Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 36: Wang Zhonglei Is Coming [Second Update, Please Support]

The next morning, when Ye Ling and Zhao Liying came downstairs, Teacher Huang had already prepared breakfast.

"What's wrong with Zifeng? Did you not sleep?" Ye Ling asked while eating breakfast and looking at the sleepy Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng yawned and said, "I didn't dare to sleep at night. I played on my mobile phone all night."

"You kid, you told me last night to let your sister Liying accompany you, but you still didn't let me!"

Ye Ling shook his head and said: "Eat breakfast first, and then go upstairs to catch up on your sleep!"

After everyone finished breakfast, except for Zhang Zifeng who went upstairs to catch up on his sleep, everyone else sent Xie Na and Zhang Jie to the car together.

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang, goodbye Pengpeng!"

Xie Na sat in the car and waved out: "Brother-in-law, be nice to our Liying. Liying, I hope you won't pay too much attention to my shoelaces next time we meet. Goodbye!"

"Sister, goodbye!"

Zhao Liying waved her hand, took Ye Ling's arm with a somewhat disappointed expression, and asked, "Aren't you going to comfort me?"

Ye Ling glanced at her and asked, "Are you hungry? How about I buy you two steamed buns?"

"I don't like eating steamed buns, I hate them!"

Zhao Liying stepped on Ye Ling's foot hard and left angrily!

Ye Ling smiled, shook his head and followed.

"Xiaoye's way of comforting people is quite special." Teacher He looked at the backs of the two and said with a smile.

"That's not the case!"

Teacher Huang nodded and said: "Although Xiaoye is usually so out of tune, he knows it in his heart!"

"Pengpeng, learn from your brother Ye, it will be good for you to find a girlfriend. At least it will give you the first kiss that you have kept for more than 20 years."

After Teacher Huang finished speaking, he and Teacher He laughed and left together, leaving Pengpeng alone in the wind.

"Live until you are old, learn until you are old, and the sorrow of parting is really gone after being teased by Ye Gou and Teacher Huang like this!"

"Speaking of which, Ye Gou, are you really okay with making fun of Zhao Xiaogu like a bun so blatantly?"

"Teacher Huang also said that our first kiss in more than 20 years, Pengpeng, has not been handed over. Did our Pengpeng say anything?"

"If Pengpeng doesn't cry, the worst he can do is go abroad and have sex reassignment surgery. No matter what, he has to have his first kiss before he is thirty."


"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!"

When the phone rang in the mushroom house, Pengpeng ran into the house without anyone saying anything.

Everyone was not surprised by this and continued to play the cards in their hands.


Teacher He finished playing the cards and said with a smile: "Liying, I only have three cards. How about it? The king in my hand cannot be played. If not, I will leave!"

Zhao Liying held the two big and small kings in her hand and hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether she should take them out or not.

"What should I do? Can I get out?"

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling behind her as if asking for help.

Ye Ling shrugged and said, "Don't look at me. Teacher He and Teacher Huang are just two old foxes playing Landlord. You can't beat them at all."

"Then I'll do it. You asked me to do it. If I lose, it's your fault."

"King Zha!"

Zhao Liying threw out two king bombs, then three kings, leaving three threes in her hand.

"Four tens!"

Teacher Huang dropped a bomb and said with a smile: "Liying, I only have two cards in my hand!"

"Ye Ling, I shouldn't have listened to you. If I had known, I wouldn't have done it!" Zhao Liying complained.


Ye Ling said speechlessly: "I don't think I told you what cards to play!"

"No more playing, no more playing!"

Zhao Liying threw away the cards in her hand and immediately mixed them with the cards that had already been played.

"You two really look alike. You don't know how to play but you still have to rob the landlord every time. As a result, you lose every time."

Teacher Huang smiled and threw down the last remaining pair of fours in his hand, and then put away all the cards on the table.

"Teacher Huang, it seems that a big shot named Wang came here this time and said he wanted to eat carp and jump over the dragon gate." Pengpeng ran out of the room and said.

Teacher Huang became interested and asked: "How old is the big shot named Wang?"

"I don't know either. I only know that his surname is Wang, and that he was accompanied by Chen He, who also called him boss." Pengpeng said truthfully.

Zhao Liying said in surprise: "Pengpeng, are you saying that Xiao Wang from Huayi is here?"

"Is he President Xiao Wang of Huayi?" Pengpeng was a little confused.

You must know that Xiao Wang is the president of Huayi Brothers, and one sentence can seal his existence.

But apart from answering the phone and asking for the name of the dish, he actually didn't say anything else. If he had known earlier, it would have been nice to have more sex!

"I didn't expect that Xiao Wang would also come to our mushroom house as a guest. Now Teacher Huang, you are very busy!" Teacher He said with a smile.

"I'm busy with my hammer, but I still want to eat carp and leap over the dragon's gate. Why can't he go to heaven!" Teacher Huang cursed with a smile. It can be seen that he has a good relationship with Huayi's Xiao Wang.

Ye Ling glanced at them and didn't interrupt.

He had only met Huayi's Xiao Wang once in his previous life, so he wasn't very familiar with her and couldn't get in touch with her.

"Let's start dividing the work!"

Teacher Huang said: "Teacher He and I are going to buy groceries. Pengpeng, please leave some firewood to chop. There is not much firewood in the kitchen. Xiaoye, you and Liying can make your own arrangements!"


Pengpeng was so motivated that he immediately picked up the ax and prepared to chop wood.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He also walked out of the mushroom house, preparing to go to the county to buy groceries.

Ye Ling was sitting there leisurely, drinking herbal tea and playing with her mobile phone.

Instead, Zhao Liying felt a little uncomfortable and said, "Is it really okay for us to just sit here and watch Pengpeng work?"

Ye Ling replied without raising his head: "Just sit here and rest, or you want to help Pengpeng chop wood."

Zhao Liying looked at the ax in Pengpeng's hand, closed her mouth wisely, grabbed a small Shiba Inu at her feet and held it in her arms.

"Which one of the pots and pans is this little Shiba Inu? I suddenly feel envious of it."

"I envy Ye Gou even more. He acts like an uncle all day long. Is that true?"

"This little leaf dog is really like an uncle. He just sits there and does nothing."

"Only you upstairs know. When did you see Ye Gou working in the mushroom house?"

"I feel sorry for this honest kid Pengpeng, but Pengpeng worked extra hard today. Is it because Wang Zhonglei came?"

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