Might as well procrastinate.

Think of a way to really make a belly!

"You really don't? My little ancestor. You can't joke about this kind of thing!" said Mama Liu.

"I really don't! Mom, I dare not lie to you." Liu Yifei said.

"You dare not lie to me?" Liu's mother already believed Liu Yifei.

But when I heard this, I suddenly doubted

"Give your phone to Liu Qian. I'll tell her!" Liu's mother said strongly.

Liu Lifei

Knowing that the phone number is not given _ Mama Liu is absolutely uneasy and will definitely come over in person.

So Liu Yifei compared Liu Qian with the mouth shape of 'you have to speak well'.

Then I handed the phone to Liu Qiane

Liu Qian was staring right under Liu Yifei's eyes.

Even if she really wanted to report something to Mama Liu

I won't say it now

"Auntie, I'm Liu Qian." Liu Qian said.Pregnancy tests.No, still take Yi Fei to the hospital tomorrow morning.But only in your name to check.Do you know?" Liu's mother said

The hospital is crowded.

Even private hospitals.

It's also easy to expose.

Liu Yifei's fight has attracted so much attention.

In case it is rumored that Yifei Liu has a bad pregnancy

5.4 That got 2_

So, this time.The role of the tool person Liu Qian came into play.

It is impossible for Liu Qian to refuse Liu's mother's request.

Liu Qian replied. "Um."

Liu's mother continued to instruct u, "That's it, let me know after the test results. 2

Then, Liu's mother hung up the phone.

Liu Manfei looked at Liu Qian. and said, "I won't go to the hospital tomorrow, what should I do? You know?"

Liu Qian suddenly said in embarrassment, "Should I be pregnant or not?

Liu Yifei said, "How do I know if you are pregnant?"

Liu Qian, "..."

Isn't what Xiaoxiang is discussing now about your test results?

You say this. In case I get a pregnant one, Mama Liu won't have an explosion

However, it is inferred that Liu Yufei definitely does not want to see Liu's mother.

So she still

Check it out.


Chapter 261 Sleeping with Reba [5 more, please subscribe! 】

Chapter 261 Sleeping with Reba

Three in the morning.

Lin Yi officially finished work.

Liver for so many days in a row.

the entire crew.

Even the director feels a little tired

In one play, the folding bed is skillfully made.Lie directly on it.

I saw Lin Yi change into his costume.clean up the east

The director was stunned.

"Lin Yi. Are you planning to go back? 2_".

Lin Yi nodded:_"Is there any problem?"


Said, "You might as well just sleep here, you can sleep an extra hour, or you can endure it if you start work later."

Lin Yi said, "No problem."

The director envied, _ "It's nice to be young.

Because I know that Lin Yi will be filming very late recently.

Yang Mi deliberately left a car in Hengdian Lin Yi.

It also prevents him from getting a taxi when he goes back in the middle of the night.

After Lin Yi returned.

I saw no one on the sofa in the hall.

Couldn't help showing a happy smile.

It seems that Yang Mi is still quite obedient.

In order to avoid arguing with Yang Mi.

Lin Yi washed it in the shower on the first floor

Then he walked up lightly.

When it hits the door handle.

It was found that Yang Mi had locked the door.

This vigilance is okay.

But unlocking this kind of thing. Lin Yi is a professional.

Even 05 doesn't need any ding.

Lin Yi took a card and brushed it with a click.

The door was pushed open.

Because Yang Mi drew the curtains.


Take the whole room very dark

Even Lin Yi's eyesight could only see a hundred people sleeping on the bed.

But this A's sleeping position doesn't take up too much of the bed.

If not their beds are big enough.

Lin Yi might have nowhere to sleep.

Lin Yi was afraid of waking Yang Mi. 2 didn't help her get her sleeping position right.

Instead, he got on the bed lightly.

Just lay down.

A big foot rests on him.

It's a familiar feeling

But today this big

Feet seem lighter

Could it be that I didn't eat well yesterday and lost weight

It seems that Lin Yi will remind her tomorrow.It's alright, don't go to the class.

Lin Yi thought for a while, then fell asleep.

The next day.

Lin Yi woke up on time.

but.Suddenly he felt something was wrong

Because of the pressure on him.

It appears to have three feet.

Lin Yi turned around and glanced.

Immediately stunned.

I saw Di Li Reba sleeping beside him

And Yang Mi is sleeping


The two have one thing in common.

That is without clothes

Even if there is a quilt to cover it, it still can't block the spring light.

He could not help breaking out in a cold sweat.

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