Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 52: Liu Yifei’S Birthday [Please Support Please Support Please Support]

Half an hour later, Ye Ling pulled out all the silver needles on the old man's body and said with a smile: "The effect is very good. Part of the toxins in the old man's body have been expelled. I will just do a few more acupuncture on the old man!"

Wang Zhongjun solemnly said: "Thank you!"

"Xiaoye, if you're polite, I won't say more. I promise you that your woman will never receive any unfair treatment in the entertainment industry in the future." Wang Zhonglei promised.

Hearing this, Ye Ling smiled and said, "Mr. Wang's words are enough!"

After speaking, Ye Ling looked at the old man again and said, "The old man has just woken up. Please stay with him for a while. I will take the first step!"

"I send you!"

This time Wang Zhonglei not only sent Ye Ling out of the hospital, but also personally put Ye Ling and Jiang Shuying into the car before leaving.

"Let's go home!" Ye Ling put on her seat belt and said.

Jiang Shuying blinked, her mind still a little dazed. She didn't expect Ye Ling to cure the person so quickly!

You know, when she was chatting with the nurse just now, she heard from the nurse that the hospital was preparing to issue a critical illness notice for the old man!

As a result, Ye Ling cured the patient in less than an hour. How brilliant is his medical skill!


Ye Ling waved her hand in front of Jiang Shuying's eyes and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Ye Ling, you are an alien, why are you so powerful? I admire you so much!" Jiang Shuying said and excitedly gave Ye Ling a warm embrace.

"Get off!"

Ye Ling pushed Jiang Shuying away, rolled his eyes and said, "I think you don't worship me, you worship me because I can make you go sideways in the entertainment industry!"

"Hehe, that's almost it!"

Jiang Shuying smiled, put on his seat belt and said, "Let's go home. I'll cook you a big meal and reward you properly."


Ye Ling looked at her, shook his head and said, "Let's forget it. Don't give me food poisoning as a reward!"

"Ye Ling, if you say that, then I have to cook this big dinner tonight!" Jiang Shuying said very stubbornly.

Although she does not know how to cook, she cannot be looked down upon like this!

Ye Ling: "..."

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!"

At this time, Jiang Shuying's cell phone suddenly rang.

Ye Ling took a look and said, "Your phone is ringing!"

Jiang Shuying glanced at the caller ID, suddenly stunned, and then slammed on the brakes to stop the car.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ling frowned. It was just a phone call. As for such a big reaction.

Fortunately, there were no people or cars on the small road. If we had taken the main road, there would have been a car accident like we did just now.

"Master, can you please stop talking?"

Jiang Shuying's eyes begged Ye Ling to stop talking, then picked up the phone and answered: "Yifei, I'm rushing to the airport now, I'll be there soon!"

"Yes, there's a traffic jam again. There's nothing we can do about it. It's like this in Kyoto, there's traffic jam every day."

"Here you are, Ye Ling is also beside me. We will pick you up together."

"Well, okay, bye!"

Jiang Shuying breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone: "Yifei is back and is waiting for us at the airport now!"

"So you forgot to pick her up at the airport?" Ye Ling was also drunk. She was indeed a good friend and a plastic bestie. She could forget such an important thing.

When Jiang Shuying heard this, he looked at Ye Ling resentfully and complained: "It's not all you. I originally wanted to pick her up at the airport this morning, but ended up following you to the hospital, shopping mall, and then the hospital again. All of a sudden I just forgot about it!"

"You'd better stop complaining. It's an hour's journey to the airport now. Don't you want her to wait for you for an hour like me?" Ye Ling reminded kindly.

Moreover, the distance he calculated is still without traffic jam. If there is a traffic jam, it may take two hours or even more.

While reversing the car, Jiang Shuying said nonchalantly: "It's okay, Yi Fei is used to it anyway!"


Ye Ling was speechless for a while. You often make people wait for you for an hour when writing a book!

Then when I come back, your so-called scratching of people and cars is nonsense!


Jiang Shuying suddenly remembered something and asked, "Today is Yifei's birthday. Are you ready for her birthday gift?"

"Liu Yifei's birthday is today?" Ye Ling was startled. He really didn't know that Liu Yifei's birthday was today!

Jiang Shuying glanced at him and said, "Ye Ling, don't say you don't know!"

Ye Ling shrugged and said, "I would like to know, but the key point is that no one has told me about this!"

Jiang Shuying: "..."

At 6:30 pm, after Ye Ling and Jiang Shuying arrived at the airport, they found Liu Yifei within a short time and picked her up in the car.

"Yifei, have you finished filming your movie?" Jiang Shuying asked while driving.

Liu Yifei shook her head and said: "No, the crew still has some outdoor scenes to shoot, but I will come back after finishing my scene!"

"Then you come back at the right time, today is your birthday!"

Jiang Shuying asked: "By the way, Yifei, how are you planning to celebrate your birthday today?"

Liu Yifei thought for a while and looked at Ye Ling and asked: "Ye Ling. Are my songs ready?"


Ye Ling nodded and said, "Do you want it tonight?"

"We need it tonight, and Shuying can help with the recording." Liu Yifei said and looked at Jiang Shuying.

She planned to use her birthday today to ask Ye Ling to sing the song for her, and then ask Jiang Shuying to videotape it and post it on Weibo.

This way her fans will have an explanation!

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying also said: "Ye Ling, please do my songs as quickly as possible. Fans have been urging me every day these days, and they also said that it can't be the same type as Liying and Reba."

"You two are ready. If you have time today, I will sing it for you two together!" Ye Ling suggested.



The two women rejected Ye Ling's proposal at the same time.

After saying that, the two girls looked at each other, both feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Ling was also very surprised. He didn't expect the two of them to have such a tacit understanding.

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