Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 47: Jiang Shuying’S Shock [First Update, Please Support]

Kangqiao Sunshine Community underground parking lot.

Jiang Shuying stopped the car, opened the door, went down and took Ye Ling's suitcase out of the trunk, and said, "We agreed, we have three rules: don't throw away snacks after eating them, keep my home clean, and be sure to flush when you go to the bathroom. , I hate people who don’t flush the toilet the most!”

"I also hate people who make rules for me."

Ye Ling reached out and took the suitcase and said, "But these three rules of yours are not unacceptable."

Jiang Shuying nodded, walked to the elevator and pressed the button: "It's acceptable, but I'm not as rich as Mimi and Liying and can afford to buy a villa. I can only buy a three-bedroom apartment in this community. Yiting, as long as you don’t feel aggrieved.”

"I've lived in basements before, and I'm still afraid of living in a three-bedroom apartment?" Ye Ling even laughed after saying this. She didn't understand what Jiang Shuying was thinking.

You must know that being able to live in three bedrooms and one living room in Kyoto is the dream of countless people, not to mention that in his previous life, let alone living in a basement, he even lived under a bridge for a month, so how could he dislike living in three bedrooms and one living room!


The elevator door opened, Jiang Shuying walked in and pressed the button for the twelfth floor.

Ye Ling glanced at the number of floors and nodded. The twelfth floor was quite an auspicious number.


Soon the elevator arrived at the twelfth floor. Jiang Shuying walked to door 1206, took out the key and opened the door: "Come in, I don't have men's slippers here, so there is no need to change your shoes!"

Ye Ling walked in with her luggage and took a look. It felt pretty good. The room was very clean and it looked like it should be cleaned regularly.

And the decoration also has a very simple and clear feeling.

There were calligraphy works hanging on the walls of the living room. Ye Ling took a quick glance, but nothing caught his eye.

"Paper, ink and pen?"

Ye Ling looked at the Four Treasures of the Study placed on the table in the living room, and suddenly became interested.

He initially drew three master-level skills from the system, namely master-level singing, master-level guitar, and master-level calligraphy.

He has already used the first two skills, but he has not used Master Calligraphy until now!

Thinking of this, Ye Ling let go of his suitcase and walked over, sat down on the sofa, looked at the inkstone he had just cleaned, poured a certain amount of water into it, then picked up the ink stick next to him and started grinding it for himself. ink.

Generally, when grinding ink, the ink should be pressed and pushed evenly in a certain direction, in a circular or oval shape from far to near, and grinded in circles. The ink and the inkstone pool should be kept vertical and should not be tilted at all to prevent ink particles from forming. fall off.

But when Ye Ling was grinding the ink, he didn't care at all and acted as he pleased. But strangely, the ink in the inkstone did not splash out at all, and no ink particles fell off the ink ingot.

After Jiang Shuying made the bed for Ye Ling in the second bedroom, he walked out and saw Ye Ling grinding, and said strangely: "Ye Ling, you don't do it like this. You have to be very attentive to grind ink, and your hands must be very sharp." of... of..."

As Jiang Shuying was speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth wide and froze in place. He just didn't know how to say the last sentence.

"What's so special?" Ye Ling asked as he put away the ink sticks.

Jiang Shuying stepped forward to look at the ink grinded by Ye Ling, and said strangely: "No, the ink I usually grind is not as dark and shiny as the ink you grind, and what's wrong with the ink you grind? Didn’t any ink droplets fall off?”

After speaking, Jiang Shuying picked up the ink ingot and looked at it again, and murmured: "This is the kind of ink ingot I bought!"

Ye Ling pushed Jiang Shuying aside and said, "Okay, help me carry my suitcase to my bedroom, and then take out all my clothes and iron them. As a reward, I can teach you how to grind ink."

Jiang Shuying heard this and quickly confirmed: "Okay, you said so!"

"Okay, let's go!"

After driving Jiang Shuying into the bedroom, Ye Ling reached out and touched the rice paper, carefully feeling its thickness and smoothness.

Then he picked up the brush next to him and wrote a few simple strokes on the back of his hand, feeling the texture of the brush. Then he took the brush to the rice paper and searched for the feeling in his heart.

After all this was done, Ye Ling straightened the bristles of the brush one by one, and then began to put it into the inkstone and dip it in the ink that had just been polished for a while.

After dipping the ink, Ye Ling was about to place the brush on the rice paper when he suddenly stopped.

He didn't even know what to write for a while.

From studying ink to now, he had done it on a whim. After suddenly seeing the Four Treasures of the Study, he wanted to try the master-level calligraphy drawn from the system, so he never thought about what he wanted from the beginning.

"How about writing a poem about my hometown!"

Ye Ling thought about it and picked up the brush and wrote vigorously on the rice paper: ""Bamboo and Stone"!"

"Author: Ye Ling!"

“Stay firm on the green hills and don’t let go, your roots are still in the broken rocks.”

"Still strong despite being struck hard by countless blows, no matter how strong the winds are, from east to west, from north to south."

After finishing writing, Ye Ling put down the brush in his hand and looked at one of his favorite poems in his previous life being born in this world from his own hands. He felt indescribably proud in his heart.

He had learned many ancient poems in his previous life, but "Bamboo and Stone" could be regarded as his favorite ancient poem, bar none.

"It's a pity that the Four Treasures of the Study here are too few to perfectly write the perseverance expressed in this ancient poem."

Ye Ling sighed, picked up the dried rice paper, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can at the door.

"Ye Ling, I'm sorry, I gave you one of your pants..."

As soon as Jiang Shuying came out apologetically, he saw Ye Ling crumpling the rice paper into a ball and throwing it into the trash can.

"You didn't write a word, did you?"

Jiang Shuying walked over in surprise, took out the crumpled rice paper from the trash can, and said with a smile: "You polish the ink so well, I want to see how the handwriting is, but don't be sorry for the good ink you polished." ah!"

As he spoke, Jiang Shuying spread out the rice paper in his hand, then walked to Ye Ling and put it on the table.

"Ye Ling, this...is this written by you?"

Jiang Shuying looked at Ye Ling's face in shock. She couldn't imagine that the man in front of her, who was in his twenties and had never even attended high school, could actually write such good handwriting.

At least in her opinion, Ye Ling's writing was better than that of the president of the calligraphy association.

"Have you finished reading? Throw it away for me when you're done!"

PC: I’m begging for rewards, flowers, and good votes! @! ! !

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