Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 194: Both Rain And Dew Are Touched

After saying that, Zhao Liying turned around in a panic and was about to leave.

But the next second, Tong Liya stopped her again.

"Li Ying!"

Zhao Liying's body paused.

But she didn't turn around.

She didn't want to face Tong Liya.

"Liying, I'm sorry, I just need some time now, I don't mean any harm, I will pay more attention to you later.

After Tong Liya finished speaking, Zhao Liying took a deep breath and left.

Back in the room, Zhao Liying's mind was filled with Tong Liya, and she even made up her own brain, and Tong Liya secretly followed her to the airport. Watching the scene of Ye Ling.

This made her even more suffocated and her mood extremely complicated.

After a long pause, she took out her phone and finally posted Tong Liya's story to the group chat of five people.

She didn't want this matter to affect other people's mood, but she felt that she really couldn't handle it.

Lest she end up making the wrong decision, she hopes others can help make decisions.

At this moment, the other four people were sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa, preparing to pick up Ye Ling from the airport later.

As soon as Zhao Liying's news came over, the four people all stared.

Jiang Shuying and Hot Bar, who were lying on the sofa, jumped up from the sofa.

"You want to steal your husband from us?"

"How come Sister Yaya never told me about this matter?"

The four people looked at each other, feeling extremely complicated at the moment.

In the group, Zhao Liying continued to describe what happened that day, and at the same time wrote out all the entanglements in her heart.

During this process, the four of them did not speak again. They only wanted to know the specific situation and did not dare to speak randomly.

At the end, Zhao Liying mentioned the matter of Tong Liya secretly going to see Ye Ling off this morning.

It even made the four of them have unexplainable thoughts in their minds.

"Sister Mi, I really don't know what to do now. I can't be happy about this, but I don't hate Yaya either. Please help me and pay attention!"

In any case, Yang Mi is the empress of the palace, and she is also the best at dealing with interpersonal relationships among them. Now she can only place her hopes on Yang Mi.

As soon as Zhao Liying finished speaking, Liu Yifei and the other three looked at Yang Mi, wanting to hear what Yang Mi would say.

Even though Yang Mi was good at handling these things, she was still shocked (bfdj) when she suddenly learned about this.

Everyone looked at her again, which put a lot of pressure on her.

Under heavy pressure, Yang Mi couldn't make up her mind for a moment, so she replied first: "Liying, please calm down and put this matter down first. Let me think about it. After thinking about it, I will give you an answer." !”

Zhao Liying knew that Yang Mi's mood at this moment was probably the same as hers at that time.

She did not urge Yang Mi, nor did she reply.

In the villa, the four people put down their mobile phones, their faces full of solemnity.

Yang Mi's head turned several times, and finally she said in a deep voice: "What are your thoughts on this matter?"

As soon as Yang Mi opened her mouth, the atmosphere in the living room became even weirder.

Everyone has something on their mind, but it is difficult to speak it out.

There was silence for a long time, and finally the words reached a whisper.

"It's not surprising that Sister Yaya likes her husband. After all, our husband is so charming and she is a nice person. It would be great if she could be like us, but I feel TE..."

Hot Bar's voice became smaller and smaller, and even his expression became tangled.

It seemed as if he was facing some big problem that would take thousands of years to solve.

However, her words still reached everyone's ears.

No one could refute what she said, and they even felt that what she said spoke to their own hearts.

Yang Mi took a breath again, looked at the time and said, "Don't mention this matter in front of your husband yet. Let's go to the airport first and wait until we find time to discuss it in detail. Let's think about it when we have nothing to do!"

Everyone was silent and then set off with Yang Mi.

Tong Liya's incident has left a knot in everyone's heart.

For more than half an hour, no one spoke.

It wasn't until they arrived at the airport and saw Ye Ling coming out that the four of them put on smiles.

Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying were relatively calm, while Reba and Liu Yifei relied on the cover of their masks and sunglasses to rush over and hang on Ye Ling.

Although the passers-by did not recognize them under the cover, their actions still attracted the attention of many people.

The gay men felt even more envious.

I can’t see the face clearly, but I can see the figure clearly!

If you have a good figure, your face will definitely not be bad either.

I don't ask for four beauties to pick me up together, I would be satisfied if I could have just one.

The two of them were hanging on Ye Ling's body, one on the left and the other on the right. When looking at Ye Ling, they happened to see another person from the corner of their eyes.

Reba immediately said dissatisfied: "What are you doing? You are so heavy, don't tire your husband!"

Liu Yifei gave Hota a hard look through her sunglasses, "You're so stupid! You know how to eat every day!"

"What's wrong with my eating? I won't gain weight if I eat! You can eat every day if you can!"

Liu Yifei had a dark look on her face, which means she didn't have a pillow at hand, otherwise she would have to warm her up.

Although he couldn't see the expression on the other party's face, Reba could already feel the anger emanating from the other party.

Not only was she not angry, she stuck out her tongue proudly, and then looked at Ye Ling again.

At this moment, Ye Ling looked even more depressed. These two happy enemies would be uncomfortable if they didn't say anything to each other.

If this continues, I'm afraid I might have to arrange for the two of them to live in different places.

"Stop making a fuss, they're still outside! If you want to make a fuss, you can go home later and let's go into the room and make a fuss together!"

As soon as these words came out, both of them turned red.

But the next second, Reba was lying in Ye Ling's ear and said: "Husband, whatever you say will be done!"

It turns out that the women at home have been thinking about Ye Ling for a month since she was away!

Now that Ye Ling is finally back, they are also excited!

Not to be outdone, Liu Yifei whispered: "Husband, you have the final say today, and the uniforms I bought last time have been sent to me!"

Liu Yifei's words are even more economical.

Ye Ling immediately made a move, hugged one of them with one hand, and quickened his pace.

After walking in front of Yang Mi and Jiang Shuying, he whispered: "Go home, we will all benefit from the rain and dew today!"

At this moment, all four people's faces turned red, and they felt shy in their hearts.

However, no one said anything and just followed Ye Ling out of the airport.

On the way back, the four of them completely forgot about Tong Liya.

All I can think about is what will happen when I get home!

Once they got home, the four of them went upstairs to their rooms without waiting for Ye Ling to speak.

Looking at the stairs, Ye Ling smiled evilly, and strode forward like a weirdo. .

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