Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 39: Jiang Taigong Fishing (Fifth Update, Asking For Flowers)

After everyone had lunch, they went back to their rooms to rest. Zhao Liying returned to the room and immediately collapsed on the bed. She was tired and said: "This has just begun. There is still another afternoon today. Young Master Wang must continue to test you!"

Ye Ling shook his head and said: "Testing is inevitable, but they are only here for one day and will leave tomorrow morning, so I guess he will find an opportunity to speak this afternoon!"

"Then what are you going to do this afternoon?"

Zhao Liying frowned and said: "If he speaks directly, if you refuse, you will completely offend Huayi. After all, the president of Huayi came to Xiangxi to invite you in person, and there are so many people in the live broadcast room. If you are It would be embarrassing if you refused.”

"Of course, I'm not worried about whether I will bear Huayi's wrath. Anyway, I have earned enough money now, and I will quit the industry at the worst possible time. It's just that I'm worried about Mimi and the four of them." Zhao Liying explained again.

Ye Ling sat on the bed, picked up a bottle of milk, took a sip, and asked, "What's Huayi's current situation in the entertainment industry?"

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

Zhao Liying explained: "Huayi was once the unrivaled boss in the entertainment industry and had a profound background. Even though it has begun to fail now, it is still a behemoth in the entertainment industry."

"I know!" Ye Ling nodded, having already thought of a way to deal with Wang Zhonglei in his mind.

"How do you plan to deal with him this afternoon?" Zhao Liying asked.

Ye Ling narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm going to ask him to give up signing me."

"Voluntarily giving up signing you? Ye Ling, you don't want to hit him, do you?"

Zhao Liying sat up and said anxiously: "Let me tell you, this is a live broadcast. If you hit someone, you will definitely be arrested. No one can help you."

"What are you thinking about!"

Ye Ling rolled his eyes, lay down and closed his eyes and said, "Let's get some sleep first. I will naturally have a way to deal with him in the afternoon."

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling. Although she was still worried, seeing that Ye Ling clearly didn't want to talk, she didn't ask any more questions.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Ye Ling woke up from her sleep and saw Zhao Liying sitting next to her playing with her mobile phone, so she asked, "Aren't you going to take a nap at noon?"

"I didn't develop this habit when I was a child, so I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to take a nap at noon every day."

Zhao Liying said, handed the phone to Ye Ling and said: "They have all gone down, they seem to be going fishing!"

Ye Ling took the phone and looked at it. Sure enough, Teacher Huang and others were sitting under the pavilion talking, and next to them was a bulging fishing gear bag.

"Let's go, fishing is such an interesting thing, how can we do it without us!" Ye Ling returned the phone to Zhao Liying, then got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked down with Zhao Liying.

"Xiaoye is down!"

Wang Zhonglei was the first to notice Ye Ling and said with a smile: "Teacher Huang and I happened to be discussing going fishing. Since Xiaoye is also down, let's go together!"


Ye Ling nodded and said, "The weather is now suitable for fishing by the river."

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's set off!"

Teacher Huang asked Pengpeng to take the fishing gear bag, and then walked out of the mushroom house first, followed by Ye Ling and others.

The place for fishing was chosen by a small river not far from the mushroom house.

The river is very narrow, about two or three meters wide, and the water inside is relatively shallow, only about one meter high.

"Pengpeng, give me the fishing gear bag!"

Teacher Huang took the fishing gear bag from Pengpeng and said: "In total, I borrowed four fishing rods from the village. I will take one first, and you can score the remaining three."

"I'll take one!" Wang Zhonglei immediately took one.

Ye Ling also reached out and picked up a fishing rod and said with a smile: "I haven't caught a fish in a long time. If I can't catch a fish, don't laugh at me."

"Xiaoye, you are overthinking this. Not many of us really know how to fish. Anyway, we are just fishing for fun, just for entertainment!"

After saying this, Teacher Huang took out the fishhook, earthworms, and fish floats and divided them into four parts. He took one part for himself and gave one part to Wang Zhonglei and Ye Ling.

“Isn’t anyone taking this last fishing rod?”

Teacher Huang looked at the untouched fishing rod, bent down, picked it up and handed it to Chen He and said, "Chen He, tonight's dinner is up to you. If you can't catch any fish, you won't have food to eat."

"I've never fished before!" Chen He looked at the fishing rod in his hand in confusion.

"Chen He, come on, dinner is up to you!"

Pengpeng patted Chen He on the shoulder, and suddenly remembered that no one had brought any stools, so he said, "I'll go back and get some stools, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to squat and fish all the time!"

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Teacher He said.

"Let's go too!" Zhao Liying and Zhang Zifeng also followed to help.

"There are only four of us left!"

Teacher Huang looked at Ye Ling and the three of them and suggested: "The four of us should not get together. Each of us has a seat. We will see who catches more when we go back."

"Then I'll go to the east!"

Ye Ling took the fishing rod and walked a few steps east, tied the fishhook with fishing line, and then inserted the fish to float and hang earthworms.

Wang Zhonglei followed Ye Ling over, looked at his skillful appearance and asked with a smile: "Xiaoye used to fish a lot, right?"

Ye Ling nodded and said, "When I was a kid, I often went fishing to the pond with my brothers in the yard, but now after so many years, I don't know if I can catch it again!"

“If you can’t catch small fish, then catch big fish.”

Wang Zhonglei tied the fishhook and said: "It's just like Jiang Taigong in ancient times when he fished for people who wanted to take the bait."

Ye Ling was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Wang Zhonglei and said: "Jiang Taigong took the bait and caught the Emperor of Zhou. I, Ye Ling, am a commoner, how dare I compete with Jiang Taigong."

"Haha, that's true. I, Wang Zhonglei, don't dare to compare with Emperor Zhou." Wang Zhonglei laughed.

"Why do I feel like there's something in this little Wang's words!"

"Xiao Wang compared himself and Ye Gou to Emperor Zhou and Jiang Taigong. Then will he compare himself to Liu Bei and Ye Gou to Zhuge Liang later?"

"The fun is finally about to begin. Damn it, I've been feeling something wrong since this morning. Now it seems that Xiao Wang wants to sign Ye Gou!"

"I hope you don't sign. It would be better to sign with Huayi than with Damimi and the others!"

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