Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 70: The Battle Between Sisters And Sisters

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling and fell silent.

She likes Ye Ling, which she does not deny.

But just because she likes her, can she not marry or have children for the rest of her life?

After all, a woman is incomplete without her husband and children.

Ye Ling saw Zhao Liying's hesitation and stepped forward and said: "Perhaps, after I settle Yifei and Reba, I can become your husband, have a child with you, and give you a family. '

"Then you have to settle them as soon as possible, I can't wait for you too long!"

Zhao Liying stretched out her hand to straighten the pleats on Ye Ling's clothes, then turned and walked to the kitchen and said: "You are hungry, I will feed you.

Ye Ling followed and leaned against the kitchen door frame, looking at the busy Zhao Liying and smiling!

Every day, his wife and children are on the hot bed, and he can eat breakfast cooked by his wife when he wakes up. This is the life he dreamed of when he was dying in his previous life.

He didn't expect that he would lead such a life so quickly.

As for Liu Yifei and Reba, according to Ye Ling's estimation, it won't take long to settle them.


Ye Ling looked at Zhao Liying and suddenly remembered something, and said, "I'm going to take Yifei and Reba to the amusement park this afternoon. You can go too!"

Zhao Liying shook her head when she heard this and said: "No, I have to go back to the studio later. You three go!"

"Oh well!"

Ye Ling shrugged, not too disappointed.

For him, it would be best if Zhao Liying can go with him, but if he can't go, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there will be a long time in the future!


Zhao Liying put the prepared noodles into three bowls, then brought them to Ye Ling on a tray and said, "Hurry up and serve it to them both!"

"Then I'll go up!"

Ye Ling nodded, took the tray and walked up.

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Ling's back and sighed. She didn't know whether what she did was right or wrong. She only knew that she was captured by Ye Ling!

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Let's go back to the studio first!"

Zhao Liying shook her head, took off her apron and walked out.


Ye Ling came upstairs, holding the tray with one hand and opening the door with the other and walked in.

At this time, both Liu Yifei and Reba had put on their clothes and were sitting on the bed playing with their mobile phones, neither of them paying attention to the other.

"Yifei, warm it up and put your phone away. This is the noodles Liying specially made for you. Eat it while it's hot!" Ye Ling said, closing the door.

Hot Bar picked up a bowl of noodles and asked: "Hubby, what are Sister Liying and the others doing downstairs?"

"Mimi went to the company. Shuying said that the president of their calligraphy association was looking for her, so she went out early in the morning. Liying just said she was going to the studio [I don't know if she left yet]" Ye Ling was eating Face to face and understand the Tao.

Liu Yifei said in surprise: "Husband, we will go to the amusement park in the afternoon, and then stay at Hot Bar to look after the house.

Reba was unhappy when he heard this and said, "I'm not going to stay to look after the house. If I want to stay, you should be the one to stay."

"You are my sister, so you should stay and look after the family."

"You are my sister. It was obviously me who established the relationship with my husband first, so you should call me sister.

"But you are not older than me, so you are my sister."

Seeing that Liu Yifei and Hot Bar were having trouble again, Ye Ling not only didn't feel unhappy this time, but actually watched the excitement with relish.

Make a fuss, make a fuss all you want!

The more violent the quarrel is, the more it shows that you care about this sister's identity, and it means that you have acquiesced in each other's existence.

When Ye Ling thinks of this, even eating noodles feels more delicious!



Liu Yifei and Hot Bar had been arguing for a long time without any result. Finally, as if they had reached a consensus, they both turned to look at Ye Ling who was watching the excitement.

"Husband, who do you think is the younger sister and who is the older sister?" Liu Yifei and Reba asked at the same time.


"Well, in terms of first-come, first-served basis, Reba will definitely be the older sister, but in terms of age, Yifei will definitely be the older sister."

"But there's no need for you to fight. Why are you fighting over something you can't eat or drink?" Ye Ling said to Xi Ni with a smile.



Liu Yifei and Hot Bar both looked at Ye Ling dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, Buddha competes for a stick of incense and a breath of air.

If we don’t fight for the identity of these sisters now, it will be too late to fight again later!

Ye Ling looked at Liu Yifei and Reba and hesitated for a long time before making up his mind: "If Reba is younger, she can be her sister, but from now on, all the dirty work in our family will be done by Yifei, who is our sister!"

"Honey, you are great!"

Liu Yifei immediately became happy and hugged Ye Ling with love.

"Okay, you sister, hurry up and wash the dishes!" Ye Ling patted Liu Yifei's butt and said.

"As you command!"

Liu Yifei put the dishes and chopsticks on the tray with a smile on her face, and then walked out with the tray.


Reba wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction and snorted coldly.

It doesn’t matter that she is young, and her development is not younger than hers, so why should she be allowed to do it?

"Okay, being a younger sister also has the benefits of being a younger sister. I will definitely love you more in the future, and Yifei, as a younger sister, has to let you go." Ye Ling walked over and held Reba in his arms, comforting her.

Hot Bar curled his lips and said: "If she can let me, then let her stop hanging around in front of my eyes all day long, it's annoying!"


"Okay, I'll take you two to the amusement park later. Come on, make your husband smile."

"No, I won't make you laugh!"

"Smile or not, it's hot. Do you laugh or not?"

"Haha, hubby, please don't tickle me. Haha, stop tickling me..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Ling walked out of the hot bar holding the hand, and Liu Yifei also happened to walk out of the kitchen.

"Husband, shall we go to the amusement park now?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Well, go now!"

Ye Ling nodded and took down the painting he drew yesterday from the drawing board.

"Husband, what are you doing with this painting?" Reba asked doubtfully.

Ye Ling held the painting up to the sun, looked at it, and said with a smile, "I'm going to frame it and keep it well. After all, this is the first time our family of three collaborated on a painting together, so it's very memorable."

"It would be more memorable if there wasn't someone in the painting!" Reba muttered in a low voice.

Liu Yifei was standing next to Ye Ling. After hearing Reba's muttering, she frowned and said: "Reba, I am the elder sister now and you are the younger sister, you have to respect me.

"Isn't it because you are older than me that you can be a sister? Otherwise, do you think you can be a sister?"

"I am older than you, not older than you. And if you say that again, then I will be angry!"

"Husband, she is so violent, she actually wants to hit me."

"No, I don't have one!"

Ye Ling shook his head and walked out with the painting. It didn't matter how they made trouble, as long as they didn't fight, it would be fine. .

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