Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 60: I Have Five Wives [Updated On 610, Begging For Your First Decision]

"Ye Ling, the vegetables are all cut, but what about the fish?" Yang Mi looked at the fish still alive and kicking in the basin, feeling a little embarrassed.

It's okay if she eats fish, but if she kills fish, she really can't stand the strong fishy smell.

"Let me do it!"

Ye Ling squatted down to pick up the fish and put it on the chopping board. Then he rolled up his sleeves, took a kitchen knife and slashed the fish head with the back of the knife.

The fish kept flopping around, but died tragically under Ye Ling's knife after a while.

After that, Ye Ling picked up the kitchen knife and scaled the fish, removed its internal organs, and then made several incisions on the fish.

Zhao Liying walked to the window outside the kitchen at some point. Looking at Ye Ling's skillful appearance, she was surprised and said: "So you really know how to cook. I thought everything Shuying told me before was all made up!"

Ye Ling was stunned for a moment when he heard this, raised his head and asked, "What else did she say to you?"

Zhao Liying thought for a while and said: "I didn't say anything. I just said that the food you cooked is simply dark cuisine. From now on, no matter when and where, I will not be able to eat the food you cook, even if I starve to death."

Ye Ling's forehead was gradually covered with black lines.

Yang Mi next to her asked curiously: "Shu Ying really said that?"

"Yes!" Zhao Liying nodded.

"Whether what she said is true or not, everyone must eat all the food that I made today." Ye Ling said solemnly.


Zhao Liying:

"Why do I feel that what Ye Gou said is threatening?"

"What do you mean by Ye Gou? Is the food he cooks so bad?"

"I suddenly started to mourn for Damimi and the others."

"It's over. If something happens tonight, it's better to call an ambulance first!"

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Ling and several others worked together to prepare a large table of dishes, but no one dared to pick up chopsticks first as everyone gathered around the table.

"Everyone, please stop being polite and start eating!"

After Ye Ling finished speaking, he took the lead in picking up a piece of fish with chopsticks and took a bite, then swallowed it with the strong fishy and salty taste.

After all, it is a dish made by oneself, and I have to finish it even if I cry.

"I'm a little full from what I had at lunch today, so I won't eat more. I'll just drink some glutinous rice balls!"

Teacher Huang touched his belly and smiled, stood up and served himself a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

Seeing this, everyone else followed suit and soon filled their bowls with glutinous rice balls and soup. But as soon as they finished eating a mouthful of glutinous rice balls, they couldn't help but spit it out.

"What is this? It's salty and sweet. It tastes so weird!"

"Xiaoye, how do you make these glutinous rice balls? Why are they sweet on the outside but so salty on the inside?"

"Water, look at the water?"

Seeing everyone like this, Ye Ling frowned and served herself a glutinous rice ball to taste.


As soon as Ye Ling took it into her mouth, she spat it out and looked at Yang Mi subconsciously.

Although he hasn't cooked for a long time, so he can't control how much salt to add, but he is not stupid enough to add salt to sweet glutinous rice balls.

"Look what I'm doing, didn't you do this?" Yang Mi asked doubtfully.

Ye Ling said speechlessly: "I asked you to bring me the candy, did you turn it into salt for me?"

"Isn't it the white one in the innermost jar? You got it right!"

"That's salt not sugar!"

Teacher Huang looked at Ye Ling and Yang Mi and sighed deeply. What a weird family this family is. One of them puts salt in without knowing the importance of it, while the other ten use salt as sugar.

Zhao Liying also reached out to cover her little face, so embarrassing!

"Haha, look at Zhao Xiaogu's disgusted eyes. To be honest, I laughed!"

"Ye Gou's mood is shattered at the moment. Damn, what the hell did I marry? I don't even know the difference between sugar and salt."

"Da Mimi is also in a very bad mood at the moment. Damn, what the hell did I marry? I don't even know how much salt to put in."

"Zhao Xiaogu's mood is even more shattered at the moment. Damn, what on earth did our old Ye family do? How could there be such two people?

"Haha, I guess Ye Gou and his family will have to rely on small bones to cook in the future!"

Ye Ling glanced at everyone, reached out and put the soup basin aside and said with a smile: "Don't be stunned, I won't eat these glutinous rice balls. Everyone should eat more vegetables. Although this vegetable is a bit salty, it is quite fresh." "

"Well, it seems that the director team has something to discuss with me. I'll go over and take a look. You guys can eat!" Teacher Huang found an excuse and ran away first.

Seeing this, Teacher He quickly followed up and said, "Teacher Huang, I will go with you to take a look."

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, wait for me." Pengpeng also wanted to slip away.


Ye Ling looked at Pengpeng who had already stood up and was about to slip away, and ordered: "Sit down."

"Brother Ye, I'm really not hungry!" Pengpeng sat down with a grimace.

"It's okay. If you're not hungry, just eat less. Come on, try to eat some fish." Ye Ling smiled and brought a whole plate of fish to Pengpeng.



Pengpeng looked at the whole plate of fish in front of him, his face was full of tears and he didn't know how to eat it.

"Pengpeng, stop looking and eat quickly!"

"Okay...I'll eat it!"

"Good boy!"

Ye Ling looked at Pengpeng's obedient look and nodded, then brought other dishes to Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, and Zhang Zifeng respectively.

"Ye Ling, I have lost weight in the past two days, so I stopped eating!"

"Yes, yes, Mimi is right, I am also losing weight."

"Brother, I am learning from Sister Mi and Sister Liying, and I am also losing weight.

Ye Ling glanced at the three women lightly, and then said: "You can only have the strength to lose weight when you are full, so give it to me and eat it in big gulps. Don't leave any of today's food."


Zhang Zifeng looked at Ye Ling pitifully, his big eyes filled with mist, as if he would cry at any time.

Ye Ling's heart softened: "Zifeng, go to the director's team to find Teacher Huang. Ask Teacher Huang to find you something to eat in the director's team. Don't be hungry.

"Thank you bro!"

Zhang Zifeng's face lit up and he immediately stood up and ran out.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at Zhang Zifeng's leaving figure in confusion.

Is this okay?

Isn't it just acting? It's like no one can do it.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other, their eyes slowly filled with mist, then they looked at Ye Ling and shouted in unison: "Ye Ling~"

"Eat, eat big!" Ye Ling said calmly.




Yang Mi and Zhao Liying changed their names for Ye Ling several times, but it seemed to be of no use.

Okay, Ye Ling, you forced us to do this.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other, gritted their teeth and shouted at the same time: "Husband~"

Ye Ling looked at the two of them and smiled gently, then said coldly: "Eat!"

"Hey, Ye Ling, are you making a mistake? Are you trying to poison us two?"

"That's right, Zifeng, you let her go, why don't you let us go? We are your wives!"

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying both stood up very dissatisfied and glared at Ye Ling.

Ye Ling calmly took a sip of water and said: "Zifeng is my sister, and you are my wife. But I only have this one sister, and I will be gone if I poison her. But I have five wives. If I poison you two, there will be three others." There’s one!”

"So, sit down and eat for me, and eat the corpse in big mouthfuls!".

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