While Liu Yifei and Reba were riding the roller coaster again, Ye Ling also wandered around the amusement park.

"Bumper cars, pirate ships, haunted houses, Ferris wheels... Wait, Ferris wheels!"

Ye Ling looked at the Ferris wheel in front of him and stopped.

Something suddenly occurred to him!

It seems that until now, he has not given any gifts to Liu Yifei and Reba, let alone a token of love!

"System, open the system panel and open the Faith Mall.

After Ye Ling finished speaking, two light curtains that only he could see appeared in front of his eyes.

Belief system!

Host: Ye Ling

Age: 24 years old

Constitution: 16

Skills: Killing skills, photographic memory, master singing skills, master guitar skills, master medical skills, master calligraphy and painting skills

Kung Fu: Huang Di Nei Jing

Number of draws: 0

Faith value: 37,000/1,037,000

Faith Mall: Opened

"Is the faith worth just over 30,000 yuan?"

Ye Ling was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it became clear!

Now that the live broadcast of his longed-for life has ended, he has also returned to Kyoto. He has not been on the hot search in the past few days, and his exposure is completely incomparable to before.

And lack of exposure naturally means that no one knows about him15. Since no one else knows about him, let alone provide him with faith value!

The reason why he still has 30,000 faith points is because of the video of him singing to Liu Yisanye.

"Search for a token of love worth about 10,000, which is the most suitable for me to give as a gift." Ye Ling said while looking at the Faith Mall.

"Aurora's Love Ring of Light... Cupid's Heart..."

A total of more than 100 kinds of products were searched in the Faith Mall, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc.

And everything looks very noble, exquisite and rare...

Even from Ye Ling's point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

He had participated in an auction in his previous life. There was a dark blue drop-shaped necklace named Heart of the Ocean at the auction. The final transaction price was 100 million US dollars.

But in Ye Ling's opinion, although the ones searched in the Faith Mall are not necessarily better than the Heart of the Ocean, they are definitely not worse than the Heart of the Ocean.

However, what troubles him now is that he doesn't know which one to choose.

"The aurora symbolizes the brilliance of hope and love, and it's also a ring. How about this aurora love!"

Ye Ling thought for a while, and finally exchanged three pieces of Aurora Love in the Faith Mall for the price of 12,000 faith points.

There are some mysterious but beautiful little symbols engraved around the Aurora Love Ring, and it is inlaid with a pigeon-blood red heart-shaped gemstone.

The gems looked dazzling under the sunlight, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After Ye Ling noticed it, he put away the three Aurora Love coins in his hand with a calm smile, then turned off the system panel and the Faith Mall, and walked towards the roller coaster.


Liu Yifei and Reba had also gotten off the roller coaster for a while, and were about to call Ye Ling, but they didn’t expect Ye Ling to come back as soon as they took out their mobile phones!

"Yifei, come on, let me take you to ride the Ferris wheel!" Ye Ling walked up to the two girls and smiled.


After one sip of the hot bar, I agreed.

Liu Yifei didn't have any objections. Anyway, there was still one afternoon today, so there was no need to ride the merry-go-round right here.

Ye Ling, Liu Yifei and Reba waited under the Ferris wheel for less than a while before the Ferris wheel stopped.

The carriage door opened and the original tourists walked out. Ye Ling also took Liu Yifei and Reba and walked in with the other tourists.

The Ferris wheel started turning, not very fast.

Reba was lying on the window looking at the haunted house below. He suddenly became interested and said, "Honey, how about we go to the haunted house later."

"not good!"

Liu Yifei rejected the hot bar proposal, grabbed Ye Ling's big hand, and said pitifully: "Hubby, don't go to the haunted house, it's scary there, I was scared to tears last time!"

"Okay, then I won't go. I will take you to ride the merry-go-round later." Ye Ling pinched Liu Yifei's pretty face through the mask and smiled.


Hot Bar snorted in dissatisfaction, but said nothing more.

After all, we had agreed to ride the roller coaster first and then the merry-go-round. Now that we have played the roller coaster, it makes sense to ride the merry-go-round later.

Everyone else in the carriage looked at Ye Ling and the three with interest. Good guy, it is extremely rare for two women to call the same man husband!

Especially Ye Ling and the three of them are all wearing sunglasses and masks, which adds a strong sense of curiosity to people.

Ye Ling also noticed the curious looks from the people around him, but he didn't care. The way they were dressed now aroused people's curiosity wherever they went, so he was used to it!

As time passed, the Ferris wheel gradually rose to its highest level and stopped.

"It's so high, look, hubby, everyone on the ground looks like a little ant." Reba said excitedly, pulling Ye Ling along.

Liu Yifei also took Ye Ling's other hand and leaned on the window to look down.

"Yifei, please take off your sunglasses and masks!"

Ye Ling suddenly broke away from Liu Yifei and Reba's small hands, took a step back, and took off his sunglasses and mask.

"Why does this person look so familiar?"

"He seemed to be called Yifei Hereba just now. I remembered, he is Ye Gou!"

"If he is Ye Gou, then wouldn't the other two women be Liu Yifei and Re?"

After other people in the carriage recognized the three Ye Lings, some came up to ask for autographs, and some took out their mobile phones to take videos and post them on Weibo.

Liu Yifei and Reba looked at Ye Ling in confusion, wondering why he suddenly took off his sunglasses and mask, but they still took off his sunglasses and mask as Ye Ling said.

Ye Ling smiled and declined those who asked for autographs, then knelt down on one knee towards Liu Yifei and Reba, and took out two Aurora Love coins from his pocket.

The heart-shaped gemstone on Aurora Love reflects light and shadow similar to the aurora under the sunlight.

Everyone in the carriage was immediately attracted by the two Aurora Love.

Liu Yifei and Reba watched Ye Ling kneel down on one knee, and then looked at the Aurora Love in his hand. They covered their mouths in excitement and shed tears of happiness.

Although the two of them are already married to Ye Ling, Ye Ling has never said that he will buy them wedding rings or give them love tokens.

This has always made them uneasy.

Now at the highest point of the Ferris wheel, Ye Ling suddenly knelt down on one knee towards them and took out two such beautiful rings. How could he not make them excited!

"Yifei, please be warm. Although we are married, I don't want to say...

Ye Ling looked into the eyes of Liu Yifei and Reba and said seriously: "Will you marry me?"

"Marry him, marry him!"

"Marry him, marry him!"

"Marry him, marry him!"

The tourists in the carriage started to boo.

Liu Yifei and Reba wiped away their tears of joy and extended their right hands towards Ye Ling.

Ye Ling took two pieces of Aurora Love and put them on the ring fingers of Liu Yifei and Reba respectively. He smiled and said: "Yifei, Reba, take these two pieces of Aurora Love. From now on, you will be members of our old Ye family." Got it!".

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