Chapter 65: Reba’s heirloom

"What should I do? Aren't you two my wives?" Ye Ling said, pretending to be confused.

He can only pretend to be confused, and let time take care of the rest!

There is a saying that goes well, time is the medicine to solve all problems, it makes all problems no longer problems.

And besides letting time solve it, he has no choice, otherwise he can't just let the harem be harmonious!

Don't be stupid, that's a privilege only the protagonist in the novel has.

"By the way, why did you suddenly come to Kyoto? Didn't Mimi say you were going back for half a month?" Ye Ling asked doubtfully.

"follow me!"

Reba glared at Ye Ling who was pretending to be confused, stood up and pulled him into his bedroom, and then took out a small wooden box from the suitcase.

"Here!" Reba handed the small wooden box in his hand to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling looked at the small wooden box handed to him by the hot bar and was stunned for a moment. He reached out to take it and took a good look at it.

With his sharp eyesight over the years, he could tell at a glance that this small wooden box was made of the finest golden nanmu, and there was a faint medicinal fragrance faintly revealed on this small wooden box!

"Ginseng, Topaz, Polygonum multiflorum......"

Ye Ling smelled the faint medicinal fragrance carefully, and after analyzing the ingredients of the medicinal fragrance, he suddenly remembered the ancestral golden needle that Reba had told him before.

Generally, there are three types of needles used in traditional Chinese medicine, namely steel needles, silver needles, and gold needles.

There are two types of unusual needles, one of which is wooden needles, and the last one is golden needles that have been nourished for many years with various tonics.

Although this kind of golden needle cannot revive human flesh and bones, it has been nourished by many precious tonics for many years, and it has a trace of medicinal properties. If used for acupuncture, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, this kind of golden needle is also regarded as a treasure by countless Chinese medicine practitioners.

"Reba, isn't this your family's ancestral golden needle?" Ye Ling looked at Rebar with eyes full of emotion.

He never expected that Reba would be so kind to him, even giving him the ancestral golden needle!


Reba nodded and said: "This was passed down from my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. It has been passed down for hundreds of years, but my father said that you can only keep this set of golden needles and pass them on." If it goes down, it cannot be used to perform acupuncture on people."

"Your father is right!" Ye Ling nodded.

If a set of golden needles had been preserved by countless precious medicinal materials for hundreds of years, it would be useless and could only be regarded as a kind of inheritance and could no longer be used!

Because the medicinal properties attached to it are too strong, if you randomly use this kind of golden needle to give people acupuncture, it will easily kill the person.

After all, most of the patients who need to be treated with this kind of golden needle are very weak.

This is the truth.

Ye Ling opened the small wooden box and looked at the golden needles lying quietly inside. He smelled the medicinal fragrance inside, and immediately felt relaxed and happy, and his whole body became much more energetic.

Afterwards, Ye Ling closed the small wooden box and handed it to Reba, smiling and saying: "I'll give it back to your father another day. The medicinal properties of the golden needles are too strong and can no longer be used!"

Reba looked at the small wooden box Ye Ling handed over, pushed it back and said, "I am the only daughter in my family, and you are my son-in-law. Sooner or later, this thing must be passed on to you.


Ye Ling did not refuse, nodded and said: "Then I will accept it, just keep it and pass it on to our children later." "


Reba looked at Ye Ling and hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Then how are you going to solve her problem?"

"Reba, who will call you stupid in the future? I absolutely disagree." Ye Ling squeezed Reba's delicate virginity speechlessly.

He seems to know why Reba suddenly returned to Kyoto, and even brought back the ancestral golden needle!

My feelings want to use this set of golden needles to tie him to my side and force Liu Yifei away!

Reba suddenly put his arms around Ye Ling's neck and said coquettishly: "I don't care, since you have accepted the golden needles inherited from my family, then you are mine. Since you are mine, then you have to Get rid of her."

Ye Ling thought for a while and suddenly laughed: "Well, let's play a game. If you win, I will listen to you. If you lose, how about you listen to me?"

"What game?"

"A game between husband and wife."

"What is that...ah, Ye Ling, why are you hugging me..."

"Mimi, Liying, should we go down and take a look? It's been so long, don't start fighting again!" Jiang Shuying sat on the bed and was worried.

Zhao Liying was also worried: "You should take a look [otherwise you won't feel at ease."


"Then let's go down and take a look!"

Yang Mi opened the door and took the two girls out.

But before they could look downstairs, they were attracted by a blushing scream from the next room!

"Hot bar room?"

Yang Mi frowned and peeked downstairs, only to find that no one was already in the living room downstairs.


Before Yang Mi finished speaking, Zhao Liying was heard saying in surprise: "I'll go, Jiang Shuying, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shuying walked to Reba's bedroom door, reached out and pushed open the unlocked door, took a look, and said in shock: "It seems to be Ye Ling and Reba inside."

Yang Mi was not curious about this. She already knew that Reba and Ye Ling had done everything they should do, but what she was curious about was where Liu Yifei had gone!


"Ye Ling and Reba were in the room, so Yi Fei couldn't have left in tears after being abandoned!" Zhao Liying boldly guessed.

Yang Mi thought about it and felt that it was very possible, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to find Liu Yifei's phone number and called her.

The phone was quickly connected, and Liu Yifei's voice came from inside: "Mimi, are you okay on the phone?"

Yang Mi hurriedly asked: "Yifei, where are you? Don't do anything stupid!"

"What a silly thing, I'm in my bedroom!" Liu Yifei said as she walked out with the phone.

"Yifei, are you okay?" Zhao Liying ran over and asked in concern.

"It's okay, what can happen to me?"

Liu Yifei shook her head, poked her head out and glanced downstairs, suddenly frowned and said, "Where are the two of them?"

Zhao Liying was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's time to talk about things. Yifei, come into the house with me. I have something to tell you."

"Yes, we also have something to tell you!" Yang Mi also pulled Jiang Shuying over.

"What's the matter? I'll call him first and talk about it first!"

As Liu Yifei spoke, she found Ye Ling's phone number and called it.

"Go inside and fight, let's go inside and fight again!"

"Yifei, let's go into the house first. I'll take a look at how the lighting in your bedroom is. If it's not good, I'll change Shuying's bedroom for you.


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