Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 57: Only Children Believe In Love [Updated On 310, Beg For First Decision]

After all, Liu Yifei couldn't stand Ye Ling and followed Ye Ling to the cinema.

Of course, the main reason was that the car was in the hands of Ye Ling. Ye Ling drove the car to the cinema. She had no choice but to buy the ticket, disguise herself and follow Ye Ling into the cinema.

The two of them sat at the back of the theater. After the lights dimmed at the beginning of the movie, they both took off their sunglasses and masks.

"What kind of movie is this!" Ye Ling couldn't help but frowned when he saw the scene of jumping off a cliff at the beginning of the movie.

Liu Yifei took a look at the movie ticket and explained: "'King Kong's Love' is a foreign blockbuster. I heard that many girls like to watch it recently. It is about the love between a gorilla and a human woman."

"Beauty and the Beast?"

Ye Ling raised his eyebrows, feeling a special sense of anticipation for this movie.

But when the anticipation gradually subsided, Ye Ling yawned out of boredom. He almost fell asleep watching this movie with an extremely boring plot!

That is to say, the special effects of this movie caught his attention, otherwise he might really fall asleep!

Compared with Ye Ling's lethargy, Liu Yifei watched it very enthusiastically, and even her emotions fluctuated with the plot of the movie.

"How could they do this? How could they break them up so cruelly?"

"These people are too abominable, even the heroine's parents can't do this!"

"Ye Ling, if you were that King Kong, what would you do?" Liu Yifei looked at Ye Ling with hope, wanting to know the answer she wanted to know from Ye Ling.

Ye Ling yawned and said casually: "If I were that King Kong, I would never fall in love with that heroine. The race is different, the language is different, and the aesthetics are even different. Maybe the heroine is just a person in King Kong's eyes. Ugly."

"Why do you say that!"

Liu Yifei said dissatisfied: "What if they are true love!"

"Only children believe in love, but I only believe in responsibility." Ye Ling shook his head, feeling suddenly regretful that he should not have brought Liu Yifei to the cinema.

Originally, he wanted to experience the feeling of love that he had never experienced in his previous life, so he brought Liu Yifei to the cinema. He even thought about the movie he wanted to watch, which was a science fiction war blockbuster.

Who would have thought that when Liu Yifei was buying tickets, she bought two tickets for this kind of love movie without saying a word, and it really made him sleepy after watching it.

In fact, it wasn't just Ye Ling who was bored. Almost half of the men who came with their girlfriends in this movie theater were bored. Only a few men could watch it with gusto.

"Then what am I your responsibility?" Liu Yifei looked at Ye Ling and muttered in a low voice.

Ye Ling didn't hear something clearly and asked, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing, let's watch a movie!"

Liu Yifei turned her attention to movies again.

Ye Ling was really bored, so he took out his phone and started playing.

Liu Yifei glanced at the bright light next to her, reached out and snatched away Ye Ling's mobile phone, and said dissatisfied: "You asked me to watch a movie with you [but you ended up with ten people playing with your mobile phone?"

"Okay, let's watch a movie!"

Ye Ling smiled helplessly, stretched out her hand and hugged Liu Yifei into her arms.

Liu Yifei frowned and struggled for a few times, but when she saw that she couldn't get away, thinking about the relationship between the two of them, it didn't seem to matter if they hugged each other, so she let him go!

The movie came to an end, King Kong was forced to die tragically, and the heroine also jumped off the cliff for King Kong.

"Why are these people so cold-blooded? Do they have to force King Kong to die tragically?"

"This heroine is so great. King Kong is already dead, yet she still jumps off a cliff for his body."

"How pitiful. Can't we just let the two of them live a good life on this small island?"

As Liu Yifei spoke, she took out a tissue and wiped her tears, feeling envious of the relationship between King Kong and the heroine.


Ye Ling gently lifted Liu Yifei's head.

Seeing the beauty in his arms shedding tears, Ye Ling's heart softened, she lowered her head and kissed her softly and said, "It's time to go, the lights will be turned on soon!"

Liu Yifei felt her lips soften, and she was stunned immediately, and her pretty face was slowly covered with red clouds.

Seeing this, Ye Ling smiled and picked up the sunglasses and put them on Liu Yifei, then put a mask on her, and then put on the same sunglasses and mask on herself.

"Let's go!"

Ye Ling stood up and took Liu Yifei's little hand and walked out.

Liu Yifei followed Ye Ling out of the cinema and suddenly stopped when she was about to get in the car.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ling turned around and asked.

"I...what are we doing!" Liu Yifei asked, lowering her head.

Ye Ling asked back: "You are my wife and I am your husband. What do you mean?"

Liu Yifei hesitated for a while, then suddenly raised her head and looked into Ye Ling's eyes and said, "Ye Ling, I want to hear you sing to me."


Ye Ling reached out and pinched Liu Yifei's pretty face and said dotingly: "Follow me!"

Liu Yifei was led by Ye Ling and ran out of the parking lot, then stopped on the street.

"Wait me a moment!"

After Ye Ling and Liu Yifei finished talking, they walked towards a man playing guitar and performing arts, took off his mask and sunglasses and said, "Hello, can I borrow your guitar and microphone for a while?"

"Are you a leaf dog?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Yifei, who was wearing sunglasses and a mask, and nodded generously: "Okay, no one will listen to me singing here anyway."


Ye Ling thanked him, took the guitar from the man, and played the intro to "Looking Up" to Liu Yifei.

"Every time I listen to the hesitant 940 movement, it brings back memories of the past.

"I love you so clearly and so firmly."

"I love you, you are so warm and brave."

"I don't care how sad I am, how scared I am, or what other people think.

"Love is a kind of faith that brings you to my side."

After Ye Ling finished singing one song, he watched Liu Yifei put down the guitar and said softly: "Yifei, I don't understand love, but I know responsibility, and you are my biggest responsibility in this life."

"Bah bang bang!"

The crowd that slowly gathered around because they heard Ye Ling's singing applauded warmly after hearing Ye Ling's words.

Liu Yifei also watched Ye Ling take off his sunglasses and mask, slowly walked over, hugged Ye Ling actively and said, "Ye Ling, thank you!"

"Just thank you?" Ye Ling asked with a smile.

Liu Yifei blushed and kissed Ye Ling proactively.




The passers-by who were watching around took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene.

After Ye Ling and Liu Yifei let go, they looked at the crowd around them and whispered: "Are you ready?"

"What are you preparing for?" Liu Yifei was a little confused.

"Ready... to run!"

After saying that, Ye Ling took Liu Yifei's little hand and rushed towards the weakest part of the crowd.

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