You can even play mahjong, okay?

It's too much of a pet for him.

And the primary gambling skills can get the cards he wants?

Isn't this the skill of the Gambler?

Lin Yi played fairly well in the first game and has been testing his skills.

Sa Beining typed:- while talking to Lin Yi about popular science.

And he was lucky.

Just didn't draw a few cards and B.touch yourself

"Looks like I'm in good luck."

Sa Beining said with a smile

The second round begins.

The system prompt sounded again.

[Ding L found a special item "Mahjong"

Do you want to study?]

[study. ]

-[Scare the host to learn <Mahjong> to gain experience, 10]

Gambling, Intermediate (0/520)

Er is gambling:. Mahjong gets advanced skills_Be able to choose the cards you want

This is slightly more advanced than drawing cards

Pick the cards you want, luckily they're not automatic


and.One hit only adds ten o'clock

It seems that it is impossible to advance to the senior level today

In the second game, Sa Beining won again

And in this Western game, he has a lot of cards, and the base is relatively large.

Two games to win more than [-].

Looks like another round.This meal will come back

Sa Beining's waist straightened in vain

At this time, Teacher Cai Ming finally came too late.

I saw that she was wearing a small back) below it was a short skirt.

Outer drape: a shawl a

Undoubtedly revealing her proud body.

It's hard to believe this is a man in his fifties.

The arrival of Cai Ming.

It made everyone stunned.

Zhang Guoli smiled and said, "Sister Cai, do you want to meet your lover?"

Cai Ming rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with you."

Posting Lindao, "Sister Cai. You don't have three hundred taels of silver here. You are usually not like this."

Cai Ming said, "Your Majesty, you can't slander people's innocence out of thin air. Don't I usually do this?

. "

Sa Beining said, "Don't talk so much _ Hurry up and we'll have dinner."

He's still waiting for the final call! Son "Every time I eat with you, there's nothing good about it. I'm not playing cards with you and sending you to dinner. What do you think of this kind of service?"

Posting Pro pouting.too lazy to tell him

Willing to gamble to lose.He still has this temperament.

If you default every time..Then isn't he as shameless as Sa Beining's escape? 3

They reshuffle.

Lin Yi has a certain feeling that he can control these cards

The combination.

Even if it wasn't the cards he drew, it was still within his grasp.

Is this the power of the system?

Sure enough, hanging up is doing whatever you want.

Lin Yi remained calm

The beginning is coming - a thirteen one.

And it's like listening to Thirteen Doors.

When Cai Ming saw Lin Yi's card.

Eyeballs are about to fall off.

If it weren't for the cards, Lin Yi didn't take the dice and he didn't play the cards.

She almost suspected that he was out!

"Red in ⊥" sprinkle

Bei Ning's hand in this hand is not bad, as long as he draws another card and comes back, he can draw.

"Wait," Cai Ming suddenly called out

"What? Sister Cai, don't worry. Just finish the game." Sa Beining thought that Cai Ming would not allow them to play.Can not help but say.Cai Ming said.

"It seems? You can look carefully, if you blow up Hu, you will lose money," Sa Beining said.

He doesn't believe that Lin Yi can really win cards

And it's only the a-th card.

This is bullshit.

That's shit!

He has to lose a lot of L



Chapter 244 Sa Beining, who is more wronged than Dou E [3, please subscribe! 】

Cai Ming really helped Lin Yi look carefully.

But this card is too big.

She was a little uncertain.

"Brother Ming, take a look." Cai Ming said.

Chen Zhiming also leaned over.

"Hurry up and draw the cards. How could it be possible to get the cards?" Sa Beining urged.

"It's really stupid. Thirteen." Chen Daoming said.

"What? L." Sa Beining was dumbfounded.

This is just the first card!

Just fooling?!

And thirteen?

Zhang Guoli was also interested, and said, "If you're stupid, just push it down and show us."

After Lin Yi confirmed with Chen Daoming.

The card was pushed down.

Sa Beining has good eyes

Just one glance and I knew Yilin Yihu.

And is it really thirteen?

Dihu L

This is to let out his blood once!

He suddenly had a dizzy urge to call an ambulance.

Zhang Guoli and Posting Lin were also collectively dumbfounded.

They are also suspicious

I got it wrong.

They play cards for so long.

Although I have also encountered the situation of Dihu.

But the thirteenth land is huh⊥

Is it less likely to be named?

However, the card that Lin Yi took just now was the one that Sa Beining shuffled.

The dice were also played by Sa Beining.

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