Entertainment: I never eat free food

Chapter 173: Selling back in big volume, making money!

Song Jiongming nodded and looked at Liu Yueping.

"Xiao Liu, call Director Zhang from the Magic City Station."

"Okay, Songtai."

After a while, Secretary Liu came over with a young woman.

"Let me introduce you to Director Shen, Director Lu, and Director Liu. Today I have a TV series that is going to be sold to our station. You can go and watch it with us. If there is no problem, the price is reasonable. 뀪The price is a little higher, but if 뀪 is the case, buy an exclusive one, not an outsider.”

Shen Lang looked at Director Liu with a smile: "Hello, Director Liu."

Director Liu glanced at Song Jiongming and made it very clear. This is an iron-clad relationship, and this relationship is not an ordinary one.

"Okay, Director Shen, Director Lu, let's go take a look at the samples first. Have you brought the copies?"

Lu Yang nodded: "Bring them all here."

Director Liu nodded.

The three of them came to the film editing room.

Director Liu called two more TV evaluation experts.

The Temptation of Home begins to air.

BGM sounds.

The pain of being attached to the one you love, the hurt of being attached to the one you hate...the source of sin has begun! ! ! !

Two hours passed, Director Liu watched mesmerizedly, um, yes, she loved to watch this, the mistress, the scumbag, the bitch, seducing other people's husbands, the mother-in-law bullying Lin Pinru, the family looked down on Lin Pinru, um, she watched It makes her legs itch with hatred, she likes this at her age.

Director Liu was very satisfied after watching 4 episodes and brought his people to Song Jiongming's office.

"Song Tai, this drama is very good, it has the potential to be a big hit!!!" Director Liu said excitedly.

"Oh?" Song Jiongming raised his eyelids, he was just doing a favor, so he didn't think much about it. Looking at the excitement of his subordinates, did he encounter something good?

"So beautiful?"

Director Liu nodded: "Although the plot is not particularly novel, the actors acted very well, the lines are well written, and the theme song is very refreshing and refreshing. Although it is said that the mistress is on top, it is tough, but, the male protagonist Very different, scumbag, but clearly scumbag. Girl 1 is indeed good, and girl 2 is very good-looking. I can’t wait to chase them all. They are definitely suitable for the current 놇 market. To exaggerate, 놋 may be like 뀘 The face is worth the pearl.”

Song Jiongming raised his eyebrows: "Director Liu, are you really so good?"

"If you don't believe it, go and see."

Song Jiongming stood up and said, "Take me to have a look."

Nowadays, they attach great importance to it, and there is no reason why. In terms of domestic TV ratings, Mango Channel has always been the first, and it has been for many years. However, the means they used are very bad, first Qiong Yao and then Korean dramas.

My Fair Princess, Deep Rain, Dae Jang Geum, My Sassy Girl...these dramas are all imported from Wanwan and South Korea. To put it nicely, it means giving Mr. 땡 more entertainment life, but to put it badly, it means helping outsiders invade the domestic film and television and TV drama market, export foreign culture, engage in brokerage business, and suppress domestic TV stations.

Magic City, the economy of the country, Magic City Channel is one of the earliest TV stations in the country. It requires money, money, and people. This is it. For so many years, it has always been at the bottom of the ratings of various provincial channels. It has always been Song Jiongming's illness.

If it can be a phenomenal work, it can gain a lot of viewers. For the TV station, the ratings are life. This is no exaggeration.

Then after 2 hours, Song Jiongming 껩 took a look at the taste, and felt like it was delicious. I really wanted to have a bowl of rice and watch it while eating.

Although a grown-up man definitely shouldn’t watch this, Song Jiuming has always thought that the TV series he likes to watch are Ming Dynasty 1566, Zhenguan Long Song, etc., Yongzheng Dynasty, Kangxi Private Interview in Private, um, this before I never watch this kind of TV series.

Now, um, it smells so good! ! !

"It's not bad, it's not bad. But it's quite interesting."

Song Jiongming sent cigarettes to Shen Lang, and people from Lu Yang sent cigarettes, and people from 괗 quickly followed them.

"Xiao Shen, make a price."

Shen Lang's lips raised slightly: "Song Tai, tell me, give me a price."

Song Jiongming gave Director Liu a look.

Director Liu raised his lips slightly: "Director Shen, one episode worth 600,000 yuan will be broadcast exclusively, okay?"

"It's a little less, Director Liu. We spent 35 million on filming this scene."

Lu Yang was stunned when he heard this? ? ? Isn’t it 20 million? Senior brother? I also saved you 1.8 million.

Shen Lang saw Lu Yang's doubts and pinched Lu Yang secretly. No one can see it.

Song Jiongming smiled: "Then we will add another 50,000 yuan. For the first time we cooperate, 650,000 yuan will be broadcast exclusively. Later, I will give you a 150,000-yuan episode on 괗 Broadcast. By the way, I can also help you introduce 괗 Broadcast. The third broadcast will be on Star platform, how about it?”

Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Song Tai, happy cooperation."

Song Jiongming nodded: "Okay, I heard that you and Zheng Xiaolong still cooperate?"

Shen Lang nodded: "This is a project, but it's still early. We're still casting for it right now. I guess it won't be until next year at least until the filming is finished."

"Director Zheng's plays are very valuable. You can choose our Magic City Theater when the time comes. The price will definitely satisfy you."

"No problem, Song Tai, you are so happy to do business, I'm sure you won't fall into your trap."

Song Jiongming nodded: "Then sign the contract."

Shen Lang and Song Jiongming signed the contract.

650,000 exclusive broadcast rights for a total of 42 episodes, plus 150,000 for the second broadcast.

A total of 33.6 million yuan, after deducting the principal, a direct profit of 15.4 million yuan.

Song Jiongming arranged a big meal for him in the afternoon.

He also left a contact information. The auction will be broadcast on 2nd and 3rd in two days.

Shen Lang held the huge check and felt happy at this moment. He made money! ! !

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