"Let's just say it, how else can we explain it!" Ye Ling shrugged.

In fact, he was quite helpless. According to his original idea, he would first settle things with Liu Yifei and Reba, and then talk to them about Zhao Liying!

As a result, he did not expect that he had not reconciled Liu Yifei and Reba. Reba first left the villa because of filming, and then Liu Yifei also returned to her home because her mother returned to China.

Although this gave him some time alone with Zhao Liying, it also made his plan a mess.

"Say it directly?"

Yang Mi frowned and said: "Now Reba and Yifei are still making trouble because of you from time to time. When you add Li Ying to the mix, do you want her to be a punchline, or do you want her to get into trouble with them too?" , and then a world war?”

"Can you say something nice?" Ye Ling glared at her angrily, and the massage force on her hands was deliberately increased.


Yang Mi screamed in pain, stared at Ye Ling and said, "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, my hands were shaking because of what you said just now." Ye Ling said with a deliberate smile.

"Take this opportunity to take revenge on me!" Yang Mi glared at him and fell silent.

After a long while, Yang Mi glanced at Ye Ling and whispered: "Well...it was my fault for scratching you just now, I'm sorry!"

"What did you say?"

Ye Ling reached out and touched his ears, as if he didn't hear clearly and asked: "What did you just say? Say it again, I didn't hear clearly.


Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "If I give you some sunshine, you'll be brilliant; if I give you some color, you'll dare to open a dyeing workshop!"


Ye Ling grinned, pressed her big hand on Yang Miyu's foot hard, and asked with a smile: "Mimi, please say it again, I like to hear it."


"Ye Ling, do you think the water is hot enough?"

At this time, Jiang Shuying also walked out of the kitchen with a basin of boiling water and placed it in front of Yang Zuo.

Yang Mi glanced at the hot steam rising from the basin, and said in surprise: "Shu Ying, you brought such a hot basin of boiling water, you want to burn me to death~`!"

"Didn't Ye Ling say that he would soak your feet in boiling water and that it would be good for you!" Jiang Shuying decisively passed the blame to Ye Ling.

Yang Mi looked at the basin of boiling water, swallowed her saliva and said, "Ye Ling, you don't mean to be serious, do you? This is no joke."

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to soak now."

Ye Ling comforted him, took out the medical alcohol from the medicine box next to him, and poured it all into the boiling water.

"The smell of alcohol is so strong!" Jiang Shuying pinched her nose and couldn't help but wave her hand to slap away the pungent smell of alcohol in front of her.

Yang Mi also covered her nose and said: "Ye Ling, although heating water with alcohol can activate blood circulation and remove blood clots, there is no need to pour so much at once!"

"It's faster this way."

Ye Ling explained casually and then asked: "You don't have any wounds on your feet. If there are wounds, you will be stung later."

“See for yourself!”

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she raised her jade feet and almost didn't reach Ye Ling's face.

"Go away!" Ye Ling slapped Yang Mi's feet angrily.

He would not take the time to see if there were any wounds on Yang Mi's feet. Anyway, it would be best if there were no wounds. If there were any wounds, it would not be him who would be in pain, and it would have nothing to do with him.

"That's almost it!"

Ye Ling reached out to test the water temperature in the basin and said, "Let's get started. After the water cools down, it's almost ready!"

"Is this enough to call it almost enough?"

Yang Mi looked at the hot steam rising from the basin and wondered if Ye Ling said that on purpose and wanted to burn her.

"What are you thinking about? Put your feet in and soak them!"

Ye Ling glanced at Yang Mi, and seeing the hesitation on her face, he simply reached out and grabbed her feet and pressed them inside.

"Ah... it's so hot, so hot..." Yang Mi frowned and screamed, subconsciously wanting to pull her foot out, but Ye Ling pressed it firmly into the basin and couldn't move at all. No.


Yang Mi took another breath, glared at Ye Ling and said, "What are you doing? Let me take your feet out quickly. It's so hot."

"Is it really that hot?"

Jiang Shuying looked at Yang Mi's painful appearance and at Ye Ling's extremely calm posture. Curiously, she squatted down and tested the water temperature.

"So hot!"

Jiang Shuying quickly waved his hand, put it to his mouth and blew on it, and said with some worry: "Ye Ling, is this water too hot?"

"Will not!"

Ye Ling shook his head and said: "The human body's skin has a certain degree of heat resistance. If it exceeds this limit, the skin will be burned to pieces. But if it does not exceed this limit, it will slowly accept it and then become adaptable." .”

"Mimi, do you still feel as hot as before? Ye Ling looked at Yang Mi and asked.

Yang Mi felt it carefully and said: "." It's still very hot, but it's already within my acceptable range. I won't subconsciously want to take my feet out like before!"

"That's good!"

When Ye Ling heard what Yang Mi said, she nodded and took her hand out of the basin.

"Ye Ling, Mimi, Shuying, it's time to eat!"

At this moment, Zhao Liying simply cooked dinner and brought it out.

Because of Yang Mi, everyone did not go to the restaurant to eat, but simply ate around the table in the living room.

After the meal, Jiang Shuying helped Zhao Liying go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Ye Ling lay on the sofa and watched TV.

Yang Mi felt sleepy, yawned and said, "Ye Ling, it's getting late, please carry me back to my bedroom!"


Ye Ling handed the crutch beside him to Yang Mi and said: "The distance between upstairs and downstairs can be returned by yourself, and exercising like this will also help you lose weight. 11

(Zhao) Yang Mi grabbed the crutches and stabbed the bucket with a dark mind. Ye Ling said: "I am a patient and a wounded person now. Can I die if you carry me back to the bedroom?"

Ye Ling raised his hand to take away the crutch and said with a smile: "I can't die, but now that I have three wives, I feel it is necessary for me to keep a certain distance from other women except my wife!"

"I think you are just lazy and don't want to carry me back to the bedroom." Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Ling smiled and said: "The most important thing for a person is to be self-aware. You have done this very well, Mimi, and it is worth learning from you together."

Yang Mi was too lazy to pay attention to him and shouted directly towards the kitchen: "Liying, I'm going back to the bedroom to sleep. Please come over and help me."

"Isn't Ye Ling in the living room? Let him take you back!" Zhao Liying replied in the kitchen.

"Come on, Li Ying has agreed!" Yang Mi smiled and opened her arms to Ye Ling. .

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