Why should you warn her.

Are you afraid she will get married?

it's impossible

After packing up.

Yang Mi carried the phone to Lin Jing.

Lin Yi was already prepared.

So, (dafd) three

Proceed to the villa.

At this time, the group of children from the orphanage arrived early.

The whole villa is also very nicely furnished

All kinds of stickers are everywhere.

It's a bit like a marriage

The cat brother also came at this time.However, it still looks like Da Neng, but it is also a handsome bear.

When he saw Lin Yi coming, he was

A big red envelope passed.

"Lin Yi. The first time I saw you brought Daningmi here, I knew you had a story. It was not what I expected!"


Congratulations! '

Lin Yi pushed the red envelope back, saying:

Brother cat, you are out of this world. "

Brother Cat glared, "Lin Yi, what do you mean? Is it too little?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "Brother Cat. You know I'm not that kind of person."

Brother Cat pushed it back again, "Then you can put it away. It's a little careless."

Lin Yi thought for a while.I don't think I can hide from the cat.

He pulled the cat brother aside and whispered

Brother cat, it's actually just acting tonight.Not really married. "

Brother Cat's eyes are popping out, Lin Yi, you're not lying to me, are you? It's all like this, how can it still be acting?"

A look like you're making fun of me.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's really acting.

Next, he told Yang Mi that he was drunk and dragged him to collect the certificate.

I have been talking about what my mother suddenly killed today and let my grandma know.

That is to say.Between him and Yang Mi.

It was entirely because of the second misunderstanding that they were together.

I have not experienced normal wives' interactions or blind dates.

Brother Cat listened but said, "This is fate, L, otherwise, why didn't she pull others to get married. She has to pull you! Besides, if you are doing this now, if grandma finds out, will she be able to bear it?"

Brother Cat continued to persuade, "Lin Yi. Listen to brother-sound persuasion! Yang Mi is quite good in the entertainment industry. You hesitate. Is it because you like Liu Yifei?"

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, but he didn't really mean it, so he said. "No."

Brother Cat said, "Isn't that possible? Let's take advantage of Ling Wan to cook cooked rice with raw rice and act in a show! If you are inexperienced in this area, Brother Cat can teach you a few tricks."

Lin Yi,...".

Why do I feel that the more I listen, the more wrong it is.

Why did he agree to hold the wedding?

I was also moved by Mama Honey's words.

Although he doesn't act much.

But in the play, he was married to Zheng Shuang, Liu Yifei and Yang Mi respectively.

To such an outsider it seems sacred.

It also felt like it was just going through the motions.

How in the eyes of the cat brother, it has become a very serious matter.

Did he really do something wrong 2

But now this is the case.neither does he

Let's run away.

Brother Cat saw that Lin Yi was thinking. He thought he was.

Then he opened a browser on his phone.

Then click on the private collection URLs

Next.A scene that should be harmonious came into Lin Yi's eyes.

[Ding] I found the skill book "Husband and Wife Relationship Communication Manual", may I ask if you want to study 3

Lin Yi, 1.."

What the hell is the system doing?

Can something like this trigger skills?

This is clearly an x ​​video. , how did it become the "Husband and Wife Relationship Communication Handbook"?

However, this is not the first time he activated the system after watching the video.

When I read the strategy of the debt girl ghost on the Internet, I also activated it once.

It seems that as long as the system judges that it is useful knowledge for him, it will be excited.

Just when I was thinking about it.

Subconsciously, he pressed the study button.

[Ding'er host learns the "Husband and Wife Relationship Communication Manual" and acquires skills.Left of God

The Left Hand of God, Elementary 60/10.Your left hand has amazing skills.Contact with women can have magical effects.

Lin Yi

, ...... .

What skill is this?

He looked at his left hand. , It seems that there is no difference.

It's a pity that the cat brother is a man, otherwise you can touch him - give it a try.

Brother Cat sees Lin Yi's absent-mindedness

Thought he didn't like watching this.

Immediately switch to the next one.

[Ding L found the skill book "Gender Relationship Communication Manual", may I ask if you want to study 3

Lin Yi, _ ".One"

He wanted to say.Where the hell did you get so many strange things, bro?


and.watched so much.

Still single.

how to solve this 2

When you think about it like this

Lin Yi 'accidentally' pressed the confirm button again.

[Ding⊥The host learns the "Handbook of Sexual Relationship Flow"_gain experience, 500_

Left Hand of God, Intermediate 6450/50).Your left hand has magical skills, and encounters with women can have unexpected results.

Lin Yi,..."

The system is over, isn't it?

In this way, it is also possible to obtain

test value?

And it seems. This paragraph of experience value is really a lot.

Seeing Lin Yi, Brother Cat still looked absent-minded.

Can not help but turn off the video.

He said earnestly, "Lin Yi, I know these women are too sweet! But for learning skills, don't dislike the ugly teacher!"

Lin Yi: "-. I didn't."

Brother Cat, "Then I'll take it away and show you?"

Ben Yi, "...No need!"

Brother Cat, "Don't be shy, men understand."

Just after the cat

When you're ready to let go of the video.

Di Li Reba's voice is ringing

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