Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 45: The Early Worm Is Eaten By The Bird (Fourth Update, Please Give Me Flowers)

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling who suddenly walked in, and said confusedly: "Didn't you go take a shower?"

"Just go in and shower. It's not like you women. You have to shower for half an hour every time."

Ye Ling closed the door as he spoke, walked over, took the phone from Zhao Liying's hand and asked, "You haven't said what you are doing with my phone yet?"

"Oh, I didn't do anything. I just called you from Hot Bar. I answered it for you." Zhao Liying said without leaving any trace.

Ye Ling glanced at her suspiciously, but didn't think much about it. He just reminded: "Your hair is still wet. Blow it quickly. It's easy to catch a cold this season."

"Are you going back to the hot bar?" Zhao Liying walked to the dressing table and sat down, looking at Ye Ling in the mirror and asked.

Zhao Liying regretted it after asking. She didn't know why she asked, she just asked subconsciously.

Ye Ling was just returning the call to Hot Bar, so he didn't pay much attention.

"Why are you always on the phone?"

Ye Ling frowned and continued to fight for a while but found that he couldn't get through, so he stopped fighting.

Anyway, it's just a phone call. You can call again tomorrow.

"Didn't you pick up the hot bar?" Zhao Liying asked while blowing her hair and looking at Ye Ling in the mirror.

Ye Ling sat on the bed, shook his head and said, "You must be talking to someone on the phone during the call!"

"Ye Ling, I heard the ringtone from Hot Bar just now. It seems to be the song you wrote for her!" Zhao Liying asked casually, as if it was a matter of conversation.

"Liying, you have a lot of questions today!" Ye Ling suddenly felt that something was wrong with Zhao Liying, as if she was very concerned about things related to Hot Bar today.

Zhao Liying was also stunned for a moment. Did she ask a lot? Not much, I only asked three questions!

"It's nothing, I just asked casually. After all, Reba is one of my few good friends in the entertainment industry, so I subconsciously care about her." Zhao Liying said casually.

Ye Ling glanced at her and didn't say anything. He just saw that the time was almost half past ten and urged Zhao Liying to blow dry her hair quickly.

After Zhao Liying dried her hair, she turned off the lights and lay on the bed, not knowing what was going on. She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep until she felt sleepy at two o'clock in the morning.

The next morning, it was just eight o'clock when Ye Ling opened her eyes. He glanced at Zhao Liying and saw that she was sleeping soundly. Ye Ling did not call her, changed her clothes and walked out alone.

Teacher He was talking to Wang Zhonglei below. Seeing Ye Ling come down and wonder: "Why did Xiaoye get up so early today? It's only 8:10!"

"The early bird catches the worm. It's a good thing that Xiaoye can get up so early!" Wang Zhonglei said with a smile.

Ye Ling sat down opposite the two of them, picked up a bottle of Deluxe, took a sip and said, "I don't agree with Mr. Wang's words. They say that the early bird catches the worm, but everyone knows that the early bird catches the worm." .”

“The early bird eats the early worm?”

Wang Zhonglei thought for a while and agreed: "Xiaoye is right, the early bird catches the worm, and the early bird catches the worm. This is really a difficult problem!"

"What a problem, Xiaoye is just making excuses for being lazy!" Teacher Huang said with a smile in the kitchen.

Ye Ling glanced into the kitchen and denied, "Teacher Huang, don't worry about whether I'm making excuses or not. Just tell me whether what I said is right or not!"

"Yes, everything you said is right!"

Teacher Huang walked out of the kitchen with the prepared breakfast. Seeing that there were only four of them, and there were four others who had not come down, he said, "Xiaoye, do you still know the traditional virtues of our country?"

"You three are all elders, and I am the only junior, so I, the junior, will go upstairs to call someone!" Ye Ling rolled his eyes, stood up, and walked up.

Looking at Ye Ling's back going up the stairs, Teacher Huang couldn't help but laugh and said, "You brat, how dare you roll your eyes at me even when I call you someone."

"Pengpeng, I'll give you five minutes to get up and wash up, then go down and eat."

"Chen He, breakfast is ready, I won't say more and you can take care of it yourself."

"Zifeng, go down and have breakfast first, and then go to bed after eating breakfast."

Ye Ling woke everyone up one by one, and finally returned to the room to wake up the sleepy Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying grabbed her messy hair, sat up, glanced at her phone and said, "It's only eight-twenty, why did Teacher Huang make breakfast so early today!"

Ye Ling looked at her messy hair and said with a smile: "I'll go out first. You should quickly change your clothes and wash up. It's time for Zifeng and the others to get up too!"

"All right!"

Zhao Liying rubbed her eyes, went down and locked the door, then took off her pajamas, put on casual clothes and walked out.

By the time everyone had breakfast together and put Ye Ling, Wang Zhonglei and Chen He into the car, it was already half past nine!

"Oh, I have wanted to drive Ye Gou away from the first day, and now I really have to leave, and I suddenly feel so reluctant to leave!"

"Forget it, Ye Gou is just leaving temporarily for two or three days. Don't talk nonsense to those upstairs."

"Ye Gou, come back soon, otherwise the word Ye Gou will not be on the barrage!"

"Yeah, if there is no word Ye Gou on the barrage, I will be very uncomfortable with it, so Ye Gou, we are waiting for you to come back."

"Ye Gou, come back soon!"


Sitting in the car, Ye Ling waved to Teacher Huang and others, looked at Zhao Liying next to her and asked, "Why are you here too!"

Zhao Liying yawned and said matter-of-factly: "I am your wife, so of course I have to come and see you off!"

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Ye Ling asked Zhao Liying to lie on his lap, stretched out his hand and pressed her head.

"It's so comfortable!" Zhao Liying squinted her eyes slightly and said with great enjoyment: "Ye Ling, why didn't you tell me earlier that you have such massage skills? If you massaged me every night before going to bed, then I would definitely have a good sleep every day. .”

Ye Ling said speechlessly: "Zhao Liying, can you stop daydreaming and press your buttons every night? Why don't you go to heaven!"


Zhao Liying smiled and suddenly said seriously: "How confident are you that you will go back to Kyoto with Xiao Wang for treatment?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling's hand that was massaging Zhao Liying paused for a moment, and a touch of confidence appeared in his eyes: "Ten points, as long as you give me a box of silver needles, then I dare to compete with the Lord of Hell for time!"


Speaking of silver needles, Ye Ling suddenly remembered something and said, "I bought a box of silver needles online a few days ago. It should arrive this afternoon. You can help me get it then!"

"OK, no problem!"

"It's still a while before we get to the airport, so go to sleep first!"

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