave.

But he didn’t expect that Tong Liya would be hugging his neck the whole time!

As a result, his throwing caused him to be taken down with him, and he lay on top of Tong Liya.


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