Entertainment: I Never Tell Lies

Chapter 55: Scream Out Through Singing

Chapter 55

Yang Guoxiu was also a little surprised by Ye Xiao's whistle.

At this moment, the melodious prelude sounded.

A melody of whistles and rhythms.

Instantly rushed into everyone's heart.

Not "Rogue".

Ye Xiao didn't plan to sing rogue?

What is he going to sing?

All the viewers were stunned.

But most of the instructors present were professionals.

The difference between the prelude of Ye Xiao's song was immediately heard.

Xia Douling's beautiful eyes widened.

Could it be that Ye Xiao just wrote a new song?

Can't go wrong.

She had never heard the prelude to this song.

Must be a new song.

At this time, Ye Xiao on the stage was already immersed in the song.

This time, he used an intermediate version of the adaptive random song card.

So it comes with a 10-minute original singing effect.

The effect is still very human.

Only when Ye Xiao is activated will the time be counted.

And with the original singing blessing.

Ye Xiao suddenly had a deeper understanding of the song.

For a time, various experiences belonging to this body appeared in my mind.

A sense of enlightenment gradually rose in my heart.

Hold the microphone.

Ye Xiao started to sing.

"Wandering the streets and buildings."

"My heart is a horse and a hunting ground."

"The greatest vulnerability and confusion."

"But that's it."

"There is an impermanence in the sky."

"There are mountains outside the mountains and there are other places."

"I stumbled, but my heart still goes back to the old place."

Brand new genre.

The kind of sing-song whisper.

The low and magnetic voice echoed through the microphone throughout the studio.

Through the screen, straight into the hearts of all people.

Countless people were completely shocked at this moment.

Completely dumbfounded.

"The itch of being free from the city."

"I missed my beloved girl."

"Declare that ideal of the world."

"Nowhere to be found."

"Doing whatever you want is frivolity."

"It's sadness to be unpredictable."

"It was only later that maturity was used as a remedy."

At this moment, Ye Xiao was completely immersed in the music.

The orphanage in memory.

The kind old man stretched out his calloused palm and stroked his hair.

The cute younger siblings hugged his thighs and pestered him to play with them.

The warmth in his heart slowly lingered in Ye Xiao's heart.

The feeling of being out of place in this world.

At this moment, with his understanding.

Completely vanished.

Instead, Ye Xiao seemed to have lived his entire life.

He knew it belonged to the predecessor.

But it belongs to him now.

He is still the Ye Xiao who came through.

It's just that there is more concern and warmth in my heart.

Although it is a burden, it is an obligation as this body.

At this moment, the tune suddenly rose.

Ye Xiao held the microphone.

Bending down, he sang loudly with all his emotions.

"When all thought, said, wanted, loved."

"It's all in the heart."

"I can't fit in the suitcase, I want to go far away."

"What comes and goes, what is owed, is a kind of compliment."

"The wind blows the grass and sees melancholy, at least there is light when you look up."

Sing to the back.

Ye Xiao has gotten carried away.

Forget the people around you, forget this stage.

Even forgot the effect of the original singer possessed.

But put the most sincere situation into it.

this moment.

Countless people were deeply shocked by Ye Xiao's singing.

Although this song is not as hoarse as rock.

But in that suppressed cry.

The audience seemed to see a young man just entering the society.

In order to survive, face all kinds of abuse and accusations from the outside world.

Carefully put away your own principles and your own dreams.

No one understands him, no one cares about him.

Only he himself never dared to forget this original intention.

Whenever it is quiet at night.

Just now, he hid in the bed and took out the sincere heart that had not been completely corroded.

Pieces by piece to tell the pain in his heart.



"When all that is thought and said wants to be loved."

"It's all in the heart."

"I can't fit in the suitcase, I want to go far away."

"What comes and goes is a kind of compliment."

"The wind blows the grass and sees melancholy."

"At least there's still light when you look up."

A sound.

Everyone's heart also trembled.

The next second, Ye Xiao took a deep breath.

The sound progressed again.

"Pain the trouble, swallow it, admit it, forget it."

"Don't tell anyone else."

"Who hasn't lived up to a few, expensive times."

At this time, Xia Douling did not know when he had already stood up.

Covering his mouth with his hands, two lines of clear tears flowed uncontrollably.

She kept suppressing, not letting herself make a sound.

She didn't dare and couldn't interrupt Ye Xiao at the moment.

At this moment, this big boy on stage.

Every repressed cry.

They all hit her heart hard.

Her vision became cloudy.

His eyes were full of infinite pity for this big boy.

turn out to be.

It turned out that there were so many things hidden in his heart.

You Qi heard Ye Xiao shouting and singing that line.

Just swallow your troubles and admit it, and don't talk about it to others.

It made Xia Turing completely collapse.

At this moment, she finally understood why Ye Xiao had always been so taciturn.

I finally understood why Ye Xiao worked so hard to make money.

Even knowing that this is overdrafting his future.

He was still relentless.

in his heart.

There must be a bond that he cannot let go of.

Xia Douling squatted on the ground, covering his face with his hands.

Weeping silently.

At this time, Ye Xiao continued to sing.

"If the boy laughed and cried, he was tired."

"Said to go wandering."

"Leave the appearance of a big entry."

"Look at the daggers drawn by the years."

"There will always be someone who will be your far side."

When the last sentence is sung.

Ye Xiao stood there blankly.

Head down.

At this moment, the memory that was originally outside the soul was completely integrated into every inch of his body.

Ye Xiao felt, at this moment.

He had an indescribable joy.

The joy that came from the depths of his soul made his pores slightly open.

He was sure.

He is still him.

Not dominated by the memory of the predecessor.

The reason for accepting these memories is a kind of enlightenment.

At this moment, he is the unique Ye Xiao.

The last note ends.

The lights were still dim.

However, everyone tried their best to suppress their inner excitement.

For fear of disturbing the boy on stage if he made a sound.

At this moment, I don't know why.

Their hearts are very painful.

Looking at the dim figure, his eyes were full of pity.

Ye Xiao's appearance was something they had never seen before.

Regardless of his high spirits when he was popular.

It is still the silent acceptance when the black material is entangled.

Ye Xiao always felt out of place and rejected people thousands of miles away.

This is also why negative news began to appear on him.

One of the reasons why fans drop so fast.

Because he closed his heart.

Don't let anyone disturb him.

this moment.

Everyone remembered that Ye Xiao was only 23 years old this year.

Children from many normal families.

At this time, you should be enjoying a good time on campus.

Read books and talk about love.

No hassle, no worries.

Back home after vacation.

There will be warm greetings from parents.

There are hot meals.

But Ye Xiao is an orphan!

Everyone knew this when he debuted.

How strong does his heart have to be to endure so many rumors.

Don't say anything else.

Back then, when the three little Huadans rubbed off on her so much, they slandered him.

Everyone understands.

This is the pressure that the company behind him puts on him.

Don't let him speak.

Therefore, he did not say a word and silently endured.

Staring at everyone's misunderstandings and abuse.

Still struggling.

He was just an orphan, a child.

What can he do?

Everyone knows the fate of resistance.

This is the harsh reality.

It was reality that completely closed the heart of the boy in front of him.

Many people with weak hearts.

Tears were silently shed at this moment.

Suddenly, a figure rushed onto the stage unexpectedly.

He hugged Ye Xiao tightly.

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